Nancy Pelosi Announces Democrat Plan to Go After Trump’s Tax Returns

During her weekly press conference, Nancy Pelosi announced a plan for congressional Democrats to target President Trump’s tax returns.

Pelosi promises action on Trump tax returns

Democrats are set to take power in January, taking over the House of Representatives and, essentially, grinding all congressional work to a halt. There are rumors floating around Capitol Hill that Democrats will immediately push for impeaching the President with what little power they hold in the House. (RELATED: Nadler Floats Impeachment, Says New Mueller Revelations Could Justify Removing Trump.)

Pelosi is feeling empowered and she let her confidence show by announcing the Democrats’ first target upon taking power: Trump’s tax returns. Here’s what she said:

Yes, there is popular demand for the Congress to request the president’s tax returns. [Ways and Means] will have their path as we go forward. I’m sure the White House will resist, and so the question is, where do we go from there?

Here is the video:

Nancy’s gambit

Pelosi is taking a big risk here, dedicating congressional resources to obtaining Trump’s tax returns. She’s assuming she’ll find something. Last we checked, the last publicly available copy of Trump’s returns showed absolutely no wrongdoing. (RELATED: Rachel Maddow’s Ratings Tank After Trump Taxes Flub.)

Pelosi is right in assuming the tax returns will be tough to obtain. The IRS currently has them locked in a vault. (RELATED: IRS Creates New Vault to Hold President Trump’s Tax Returns.) The White House is going to fight tooth and nail to keep them in the dark as well. At best, we can expect a long, drawn-out court fight over the release of the documents.

Other legal threats to Trump

Pelosi’s promise to seek Trump’s tax returns isn’t the only legal conundrum Trump will face in the near future. Yesterday, the New York attorney general announced her office will be looking into the finances of the Trump Organization. (RELATED: Incoming New York Attorney General Letitia James Pledges to Go After Trump.) Additionally, the National Enquirer is now in legal hot water over covering up salacious news about the President. (RELATED: National Enquirer Parent Company Settled With Feds Over Payment To Alleged Trump Mistress.)

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Trump is facing a lot of pending legal danger. Let’s hope his White House legal team is up to the task of defending him from all sides.

100 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Announces Democrat Plan to Go After Trump’s Tax Returns”

  1. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of this cat and mouse game that our elected representatives are putting us through. All is does is divide this country more and cost taxpayers money to pay for these “investigations”, money that could go to the betterment of the people. Yet we have two political parties that spend more time and money trying one-up-manship on one another. Maybe it is time we fire the lot of them and start over. The question in my mind is, when are you guys and gals going to stop the infighting and do the job you were hired to do? You say that by spending millions of taxpayers dollars in “investigations” you are doing your best for me, but somehow I don’t see it that way, and I think a lot of people would agree with me.

  2. The President is under NO obligation or penalty of law to release any of his tax returns, He should fight this witch at every turn…basically tell her to stick up her nose…or an other bodily orifice that she might prefer.

  3. Give it up Pelosi, leave Congress, go live in your multi-million $$ mansion you bought with backroom deals, lobbyists etc… You no longer are an effective member of Congress all you do is obstruct.

  4. $21 trillion in debt and we have a Democratic Congress that wants to waste what time and money it has available to it. What a mammoth waste of time and energy when we have so many pressing issues at hand. I’ll bet the money wasted on Democrats hiding information (Obama’s records, release of documents etc.) could have built the wall. Why couldn’t they start with an issue that we could all agree on like infrastructure improvements? No, they had to start with another “Nation dividing” topic that is none of their business.

  5. Does anyone remember the times when House Speaker Paul Ryan went after President Obama? This is despite that he was caught accepting the largest amounts of illegal campaign contributions in history, for which he repeatedly lied about. His administration weaponized the IRS and FBI against his political opponents. How many times did he lie to the American people in order to pass a bill to effect an in large measure to put even more of our healthcare system into the hands of the administrative state. How many times did he lie about his failure in Libya, especially in Benghazi. As a Progressive Socialist and proud leader in the Alinskyite Community Organizing movement he packed his Administration with communists, progressives and tax cheats. The only thing I can say positive about the Deep State is at least they don’t eat their own. Trump may not be perfect, but I need him as President more than ever.

