WHAT? Obama Will NOT Seek Death Penalty Against Benghazi TERRORIST!


If ever there were cause to support and pursue the death penalty, it would be against a man designated by the United States government as a terrorist, and whom prosecutors accuse of leading the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

If not now, when? If not in the pursuit of justice for four dead Americans, then when?

Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Obama Justice Department have pulled the option off the table without so much as offering an explanation.

Via CNS News:

The Justice Department will not seek the death penalty against Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspected Libyan militant charged in the Benghazi attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, federal officials announced Tuesday.

The department revealed its decision, which pushes the case forward toward trial, in a brief court filing that offered no additional explanation.

In a separate statement, spokeswoman Emily Pierce said Attorney General Loretta Lynch made the decision after reviewing the case and consulting with federal prosecutors. She said the department is “committed to ensuring that the defendant is held accountable” for the 2012 attacks.

Abu Khattala’s attorneys, who have challenged the strength of the government’s evidence, had implored the Justice Department to remove the death penalty as a possibility should he ultimately be convicted of any capital crimes at trial. With that punishment now off the table, he would face a maximum sentence of life in prison if found guilty.

Khattala is the only person thus far captured or charged in the Benghazi terror attacks, despite well over 150 known perpetrators being involved.

On September 13th, 2012, President Obama declared, “Make no mistake, we will … bring to justice the killers who attacked our people [in Benghazi].”

Justice apparently doesn’t involve every form of punishment, it seems.

Want proof that you’re on the wrong side of the argument Ms. Lynch and Mr. Obama? When the attorney for the terrorist mastermind, the man the Washington Post has defined as the “ringleader” of the Benghazi attacks, says the following about your actions:

  • It was “the correct decision.”
  • It was “a courageous decision.”
  • “We are pleased.”

Only in an Obama-run prosecution can the lawyer for the terrorist walk away thinking, ‘hey man, great news.’

It’s clear the administration continues to view the four dead Americans as nothing more than “bumps in the road.”

No one is going to pay a price for what they did in Benghazi. Not for the attack, not for the cover up.

That is the Obama/Clinton legacy.

Comment: Do you think the Benghazi mastermind deserves the death penalty? Tell us your thoughts below.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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