Barack Obama Pushing Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to Run for President

Barack Obama had made it clear that he won’t go gentle into that good night. Rather, he’s raging against the dying of the light – the light being the life force behind the Democratic Party.

Unlike George W. Bush, Obama has no qualms about weighing in on current affairs. He doesn’t have the decency to know that his time in the political limelight is over.

So he actively tries to undermine President Trump. And now he and his team of advisers have been caught recruiting candidates to run against Trump in 2020.

Their preferred challenger: Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

Via Politico:

Obama strategist David Axelrod has had several conversations with Patrick about running, and eagerly rattles off the early primary map logic: small-town campaign experience from his 2006 gubernatorial run that will jibe perfectly with Iowa, neighbor-state advantage in New Hampshire and the immediate bloc of votes he’d have as an African-American heading into South Carolina.

Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s close adviser and friend, says that a President Patrick is what “my heart desires.”

David Simas, Obama’s political director in the White House and now the CEO of his foundation, used to be Patrick’s deputy chief of staff and remains perhaps his biggest fan on the planet.

Obama himself—who is personally close to Patrick, and counts him among the very small group of people whom he thinks has actual political talent—has privately encouraged him to think about it, among others.

So…that’s it? Gov. Patrick is a nobody when it comes to national politics. His biggest achievement in Massachusetts seems to be legalizing casinos. His tenure in office was plagued by mismanagement and the inability to get the legislature to pass his agenda.

But sure, run him for president. His lone credential seems to be that he was an Obama enthusiast during the campaign. That’s it.

If Democrats think an unexciting governor like Patrick has a chance of beating a dynamic guy like Trump, they have another thing coming.

Obama needs to stick to the sidelines instead of pushing one of his flacks to run for president.

What do you think about Obama pushing Patrick to run for governor? Tell us your thoughts below and share this story on Facebook and Twitter!

63 thoughts on “Barack Obama Pushing Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to Run for President”

  1. To see what the U.S. would be like under a President Deval , take the political,social,and economic makeup of Mass and apply it to the U.S. ( Mass. has banned heterosexual marriage and non-resident voting is being experimented with in a city in Mass.) On top of this, Obama would only put forth an Oprah-approved clone to reinstate everything the 115th congress is getting rid of. So it would be Obama Plus.

  2. And the people said, “Oh, Lord, give us a sign. Let us know if we should vote for this guy”. And the Lord shouted from above, ” You don’t listen to my signs. In 2007, just 6 years after muslims took down your towers in New York, you voted for a guy named Barrack HUSSEIN Obama. Perhaps you’ll get it if the guy’s name is Devil, er, Deval. Probably not. As a nation, half of you are not too bright.”

  3. Deval would not be a bad choice for Democrats. He’s intelligent, dignified, deeply Left-Liberal but still pragmatic, charming, presentable. He has one flaw, he is excruciatingly boring.

    Obama likes him because the team that led Obama to the White House led Patrick to the Statehouse just a couple years prior.

  4. Keep track of your predictions, and better start creating your excuses why the Republicans cannot deliver on any of them.
    Most likely, you will need an excuse why Trump pulls a Palin and doesn’t finish his first term.

  5. Remember, Trump choose to hire Anthony Scaramucci, Reince Priebus, Tom Price, Jeff Sessions, Michael Flynn, Mike Dubke, and Sean Spicer.

    Real great leader there. He knows how to pick qualified people.

    Maybe you should be more concerned with Trump’s choices to run the country, than Obama’s choices to pick up the pieces after Trump flushes America down the sewer.

    1. firing is what good CEOs do. If your standards are high people let you down and that means it is time to FIRE them. What he needs to do is get rid of all the obama holdovers, flush them. It was obama who flushed this country down the drain

      Watch mslsd much? LOL!

  6. We really should demand a time limit for political campaigns. Attention America just when we get the chance for a respite. After Obama ruined the past 8 years he has to get HIS candidate for president, The Muslim in Minn is not going to be happy about that, and neither is the white guy Democrat from Maryland. We have had to listen to Obama for the past nine years, and it has been same old! same old! same old! LIES,
    The HOLY QURAN/ the bible is bad. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

  7. Problem is, Democrats that sat home last time because of Hillary will NOT sit home this time. They can’t stand President Trump and will show up in droves just to beat him, regardless of WHO the Democrat candidate is. Plus, illegal aliens will show up like never before, bused in from who knows where, making sure they don’t lose all their ‘rights’ to stay on the dole and loaf their way to the good life here in what’s left of America. We need to make sure not a single registered Republican stays home because HE/SHE doesn’t like Trump. Doesn’t matter because no matter what, he is better for America than ANY Democrat socialist will ever be.

  8. why does not Obama just go away!!!!!! You can tell this man is so filled with worry and quilt he is going to go down with many one stays this involved and close to acting like he is still in charge without a reason..