  6. BREAKING NEWS..all democrate have agreed to open up their homes to take in all illegals with HIV,CHICKENPOX, BRONICAL INFECTIONS, HEAD LICE,, STD’S, they agreed to pay for their medical bills food stamps to free taxpayers spending trillions MERRY CHRISTMAS TO DEMOCRAT FOR THEIR NEW OPEN DOORS POLICY LOL

  7. What we, the people expect from our government when there are many brains destroyed by drugs,hatred,selfishness and wiliness to destroy whole country and it’s citizen on way to get more powers.Schumer, Pelosi,Obama, Clinton, Warren,and many more are just such creatures and they deserve to finish their life in prison.

  8. Pelosi, Schumer and other Democrats are going to use their position in office to take a personal vendetta Hate towards Trump and will abuse their office and be Illegal. They have to have grounds of a crime to start their investigations and all they have right now is their hate. I hope their actions backfire and destroys the Democrat party and that is where they are headed

  9. He needs to release all Obamas sealed records. There’d be some scrambling there. Oh yes, and release the transcripts from Devin Nunez about the FBI, DOJ, how THEY tried to overthrow a elected President.

  10. The sillyarse dimwits could make life a lot easier, for themselves and probably not have to take any legal action to try to access President Trump’s tax returns; after all, those are really no one else’s business, but his own – -especially during his time as a private citizen. However, I’d be willing to bet he would release them, himself, IF AND WHEN the dimwit commies ever released the REAL barry fraudbama records and I do mean ALL of them!


  12. Notably, they also “ignore” the reason they were even elected – -that is TO CONDUCT THE PEOPLE”S BUSINESS and NOT carry out their petty personal vendettas!

  13. Can she get more bizarre??? No legislation. Just attacks on the White House. No agenda in mind except ATTACK !!

    I want more information on those Senators and Congressmen who paid their “mistresses” $17 million to shut them up. I want more information on Hillary and Bill’s Foundation. And Obama’s. They keep beating Trump up and ignore the elephants in the room.

  14. lets just say, if she wants to go after Trumps taxes, be sure at the same time they are prosecuting Al Sharpton for his tax evasion, and please make sure they unseal Obama’S records, there are a lot of demands from them but haven’t heard yet when they are going to meet the demands of the people they work for and who voted them in office, maybe we should revolt and demand our own agenda be met……..time for this old hag to hang her lip and slide away where no one can hear her mouth speak. ” ahhhh, um, um, as you know we have, um , ah you know um, decided to , ahhhhh, what did i say, ok, uhhhh, well that is what ah, ummm. This is what she sounds like…………dah

  15. Yeah, Nancy. This is really going to help the country get ahead and have Congress try to solve problems of infrastructure, immigration, taxes, support for military, illegals, Medicaid cheats, election fraud, medical costs. So glad the pooper scoopers in San Francisco sent you back to Congress.
    Contrary to your own Trump Derangement Syndrome, the people don’t care diddly abut Trump’s old tax returns.

  16. Does anyone know for a fact if Rangel paid the over 1 million dollars in taxes the worth of homes all over the USA he failed to report? He did lose the Chair of a Committee but I don;t remember Pelosi or any of her fascist jack boot buddies doing anything but trying to make it easier for that fat fraud. And millennials one of his great ideas was to bring back a universal draft. Delsiona and out of touch. With everyone except maybe Farrakhan.

  17. So this is what the Democrat party is all about – completely ignore the government’s business, – just chase after President Trump so they can get revenge for his beating Hillary and trying to shut down the Deep State.

    There’s only one political party in the United States of America. You can only call the Democrat entity the organization of hatred, stupidity, ignorance, socialism, and revenge. And now that they have been elected to control the house, this pusillanimous scum are admitting they lied to the American people. They are going to do what they intended to do all along while hiding the truth. Lying, duplicity, dishonesty and skulduggery along with covering up of the guilty, and protection for the political anti-President Trump criminals as this becomes their only purpose.

