The Grinch has apparently been put in charge of the Ranch Maintenance Agreement Board, a local property association in Oceanside, California, that allegedly tore down a church’s nativity scene, leaving it in ruins following a dispute over property lines.
Pastor Mike Openshaw heads Lighthouse Christian Church in Oceanside, and told NBC that the president of the property association’s board personally tore down the nativity scene, leaving it in a pile in front of the church after they received a number of contradicting emails from the board.
“I raced up here and he was already gone, and I found the Nativity scene behind the monument in a jumble all disconnected and no one was here. He had come and gone quickly.” Openshaw and other congregants held a public demonstration in front of their church following Sunday service in protest, claiming that their religious liberty had been violated. “This is Christmas time – to put up a Nativity is common. It’s normal,” Openshaw said.
No kidding.
December 3, 2017 – LCC protest over the removal and destruction of our Nativity Scene. Today went very nicely with lots…
Posted by Lighthouse Christian Church of Oceanside on Sunday, December 3, 2017
According to the Daily Caller, “The trouble with the nativity scene began in October when members of the church set it up to cover up their church sign, or monument, after a pick up truck crashed into it. Openshaw said the church filed an insurance claim, but that the property association board claimed the church had to repair the sign since it was on church property. The property association has since reversed their claim, according to Openshaw, saying that the property actually belongs to the board.”
More from the report: ‘”It’s sad as an example to our youth,’ he said. ‘It’s sad as an example to our citizens that there’s a way to disagree and there’s a way to problem solve and that’s not it,’ Openshaw said. Openshaw reached out to city officials concerning the dispute and is currently waiting for them to officially identify the property line.”
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