  9. I have never heard of Deval Patrick, but in terms of productivity and efficiency, he sounds rather like a carbon copy of Obama. We don’t need another guy that nobody can figure out what he did for 4 or 8 yrs! Hey you can’t count the 8 possibility out….. after all, Obama got a second term pretty easily! And we are all STILL wondering WHY???? Sort of a “once you let them inside”…. and a you can’t seem to get RID of them!! Why does Obama get to pick a candidate to run anyway. He’s not a political party, or even a PAC. Why would Americans want anyone to do with anything he parades out there to convince us they’re wonderful? And then, their wonderfulness turns out to be just like HIM???? NO THANKS!!

  10. Yup, start early, begin by hiding birth certificates, college admissions/transcript records, ….. any evidence of Russian collusion…..servers, ….

    1. Cannot even imagine what prompted this choice from the worst president this country has ever experienced. Maybe he’s interested in starting another race war like we had back in the 60’s.

  11. I don’t care who challenges Trump there is no shot in hell anyone has a chance at even being competitive with him let alone win.

    He’s proving to be the greatest Pres of all time , he has completely turned around the country in a mere 5 months .

  12. Wouldn’t it be great if barry would just go away…on his own. Bring on one of your puppets, barry. That will assure D Trump is reelected. In fact the party of hatred, violence, and stupidity is assuring its own demise in 2018 and 2020.

    1. How can we detect the difference between “being Punked” and reality when DeamonCrats never seem to want to deal with reality in a sane manner. They EXAGERATE, LIE and DECEIVE in everything they can, just to get to the top of the heap. They don’t know how to just “Deal with the issues”.

  13. Obama doesn’t have the authority to nominate anyone for President. This clown is just that, a clown, and thinks his word is worth something. Obama’s legacy is this, thanks to him, there will never be another black American in the White House. We’ve had enough with traitors.

  14. Obama is just testing the waters….. Throwing out Governor Deval Patrick’s name to see what kind of mood is in the country now. If President Trump cleans up the swamp… sewer rats will not be able to survive in the old stomping grounds. ;)

  15. Obummer needs to back off but I don’t expect the self-important, arrogant, muslim madman to do that.
    However, I am seriously thinking that someone, somewhere is working on a plan to give him the very best of the 2nd amendment. Isn’t that how ‘Murica works?

  16. What?? Obama wants a white guy and not a mulatto muslim? How the country can keep looking at what this ex president wants, who never should have been in Washington,is beyond me. He keeps slithering around in his multi-million dollar mansion in Washington scheming how to keep Trump from actually doing what the people elected him to do. I would have loved to hear him being taken out years ago and if not then, in the future.

  17. Good luck with that one, “batthouse”. After EIGHT YEARS of your “‘post racial’ presidency” I doubt God Himself if he were black could get elected. You set race relations back almost 175 years! Thanks a lot, moron!

  18. Dave In Arizona

    “Barack Obama Pushing Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to Run for President”

    Wow, Obama sure can pick the losers. Hillary and now Deval. Keep up the good work, Barack.

  19. Considering the Obamarama Circus and other Clowns, picking a black candidate ( Obama is arab,
    not black) like Patrick is interesting.
    With Obummer’s felony pardons, surprising that he didn’t sponsor one of the felons…how ’bout
    Rev. Jesse…or Rev. Al… for pres. ?
    They, at least, are the incompetents that are well recognized.

  20. None of these posts cast the Republican party in a very flattering light. Obama is gone and has stayed remarkably quiet, all things considered. Get over Obama, get over Hillary and GOVERN FFS!!

  21. In 2020 the economy will be humming along, illegals will no longer be coming to this country, the debt will be lowered by billions, the trade deficit will be balanced, unemployment will be the lowest in history, and the US will be once again be the most admired country on the planet primarily because we will have a real military once again. The democrats could run Jesus Christ and Trump will win by a landslide. By that time I expect that Buckwheat will be have already been indicted for breaking numerous federal laws while in the white house.

  22. So Mr Obama will not leave the scene of his crime. He continues to be an arrogant unsuccessful ex President and will continue his agenda to ruin this great country. All he will accomplish is destroying any legacy he thinks he might have. He’s disappointing more so now than he was when he held the office. His arrogance is only exceeded by his incompetence.

  23. If Obozo supports Patrick, we definitely don’t want him in the Whitehouse! We will just have another criminal, liberal democrat trying to ruin America as Obozo did!!

  24. While Mr. Patrick is to be admired for his success running and winning the MA governorship, who wants to live in a state famed for high taxes. Like CA, many MA residents flee to neighboring New Hampshire to escape, but unfortunately, continue to vote for the same kind of politicians that drove them out to begin with. He is a tax and spend Democrat and MA is not any better off. Other than some good colleges, a good location, and beautiful geography, the state is a great place to visit, not live (I lived there 4 years). We don’t need an Obama clone or anyone even remotely similar. Mr. Obama’s Presidency was a disaster for America and the only great thing to say about it is that we showed that a black man can win even the highest office, which flies in the face of all those who think this is still a racist country. We do have racists, but they come in all shades and sexes. We have sexists, but they are male and female. The Dems will assure a Trump re-election with someone like Mr. Patrick.


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