  18. Well America you the people were warned about putting the Do nothing for America Democrats back into power. Now they are going to do nothing but unravel all of the good that our President has accomplished in his first two years in office as President..The Democrats have but one thing on their agenda sheet and that is to use their power that we the people returned to them for what ever reasons why I have no clue…we are beginning to see that we made a huge mistake in doing so.. We are going to return our lives and country back to the days of stagnation under the Obama Administration. The Democrats are filled with so much hate for the President that they can’t see straight. All of America and it’s people are going to pay the piper and suffer from our forgetfulness on how the Democrats nearly brought America to her knees the last time that they were in power..Do you ever wonder how Hillary Clinton, and all of her scandals, the Benghazi massacre, the Uranium sale to Russia she signed off on, the private computer at her home and the erasing of more than 33,000 government owned emails that she was told not to by the government, and so many other incidents that she has been mixed up in that was questionable..ever wonder why she has not been investigated, indicted or serving time in prison? Why is Mueller pounding a dead horse for two long years and coming up with nothing when there is a boat load of criminal activities going on on the Democrat side of the aisle, not to mention with the crooked FBI and DOJ departments as well. All of what I just mentioned is far more worthy of investigations by a special prosecutor than what Mueller is trying to drum up against President Trump. The people know that Mueller is way out of bounds now in his investigations and that he should have the plug pulled on him wasting the taxpayers dollars..The Democrats are no longer working for the country or the will of the people they have clearly gone over the cliff with their hatred and disrespect for our President.. It is so blatant that it stinks and why there is not a big out cry from the millions of voters who voted President Trump into office is a mystery to many Americans. Why those millions of voters continue to allow the Democrats to continue their hatred for our President and to allow them to bring our Congress to a standstill while all of the Democrats are in breech of their oath of office and are putting our country in Harm’s Way on our southern border..America are we going to let the Democrats for the next two years tare our country back down and accomplish nothing in Congress because of their hatred for President Trump? Come 2020 we the people should have had our fill of the damn Democrats and remove them from office once again as we will need to start rebuilding again by then for the better…Remember it isn’t the President that wants to shut down the government it is the unreasonable Democrats who are the villains not the President!! The President only wants to keep America safe none of which the Democrats have in mind..Let me ask those millions of Trump followers and voters. How can you want to impeach, hate, show no respect for, and back the do nothing Democrats when they have no platform or agenda for America? We millions who voted for Donald Trump as our President need to rise up and start backing our President let our voices be heard instead of sitting quietly on the sidelines while our country and our government are spiraling out of control? Wake up America before it is too late!! Start paying attention to what the Democrats are doing and saying. It is frightening to listen to them….America is crying out to you for your help in saving her..are you going to listen or just let her cries fall on deaf ears??

  19. Lititia is neglecting her responsibilities by failing to cite the Rev. Al Sharpton for failing to pay iincome taxes. Doesn’t he owe at least four million?

  20. Time for the Senate to expose all members of Congress that paid settlement monies using taxpayer funds. Do they have the courage to do so? I doubt it.

  21. This is great! Let them spend all their time on this and the American people will realize what a mistake it was in 2020, and their time will be wasted and short-lived. Let’s see OVomit’s transcripts first.

  22. Chuck and Nancy do not believe in what goes around comes around but I think we elected just the right person in Donald Trump to make them understand. He is stronger than Chuck and Nancy can deal with and a hole lot quicker in the thinking catagory. I hope the DEMS do put up Beto for President can’t you just imagine how the Republications will go after him. He even beat Biden in the straw pole. What a win.

  23. And on and on we go with this BS. President Trump will never have the support like Obummer did and still he has gotten more done in two than Obummer did in eight.

