NBC Reporter Rushes To Defend Biden After He Appeared To Fall Asleep At The U.N.

NBC Reporter Dismisses Biden's Seeming Nap, Blames It On 'Busy Schedule' 

On Monday, many commentators claimed that President Joe Biden appeared to be napping during the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Video shows Biden in a relaxed position, repeatedly closing his eyes.

As has come to be expected, an NBC News reporter rushed to his defense to explain what was “really” happening in the viral video.


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The Vanguard Media Defends Biden

It was observed that after Biden called climate change the “greatest threat” to America’s national security at the conference, the president appeared to be dozing off. 

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell spoke with NBC News senior White House reporter Kelly O’Donnell about Biden’s seeming sleepiness. 

O’Donnell said, “He was seen on camera with his eyes closed, it appears that perhaps he was dozing.”

“In these settings, cameras are all around,” O’Donnell claimed. “The camera caught President Biden, who turns 79 later this month, with his eyes closed for a period of time, and you’re right, these can be embarrassing situations.”

“A moment like that in a session, can be a political obstacle,” O’Donnell added.

O’Donnell did her best to defend Biden.

“It is also true that the hours are long, the time differences are real and the president has kept a rigorous schedule over several days, having lots of meetings, appearances and speeches,” she said.

“And, quite a late night last night.”

Fox News noted, “Former President Donald Trump has long referred to his political rival as ‘Sleepy Joe’ and Monday’s video presumably won’t help make that nickname go away anytime soon.”


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O’Donnell: Biden Has A ‘Busy Schedule’

O’Donnell wasn’t done taking up for Biden yet.

“But that’s one of those things that will certainly be captured, criticized by some and noted by others,” O’Donnell said.

“When you’re the leader of the free world, whenever you’re in public, those moments are seen and scrutinized regardless of all of the circumstances.”

O’Donnell had one final thought as the segment ended.

“He flew this morning from Italy to Scotland and has a busy schedule,” O’Donnell said. 

Not The Worst Defense Of Biden

While O’Donnell carried water for Biden, the fact-checking site Snopes went overboard. 

The site claims that it’s “unproven” that Biden fell asleep because he may have been closing his eyes “for other reasons.”

Screenshot, snopes.com


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