Nancy Pelosi Makes Big Announcement of Political Future

nancy pelosi defiant

Nancy Pelosi is the past.

At least, that’s what many young Democrats have been saying. Within the ranks of the Democratic Party, there is dissension when it comes to leadership. Pelosi is seen as the old guard, the Ancien Régime in French Revolution parlance. Young Democrats want youth, vigor, and a backbone in their leadership.

It’s why David Hogg, a young liberal activist, demanded Pelosi retire and leave politics to the young and motivated. (RELATED: Gun-Grabbing Teen David Hogg: Pelosi is Old and Needs to ‘Move the F*** Off the Plate’.)

It also doesn’t help matters that Pelosi has been showing her age of late, stuttering during her speeches and stumbling with pronunciations. It’s an open secret in Washington that Pelosi may not have what it takes to lead her caucus anymore. (RELATED: Pelosi’s Brain Misfires a Half-Dozen Times in Two Minutes.)

With young, upstart Democrat socialists bleeding into the party, threatening to upend the status quo, Pelosi can be seen as the establishment’s last grip to power in the Party of Obama. Even President Trump is facetiously encouraging Democrats to keep supporting Pelosi, calculating, wisely, that Democrat socialists are unelectable, even as Pelosi’s popularity wanes.

That talk hasn’t deterred the Democrat Minority Leader, however. In a new report from the Associated Press, Pelosi is dead set on maintaining her leadership role, and possibly retaking the Speaker’s gavel should Democrats take back the House of Representatives in November.

From the report:

Nevertheless, she says she’s not going anywhere — and certainly not while President Donald Trump is in the White House.

“This is not anything to make a big fuss over, it’s politics,” Pelosi said in a 35-minute phone interview with The Associated Press. “I can take the heat and that’s why I stay in the kitchen.”

Pushing back on those who say her leadership position is in jeopardy, Pelosi all but dared her doubters to envision any other House Democrat sitting across the table to negotiate with Trump.

Pelosi remaining a Democrat leader isn’t great, but, somehow, I don’t think Republicans are fretting Pelosi’s return to power. In fact, most Republicans, fearing they may lose the House in November, welcome Pelosi as a foil.

There’s nobody Republicans love to hate more than Pelosi. She’s a goldmine for GOP electoral ads. And given that she’s defiant in the face of her restless party, it looks like she’ll have a difficult time steadying the reins should she become Speaker again.

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So, yes, please keep power, Nancy. We’re looking forward to your leadership.

14 thoughts on “Nancy Pelosi Makes Big Announcement of Political Future”

  1. Nancy Pelosi McCain RIP, Reid,Waters are all candidates for posters and petitions demanding for term limits.
    What makes Pelosi despicable is her continued confabulations that make an industry of illegal immigrants misery in a cruel and unusual manner to include inviting pedophiles in if they have a child with them She has no shame. Meanwhile she lives in a fortress like a queen in a city it costs 30-50 million to clean the streets of human waste and addicts needles, who wants more of her in California llet alone in the USA. She just wants the free tax payer subsidized jumbo jet back to fly back and forth coast to coast on weekends.

  2. Nancy Pelosi certainly is “past it” But David Hogg has a very dim future. May more likely end up like Ted Kacyzinski – maybe one day copies of Hoggs manifesto will be sold in thrift stores or his “My Camp”.

  3. Let us also remember the other truly idiots in their party – Maxine is right on par with Peolosi and Warren isn’t too far behind. What really makes me laugh – is while the press is trashing South Africa for taking land away from whites and giving it to the blacks, who were robbed of their land a long time ago (redistribution) they have absolutely nothing to say when it comes to these socialist democrats who want to redistribute the wealth of Americans. A little hypocrisy perhaps? Socialism doesn’t work because eventually you run out of other peoples money. Just ask Venezuela how they are doing. If these socialist really want a different form of government than the one we have, maybe they should consider moving to a country that supports that form. If you just don’t like a law, you work to get it changed, but if we are talking about the constitution, then just move and go away.

  4. The America does not need Traitors like Hogg involved in D.C. and We better see to it he never gets in Office anywhere in America…He was part of the School Crimes by being trained to put on the crimes there!

  5. How does she think she is the only one who can negotiate with President Trump? “…Pelosi all but dared her doubters to envision any other House Democrat sitting across the table to negotiate with Trump.” That is obviously the statement of a delusional person. She can NOT even put a complete sentence together when she speaks. The Botox in her face has migrated to her small brain and frozen it! Just listen to her public and private speech. She is seriously deranged with confusion and may have early-onset Alzheimers. I’m not sure she even understands how incoherent her speech is of late.

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