  24. Let’s see Pelosi’s tax returns and have her testify before the Senate where she got the $190,000,000.00 that she has ! I believe she will have a hard time coming up with a good answer ! Also Schummer’s also and make Al Sharpton pay his back taxes . Also Jessie Jackson’s back taxes and Mad Maxine’s tax returns and every House members ! While in the House how many became million airs since they have been in office !

  25. sad part is that she does not know it is not legal to bind a president up with such trivial legal problems. or she does know and is depending on the ignorance of stupid left wing voters to take her ugly face for its value.

  26. Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, Are you and your husband’s tax records and all the other democrats as clean as Trumps? Two can play this game, and you and the democrats will lose.

  27. Policy and her band of scumbags are going to be as successful with their probes as the Republicans were over the last two years. Zero, Ziltch, nada, nyet. Are her constituency not wondering when the dumbocraps are actually going to do something for them instead of spending time and resources on this nonsense. What is the job of a House Representative anyway? Is it not to take care of the business that the voters requested? Go right ahead insane Nancy. The President doesn’t really need the House to get things done. He has the executive, judicial, Senate, his pen and his phone.

  28. Has any other Congress gotten involved in any other Presidents income taxes? NO!
    If this is what fancy nancy believes she was elected for I believe that in 2 years she will have a rude awakening when they again lose the majority in the House.
    I would recommend to President Trump not to worry about impeachment in the whole scheme of things it is meaningless if they cannot get enough votes in the Senate to remove him. If the Senate did remove him then I think the Republicans will have a rude awakening in 2020.
    President Trump should work with others who support him and create a committee to develop relationships with Republicans who could run for both chambers of Congress to replace any member democrat or republican that does not support President Trump and the American citizens. Don’t wait until the spring of 2020 to support people that have not been fully vetted.

  29. Real Satanism is trying to destroy someone else’s reputation to bolster yourself. Devil: Used in the New Testament only, the word comes from the Greek word Traducer, meaning to speak badly or lie about someone, to destroy their reputation. See malign. Rev 20:2 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, John 8:44-45, 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

  30. IN Banana Republics… you go after a PERSON … and try to find a CRIME

    IN A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.. YOU FIND A CRIME AND go after those that perpetrated it!

    When Democrats Control.. we are fast becoming a BANANA REPUBLIC.



  31. I was almost sure that elected officials were supposed to serve the people, NOT just spend all of their time trying to cause trouble for the opposition party? I mean, come ON! We have the IRS, professionals to look at tax filings. Pelosi sure is demonstrating her lack of value of us all, isn’t she?

  32. Since they want to look into his tax returns, I think Trump should start looking into theirs. I think people are equally curious into what the Congress members tax returns look like.

  33. Why don’t the Dems in congress just do the job they were hired to do.? Take care of the people and the laws. Stick your nose out of the Presidents office. Where were you for the last 40 years when we really had some nuts in office and not one of you even made a comment about them. You were not elected to keep up this hate mongering that you love to do. Do the damn job we hired you to do of get out of office. Too many of you are senile and older than dirt. You can’t make an intelligent sentence let alone govern our nation. Know when to quit already. Don’t you notice that people are following you with with a body bag over their arm. Pelosi, for God’s sake have some respect for yourself. Go sit in a corner somewhere and listen to an audio book. I’m so sick of your mouth.

  34. Why, in God’s Name, can’t people just butt out and leave our President alone??? Wonder how many of these people show everyone THEIR tax returns? What makes HIS returns anyone’s business?

  35. I think President Trump should start taking immediate legal action against Obama and Hillary Clinton. What I cannot understand is why it has taken so long for President Trump to start doing something about those two traitors.

  36. I don’t know about you, but I am sick and tired of this cat and mouse game that our elected representatives are putting us through. All is does is divide this country more and cost taxpayers money to pay for these “investigations”, money that could go to the betterment of the people. Yet we have two political parties that spend more time and money trying one-up-manship on one another. Maybe it is time we fire the lot of them and start over. The question in my mind is, when are you guys and gals going to stop the infighting and do the job you were hired to do? You say that by spending millions of taxpayers dollars in “investigations” you are doing your best for me, but somehow I don’t see it that way, and I think a lot of people would agree with me.

