Nancy Pelosi Says Biden Blameless For Border, Chuck Todd Blames Republicans

Democrats Blame Trump's 'Failed Border Policy'

In their attempt to prop up President Joe Biden and explain away the border crisis, Democrats and the media have come up with a new excuse: it’s Donald Trump’s fault. Or Republicans’ fault. Or, well, at least it’s not Biden’s fault.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) admitted on “Morning Joe” Wednesday that there is a crisis at the border, but Joe Biden could not in be blamed for it. “The President has been in office not quite two months,” effectively relieving Biden of all responsibility.

She went on to reassure MSNBC’s viewers that all was under control.

“They are addressing it and it will improve. We are all impatient when it comes to unaccompanied children at the border.”

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Mainstream Media Rush In To Help Lay Blame

In their roles as administrative assistants to the Democrat Party, the media dutifully jumped in to help.

Host Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet The Press” contended that Republicans “sabotaged” our immigration policy, and that they are “rooting for a problem so they can walk away from it.”

“In some ways they’ve sabotaged our immigration policy and this is why we’re here, as they also don’t want to have a focus on the pandemic. Democrats, meanwhile, would like nothing more than to talk about what they believe is a popular COVID relief bill signed into law last week.”

Todd also argued that the GOP in essence was stealing the Biden administration’s thunder by politicizing and focusing on the border situation.

“The situation at the border has become a lightening rod for criticism for Republicans. They’re seizing on the issue politically at a moment when the White House is trying to keep the focus on the COVID relief law.”

Moments before Todd claimed that Republicans were “politicizing” the border, he admitted: “… the Biden administration braces for a surge at the border unlike anything this country has seen in 20 years. The humanitarian emergency is quickly becoming a political emergency, just as the White House hopes to take a victory lap on COVID relief.”

That seems like an issue of some importance that deserves attention, no?

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Biden Administration Facing Mounting Tension From All Sides

Not only is President Joe Biden facing sharp criticism from Republicans, who say that the border crisis began as soon as Biden began to dismantle Trump-era immigration policy, but also from within his own party.

On Sunday, Rep. Vincente Gonzalez (D-TX) told CNN Abby Phillip, “We’re not going to cage children or divide families or rip children from mothers’ arms, but we need an orderly process for migrants who qualify for asylum to hopefully ask for asylum in their home country or a neighboring country or maybe build a center in southern Mexico where they can be processed there.”

Progressive Democrats who have long advocated for abolishing ICE are also frustrated with the Biden administration housing unaccompanied minors.

Far-left “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) recently sent a letter to the Biden administration asking that they would issue an executive order to “phase out contracts between ICE” and local prisons.

Dem. Rep. Ro Khanna was direct:

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) led a delegation to El Paso on Monday to see the situation firsthand.

McCarthy said, “I came down here because I heard of the crisis. It’s more than a crisis – this is a human heartbreak. This crisis is created by the presidential policies of this new administration. There’s no other way to claim it than a Biden border crisis.”

During an appearance on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told Host Alex Marlow,

“What we are seeing is a true surge at the border. It is a crisis, and this is a crisis of the Biden administration’s making.”

“When President Biden basically said our border is open — you’re not going to be deported, you’re not going to be turned away — people saw that as receiving an engraved invitation to come to the U.S. to get in line and try to get the benefits.”

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Not Just A Humanitarian Crisis, But A National Security Crisis

In a report from Axios, the Customs and Border Protection agency reported to Congress that since October 2020, four people have been arrested at the border who match names on the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database.

Three of those arrested were from Yemen, and one from Serbia. House members who were at the border this week stated that there were an unspecified number of migrants who had crossed the border whose names matched those on the terror watch list. 


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