Nancy Pelosi Dismisses Democrats Calling For Her Removal

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi appeared on “CBS This Morning” Monday where she was greeted with a video package of Democratic congressmen calling for her ouster.

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) even called Pelosi more toxic than Donald Trump.

Ouch. When that many politicians are calling for a leader’s removal, perhaps the leader in question should address their concerns. But moonbat Pelosi did no such thing. She simply dismissed them all:

Pelosi smiled as host Charlie Rose asked for her response.

“I’m here, and we’re hearing all these other people. They had their time on TV,” she said. “This is such a small item. It isn’t about me. Right now, our fight is about the Affordable Care Act. I’ve always had a challenge in the caucus, right from the start.”

Rose pointed out that Democrats are 0-for-4 in special elections in 2017, including Jon Ossoff’s $30 million loss in Georgia. But even that didn’t seem to faze Pelosi. She just smiled and parroted the Democratic line that, well, those elections were already favored for Republicans anyway.

Excuses, excuses. And while making those excuses, Pelosi just can’t help but continue to pat herself on the back:

“These people were against me last November,” she said. “They started this before. The fact is this. I led [in 2006] to take us to a majority, became speaker of the House. President Obama became president. He was our spokesperson for eight years. We just lost the election. We could write a message, but the fact is, we need our members to write the message.”

Asked by host Gayle King why she should not step aside, Pelosi repeated her memorable phrase from last week that she was a “master legislator.” As she has stated before, Pelosi said she may have retired if Hillary Clinton had been elected president.

Pelosi clearly seems to believe that she’s the last hope for the Democratic Party now that Clinton has been pushed into exile. But in reality, she’s the John McCain of the Democratic Party: old, senile, and unpopular. It’s time for her to hang it up – we’d all appreciate it.

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Do you think Nancy Pelosi is completely out of touch? Share your thoughts below!

64 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Dismisses Democrats Calling For Her Removal”

  1. We need Pelosi. We need Maxine Waters. We need all the Democrat moonbats to stay in power to show the American people exactly the type of person that makes up the Democrat party. If she steps aside they may get someone more palatable, more reasonable who will help make the Democrat party relevant again.

  2. What an absolute total ding-dong. It amazes me she has survived this long but I hope the Democrats keep her. As Democrats they must love losing so please, keep her in a leadership position.

  3. She should retire, but I want her tostay. As long as she is there, the Dems will continue to stumble about blindly with no leadership or message. That’s good for all of us!

    Phil in TX

  4. I say keep her. She is the best friend that Republicans have, and besides, she brings a lot of humor which we all need every day.
    I like her referring to Pres. Bush repeatedly. I think if the dems keep her and Chuckie, they will do to their party what is expected of most dems – sink!

  5. one good thing is that these people like pelosi, reid, schumer, maxine waters, hillary and so on are old as dirt and they are going to start dropping like flies soon. all those college years they spent smoking dope and dropping acid is clearly showing, when they make insane comments like pelosi has done time and time again, same with maxine waters. soon we will no longer have to worry about having them push their rainbow colored utopia they imagined while whacked out on lsd in college. the problem now is how to deal with all the younger liberals who are the violent aftermath of drug damaged chromosones!

  6. But, but, but wait!!!! “Fake News- Fake News-Fake News.: Why suddenly, “Read All About It”?????
    Win or lose, I’m with her. So are many others. Change will come in it’s own time.

  7. “She just smiled and parroted the Democratic line that, well, those elections were already favored for Republicans anyway.”

    I wonder if California was “favored” to go into a 1/2 trillion dollar debt on her and Maxine Waters’ watch? Jerry Brown? With the state run healthcare plan they just voted in favor of – the estimated cost is $400,000,000,000 – which they say they have absolutely any idea of how they will pay for it – it’s just another pass and figure out what to do with it later moment. That would put the state debt over 1 trillion dollars. Understand that this money spent above and beyond all of the revenues they take in each year. California just raised the gasoline tax statewide to the highest rate in the country – why? To pay for repairs on their dilapidated roads. Snowflake king Jerry Brown said that anyone who complains about this tax is a freeloader?? WTF. I wonder if he is willing to explain to his constituents where all the money brought in from the DMV revenues – that usually pay for these road repairs went? Maybe he can also explain how they plan to pay for the repairs on the dams so desperately needed before there is a disaster – raise the water tax? The Democrats in California have almost succeeded into turning the Snowflake Republic into a third world country. All they seem to know is tax, spend and apparently borrow. No fiscal responsibility at all – what will the handout people do where there simply is – no more?

    1. “The Democrats in California have almost succeeded into turning the Snowflake Republic into a third world country.”
      Calif, the largest, wealthiest state in the country and StILL a dem state. “Handouts”? Right. LMAO

  8. Bye bye Nancy! We’ve had enough of your egotism and mistaken ideas to “elevate” America! Go away quietly! You’ve passed your “use by” date!

  9. SHE’S the one who ran 0’Bama past the vetting booth on a conveyor belt! Didn’t even stop long enough to wave! She is bosom-buddies with mr.sorrows (lower case deliberate because they’re BOTH lower cases!) She wrote two different Qualifying Documents for 0’Bama to get bought into our White House! She KNEW he had no legal ID, skills, education, experience, accomplishments, business acumen, never had a job, but SORROWS and the MEMBH wanted America and HE wanted to be rich and famous! Hawaii Gov refused to approve 0’B as a natural born citizen, so she drew up one Approval Document for him, as a citizen of Hawaii, and forty nine more for the OTHER states! It’s a matter of record, but no one cares whether he was mooch, living off his family and wealthy friends or NOT! soro’s, 0’Bama, Nancy, Harry, Hillary, and all the OTHER Anti-America self-indulgent degenerates deceived American citizens right along with her! SHE was the chair of the Vetting Committee, so SHE is responsible for the condition of our country after she approved eight years of a novice puppet!

  10. This wackadoodle, along with Obama, really believe that they did good for the country. They broke laws, they used tactics in the congress that broke long standing rules and they down right cheated the American public with their scams to become wealthy while doing nothing to help the economy. They set up the racism narrative in an attempt to make the population war against each other, but that seems to be a losing battle. I believe all people of all colours and races are sick and tired of that excuse. Sure here are going to be racist incidents , we were doing better in that battle before these two took control. Nothing will ever allow me to trust the Democratic Party until they fit the umbilical cord they have connected to George Soros and sons. He’s attempting to run the government by using these two puppets, as well as others. Too many to list.

  11. Nancy Wackosi forgot to mention that under the tutelage of obamba and her the Democrats lost 1,000+ elected seats in local, state and federal elections in less than a decade :)

    Keep Wackosi front and center as she represents most Democrats

  12. She is a hard core Radical psychopath Democrat that allowed them to set up under Obama 36 muslim Terrorist Training Camps in the USA, these same psychopathic democrats are protecting them, financing them and arming them with Ak47’s and explosives. So why it no one want to talk about this TREASON/TERRORISM from the Radical Liberal Socialist Democrats?

  13. Pelosi says “it isn’t about me” but yes Nancy honey it IS ABOUT YOU!! No one including the Democrats wants you in politics any longer. You are too old & obviously have severe dementia issues which shows every time you speak! You don’t support this President at all, you’re unprofessional, & a major liar! Resign before they throw you out!

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