  37. The President is under NO obligation or penalty of law to release any of his tax returns, He should fight this witch at every turn…basically tell her to stick up her nose…or an other bodily orifice that she might prefer.

  38. Give it up Pelosi, leave Congress, go live in your multi-million $$ mansion you bought with backroom deals, lobbyists etc… You no longer are an effective member of Congress all you do is obstruct.

  39. $21 trillion in debt and we have a Democratic Congress that wants to waste what time and money it has available to it. What a mammoth waste of time and energy when we have so many pressing issues at hand. I’ll bet the money wasted on Democrats hiding information (Obama’s records, release of documents etc.) could have built the wall. Why couldn’t they start with an issue that we could all agree on like infrastructure improvements? No, they had to start with another “Nation dividing” topic that is none of their business.

  40. Does anyone remember the times when House Speaker Paul Ryan went after President Obama? This is despite that he was caught accepting the largest amounts of illegal campaign contributions in history, for which he repeatedly lied about. His administration weaponized the IRS and FBI against his political opponents. How many times did he lie to the American people in order to pass a bill to effect an in large measure to put even more of our healthcare system into the hands of the administrative state. How many times did he lie about his failure in Libya, especially in Benghazi. As a Progressive Socialist and proud leader in the Alinskyite Community Organizing movement he packed his Administration with communists, progressives and tax cheats. The only thing I can say positive about the Deep State is at least they don’t eat their own. Trump may not be perfect, but I need him as President more than ever.

  41. BREAKING NEWS..all democrate have agreed to open up their homes to take in all illegals with HIV,CHICKENPOX, BRONICAL INFECTIONS, HEAD LICE,, STD’S, they agreed to pay for their medical bills food stamps to free taxpayers spending trillions MERRY CHRISTMAS TO DEMOCRAT FOR THEIR NEW OPEN DOORS POLICY LOL

  42. What we, the people expect from our government when there are many brains destroyed by drugs,hatred,selfishness and wiliness to destroy whole country and it’s citizen on way to get more powers.Schumer, Pelosi,Obama, Clinton, Warren,and many more are just such creatures and they deserve to finish their life in prison.

  43. Pelosi, Schumer and other Democrats are going to use their position in office to take a personal vendetta Hate towards Trump and will abuse their office and be Illegal. They have to have grounds of a crime to start their investigations and all they have right now is their hate. I hope their actions backfire and destroys the Democrat party and that is where they are headed

  44. The sillyarse dimwits could make life a lot easier, for themselves and probably not have to take any legal action to try to access President Trump’s tax returns; after all, those are really no one else’s business, but his own – -especially during his time as a private citizen. However, I’d be willing to bet he would release them, himself, IF AND WHEN the dimwit commies ever released the REAL barry fraudbama records and I do mean ALL of them!

    1. He needs to release all Obamas sealed records. There’d be some scrambling there. Oh yes, and release the transcripts from Devin Nunez about the FBI, DOJ, how THEY tried to overthrow a elected President.

  45. Can she get more bizarre??? No legislation. Just attacks on the White House. No agenda in mind except ATTACK !!

    I want more information on those Senators and Congressmen who paid their “mistresses” $17 million to shut them up. I want more information on Hillary and Bill’s Foundation. And Obama’s. They keep beating Trump up and ignore the elephants in the room.

  46. Yeah, Nancy. This is really going to help the country get ahead and have Congress try to solve problems of infrastructure, immigration, taxes, support for military, illegals, Medicaid cheats, election fraud, medical costs. So glad the pooper scoopers in San Francisco sent you back to Congress.
    Contrary to your own Trump Derangement Syndrome, the people don’t care diddly abut Trump’s old tax returns.

