Barack Obama Pushing Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick to Run for President

Barack Obama had made it clear that he won’t go gentle into that good night. Rather, he’s raging against the dying of the light – the light being the life force behind the Democratic Party.

Unlike George W. Bush, Obama has no qualms about weighing in on current affairs. He doesn’t have the decency to know that his time in the political limelight is over.

So he actively tries to undermine President Trump. And now he and his team of advisers have been caught recruiting candidates to run against Trump in 2020.

Their preferred challenger: Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick.

Via Politico:

Obama strategist David Axelrod has had several conversations with Patrick about running, and eagerly rattles off the early primary map logic: small-town campaign experience from his 2006 gubernatorial run that will jibe perfectly with Iowa, neighbor-state advantage in New Hampshire and the immediate bloc of votes he’d have as an African-American heading into South Carolina.

Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s close adviser and friend, says that a President Patrick is what “my heart desires.”

David Simas, Obama’s political director in the White House and now the CEO of his foundation, used to be Patrick’s deputy chief of staff and remains perhaps his biggest fan on the planet.

Obama himself—who is personally close to Patrick, and counts him among the very small group of people whom he thinks has actual political talent—has privately encouraged him to think about it, among others.

So…that’s it? Gov. Patrick is a nobody when it comes to national politics. His biggest achievement in Massachusetts seems to be legalizing casinos. His tenure in office was plagued by mismanagement and the inability to get the legislature to pass his agenda.

But sure, run him for president. His lone credential seems to be that he was an Obama enthusiast during the campaign. That’s it.

If Democrats think an unexciting governor like Patrick has a chance of beating a dynamic guy like Trump, they have another thing coming.

Obama needs to stick to the sidelines instead of pushing one of his flacks to run for president.

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Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim ... More about Jim E
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