Obama Wipes Away U.S. Policy NOT to Negotiate With Terrorists

Barack 3

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that the U.S. government had let down the families of Americans held hostage by terrorists, and he outlined new policies that could make it easier for those families to pay ransom to help free their loved ones.

“These families have already suffered enough and they should never feel ignored or victimized by their own government,” Obama said as he detailed the results of a six-month review of U.S. hostage policy.

No Mr. President, as a government, we should not.

People that put themselves in these dangerous situations, fully knowing the risk, are on their own. Want the government to help? Ban any travel to these countries by American citizens.

Apparently the families are not concerned enough to keep them from going, but then it’s someone else’s responsibility when something bad happens.

And as I think about it more in-depth, I thought it was against the law to help finance terrorist groups? Now Obama is going to aid and abet that financing and do so with emotionally distressed Americans who are under duress? And what kind of income class war does this create when only the wealthy can even think about coming up with ransom?

Obama is certainly leaving behind a legacy that gets worse with each day he serves in office. I hope Jimmy Carter is thankful that Obama got two terms.

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H/T – Fox News Video

Wayne is a freelance writer who was named the 2015 American Conservative Union Blogger of the Year and awarded ... More about Wayne Dupree
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