    1. lets just say, if she wants to go after Trumps taxes, be sure at the same time they are prosecuting Al Sharpton for his tax evasion, and please make sure they unseal Obama’S records, there are a lot of demands from them but haven’t heard yet when they are going to meet the demands of the people they work for and who voted them in office, maybe we should revolt and demand our own agenda be met……..time for this old hag to hang her lip and slide away where no one can hear her mouth speak. ” ahhhh, um, um, as you know we have, um , ah you know um, decided to , ahhhhh, what did i say, ok, uhhhh, well that is what ah, ummm. This is what she sounds like…………dah

  47. Does anyone know for a fact if Rangel paid the over 1 million dollars in taxes the worth of homes all over the USA he failed to report? He did lose the Chair of a Committee but I don;t remember Pelosi or any of her fascist jack boot buddies doing anything but trying to make it easier for that fat fraud. And millennials one of his great ideas was to bring back a universal draft. Delsiona and out of touch. With everyone except maybe Farrakhan.

  48. So this is what the Democrat party is all about – completely ignore the government’s business, – just chase after President Trump so they can get revenge for his beating Hillary and trying to shut down the Deep State.

    There’s only one political party in the United States of America. You can only call the Democrat entity the organization of hatred, stupidity, ignorance, socialism, and revenge. And now that they have been elected to control the house, this pusillanimous scum are admitting they lied to the American people. They are going to do what they intended to do all along while hiding the truth. Lying, duplicity, dishonesty and skulduggery along with covering up of the guilty, and protection for the political anti-President Trump criminals as this becomes their only purpose.

  49. Well America you the people were warned about putting the Do nothing for America Democrats back into power. Now they are going to do nothing but unravel all of the good that our President has accomplished in his first two years in office as President..The Democrats have but one thing on their agenda sheet and that is to use their power that we the people returned to them for what ever reasons why I have no clue…we are beginning to see that we made a huge mistake in doing so.. We are going to return our lives and country back to the days of stagnation under the Obama Administration. The Democrats are filled with so much hate for the President that they can’t see straight. All of America and it’s people are going to pay the piper and suffer from our forgetfulness on how the Democrats nearly brought America to her knees the last time that they were in power..Do you ever wonder how Hillary Clinton, and all of her scandals, the Benghazi massacre, the Uranium sale to Russia she signed off on, the private computer at her home and the erasing of more than 33,000 government owned emails that she was told not to by the government, and so many other incidents that she has been mixed up in that was questionable..ever wonder why she has not been investigated, indicted or serving time in prison? Why is Mueller pounding a dead horse for two long years and coming up with nothing when there is a boat load of criminal activities going on on the Democrat side of the aisle, not to mention with the crooked FBI and DOJ departments as well. All of what I just mentioned is far more worthy of investigations by a special prosecutor than what Mueller is trying to drum up against President Trump. The people know that Mueller is way out of bounds now in his investigations and that he should have the plug pulled on him wasting the taxpayers dollars..The Democrats are no longer working for the country or the will of the people they have clearly gone over the cliff with their hatred and disrespect for our President.. It is so blatant that it stinks and why there is not a big out cry from the millions of voters who voted President Trump into office is a mystery to many Americans. Why those millions of voters continue to allow the Democrats to continue their hatred for our President and to allow them to bring our Congress to a standstill while all of the Democrats are in breech of their oath of office and are putting our country in Harm’s Way on our southern border..America are we going to let the Democrats for the next two years tare our country back down and accomplish nothing in Congress because of their hatred for President Trump? Come 2020 we the people should have had our fill of the damn Democrats and remove them from office once again as we will need to start rebuilding again by then for the better…Remember it isn’t the President that wants to shut down the government it is the unreasonable Democrats who are the villains not the President!! The President only wants to keep America safe none of which the Democrats have in mind..Let me ask those millions of Trump followers and voters. How can you want to impeach, hate, show no respect for, and back the do nothing Democrats when they have no platform or agenda for America? We millions who voted for Donald Trump as our President need to rise up and start backing our President let our voices be heard instead of sitting quietly on the sidelines while our country and our government are spiraling out of control? Wake up America before it is too late!! Start paying attention to what the Democrats are doing and saying. It is frightening to listen to them….America is crying out to you for your help in saving her..are you going to listen or just let her cries fall on deaf ears??

