Political Cartoon Reveals Obama’s Post-Election Strategy

Obama cartoon

Ever since President-elect Donald J. Trump’s historic victory over Hillary Clinton in the presidential election, Democrats – specifically Barack Obama – have been debating what their post-election strategy should be.

Liberals across the country have been desperately trying to figure out why they lost the election, and have been desperately trying to blame anything other than Hillary Clinton for their defeat.

Well, cartoonist A.F. Branco has revealed what Obama’s post-election strategies are.

Option one: take responsibility for Hillary’s loss.

Option two: blame Russia to cover-up for the Democrat Party’s failure.

Rather than take responsibility, Branco believes Obama has chosen option two, and is blaming Russia for Hillary’s November loss. A clear demonstration that Democrats are unable to accept reality.

Obama cartoon

H/T: Comically Incorrect

Do you agree that Democrats, including Obama, are blaming Russia for Hillary’s loss as a way of deflecting away from Hillary’s many flaws as a candidate? Share your thoughts below! 

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