Nancy Pelosi Wants 16-Year-Olds To Vote, But Kamala Harris Says Young People Are Morons

Nancy Pelosi Wants 16-Year-Olds To Vote, But Kamala Harris Says Young People Are Morons

As the Democrat-leaning media promoted the idea on Tuesday that Kamala Harris could help motivate young voters to support Joe Biden in November, a speech she gave in 2014 might make that more difficult.

Addressing the Ford Foundation as then-California Attorney General six years ago, Harris said most young people are “stupid.”

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Harris: ‘What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid’

Discussing drug offenders in the criminal justice system when she worked as a district attorney San Francisco District Attorney, Harris said, “What’s the other thing we know about this population? And it’s a specific phase of life. And remember, age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid.”

The audience laughed.

“That is why we put them in dormitories, and they have a resident assistant,” Harris continued. “They make really bad decisions.”

Pelosi and majority of House Democrats want to lower voting age to 16

While this may cause a problem with Harris, Biden and young voters, it could also cause potential friction with a top Democrat – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Last year, Nancy Pelosi said she backed letting 16-year-olds vote.

“I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16,” Pelosi said in March of 2019. “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school, when they’re interested in all of this, when they’re learning about government, to be able to vote.”

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Will anyone bring up the major chasm between Harris and Pelosi on this issue?

In 2019, a majority of House Democrats even voted to allow 16-year-olds to participate in elections, including prominent party names.

So Pelosi and a majority of Democrats are advocating for young Americans to vote at an age where their vice presidential nominee clearly thinks they are “stupid” and incapable of good judgement.

Will this ever be brought up to Nancy Pelosi? Will it be put before Kamala Harris? Will any debate moderator bring it up?

Don’t hold your breath.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He... More about John Hanson

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