On America’s Border Crisis, Dems ‘Stick to One, Maybe Two Notes — and They’re Always Off Key’

'The Ingraham Angle' says those on the Left know there's an illegal immigration emergency

By Kathryn Blackhurst | March 7, 2019

“Most” Democrats know there is indeed a crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, yet they “stick to one, maybe two notes” as they accuse President Donald Trump of racism — “and they’re always off key,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham said Wednesday night on “The Ingraham Angle.”

Trump declared a national emergency in February after Congress failed to muster enough votes to provide the wall funding necessary to secure the border.

But House Democrats voted last week to block Trump’s national emergency declaration. With at least four Republican senators planning to side with Democrats, the Senate is poised to vote along with the House in blocking the declaration.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen testified on Wednesday before the House Committee on Homeland Security. Ingraham noted that Nielsen exposed “the Dems’ big border lie” with facts and data.

“We face a crisis — a real, serious and sustained crisis at our borders,” Nielsen warned. “We have tens of thousands of illegal aliens arriving at our doorstep every month. We have drugs, criminals and violence spilling into our country every week. Illegal immigration is simply spiraling out of control.”

Nielsen also said immigration enforcement officials apprehended a stunning 76,000 illegal aliens at the border in February — a 30 percent increase from January. It also marked an 80 percent increase in apprehension when compared with February 2018.

And U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) is forecasting the problem will grow even worse this spring as the weather gets warmer.

“And this isn’t a national emergency?” Ingraham demanded. “Let’s face it — most Democrats know this is a crisis. The sheer volume of crossers is overwhelming our facilities. And liberals then blame Trump when a migrant doesn’t see a doctor immediately?”

“As with their embrace of infanticide and reparations, Medicare for All — Democrats have gone far, far Left on immigration. And now they are, in effect, for open borders,” Ingraham added. “Now the Democrats can’t play chords. They stick to one, maybe two notes and they’re always off-key.”

House Democrats expressed their outrage at Nielsen and the Trump administration during Wednesday’s hearings. In particular, they decried the “cages” used to hold illegal immigrant children in detention.

None of the Democrats, however, seemed particularly concerned when former President Barack Obama’s administration used these same enclosures to detain illegal immigrant children until they could be placed with sponsors.

“Now where was the Democrats’ outrage when Obama was using the same fencing facilities that liberal do-gooders now deplore and make a big deal about at a hearing to get on shows like this?” Ingraham asked.

Related: Immigration Is Under the White Hot Spotlight of Capitol Hill Hearings

“Well, instead of focusing on the surge at the border and the lack of facilities to house the people crossing the border, Democrats are throwing sand and throwing down the race card. That’s about all they know these days,” she continued.

Ultimately, Congress “needs to get its head out of the sand and stop this madness once and for all,” Ingraham demanded.

“The current system today — it’s obvious. Come on. Everybody knows this. Democrats know this — it incentivizes human trafficking, the abuse of kids and more illegal crossings, period,” Ingraham said.

Nielsen revealed during the hearing that immigration enforcement officials administer pregnancy tests to illegal immigrant children as young as 10 because of the rampant abuse they face on their treacherous journey toward the U.S.

“The sheer volume of crossers is overwhelming our facilities. And liberals then blame Trump when a migrant doesn’t see a doctor immediately?”

“Any Democrat or any Republican who refuses to act now are the ones who are truly lacking in the feeling and the compassion and the empathy — not only for the illegal immigrants, but for the American people they’re supposed to be representing,” Ingraham warned.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wis.) told Ingraham it is “fascinating that Democrats are trying to say, ‘We don’t want to put kids in cages and this is a racist play by the administration.'” They didn’t use this type of rhetoric when the Obama administration used the same or similar practices.

“But the bottom line is, I thought what Nielsen said was really important, that they’re giving pregnancy tests to girls as young as 10 years old because they know that women [and] young girls who come on that dangerous journey — they’re raped. They’re sexually assaulted. And they have to give pregnancy tests,” Duffy said.

“If you care about kids, set up a policy that doesn’t incentivize the cartels and the parents to bring kids on that dangerous journey where they’re sexually assaulted. If you care about kids, don’t bring them,” Duffy added.

Democratic lawmakers “absolutely” know there is a crisis at the border, Duffy claimed. “They had no complaint about Obama, but all of a sudden Trump uses the same facilities and they go after him for that,” he said.

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This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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