  50. This is great! Let them spend all their time on this and the American people will realize what a mistake it was in 2020, and their time will be wasted and short-lived. Let’s see OVomit’s transcripts first.

  51. Chuck and Nancy do not believe in what goes around comes around but I think we elected just the right person in Donald Trump to make them understand. He is stronger than Chuck and Nancy can deal with and a hole lot quicker in the thinking catagory. I hope the DEMS do put up Beto for President can’t you just imagine how the Republications will go after him. He even beat Biden in the straw pole. What a win.

  52. Let’s see Pelosi’s tax returns and have her testify before the Senate where she got the $190,000,000.00 that she has ! I believe she will have a hard time coming up with a good answer ! Also Schummer’s also and make Al Sharpton pay his back taxes . Also Jessie Jackson’s back taxes and Mad Maxine’s tax returns and every House members ! While in the House how many became million airs since they have been in office !

  53. sad part is that she does not know it is not legal to bind a president up with such trivial legal problems. or she does know and is depending on the ignorance of stupid left wing voters to take her ugly face for its value.

  54. Policy and her band of scumbags are going to be as successful with their probes as the Republicans were over the last two years. Zero, Ziltch, nada, nyet. Are her constituency not wondering when the dumbocraps are actually going to do something for them instead of spending time and resources on this nonsense. What is the job of a House Representative anyway? Is it not to take care of the business that the voters requested? Go right ahead insane Nancy. The President doesn’t really need the House to get things done. He has the executive, judicial, Senate, his pen and his phone.

  55. Has any other Congress gotten involved in any other Presidents income taxes? NO!
    If this is what fancy nancy believes she was elected for I believe that in 2 years she will have a rude awakening when they again lose the majority in the House.
    I would recommend to President Trump not to worry about impeachment in the whole scheme of things it is meaningless if they cannot get enough votes in the Senate to remove him. If the Senate did remove him then I think the Republicans will have a rude awakening in 2020.
    President Trump should work with others who support him and create a committee to develop relationships with Republicans who could run for both chambers of Congress to replace any member democrat or republican that does not support President Trump and the American citizens. Don’t wait until the spring of 2020 to support people that have not been fully vetted.

  56. Real Satanism is trying to destroy someone else’s reputation to bolster yourself. Devil: Used in the New Testament only, the word comes from the Greek word Traducer, meaning to speak badly or lie about someone, to destroy their reputation. See malign. Rev 20:2 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, John 8:44-45, 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

  57. IN Banana Republics… you go after a PERSON … and try to find a CRIME

    IN A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC.. YOU FIND A CRIME AND go after those that perpetrated it!

    When Democrats Control.. we are fast becoming a BANANA REPUBLIC.



  58. I was almost sure that elected officials were supposed to serve the people, NOT just spend all of their time trying to cause trouble for the opposition party? I mean, come ON! We have the IRS, professionals to look at tax filings. Pelosi sure is demonstrating her lack of value of us all, isn’t she?

  59. Why don’t the Dems in congress just do the job they were hired to do.? Take care of the people and the laws. Stick your nose out of the Presidents office. Where were you for the last 40 years when we really had some nuts in office and not one of you even made a comment about them. You were not elected to keep up this hate mongering that you love to do. Do the damn job we hired you to do of get out of office. Too many of you are senile and older than dirt. You can’t make an intelligent sentence let alone govern our nation. Know when to quit already. Don’t you notice that people are following you with with a body bag over their arm. Pelosi, for God’s sake have some respect for yourself. Go sit in a corner somewhere and listen to an audio book. I’m so sick of your mouth.

  60. Why, in God’s Name, can’t people just butt out and leave our President alone??? Wonder how many of these people show everyone THEIR tax returns? What makes HIS returns anyone’s business?

  61. I think President Trump should start taking immediate legal action against Obama and Hillary Clinton. What I cannot understand is why it has taken so long for President Trump to start doing something about those two traitors.

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