Robert Mueller Planning End-of-Year Indictment Drop

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is tasked with investigating possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, is planning a slew of indictments before the end of the year.

If Mueller is Santa Claus, it appears he is giving out a whole lot of coal to bad little girls and boys who broke the law during the 2016 presidential election.

Axios is reporting that Mueller’s investigation, far from slowing down, is about to speed up like never before. From the report:

Evidence is mounting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is moving toward further indictments — and perhaps some big ones, with an end-of-year flurry of activity, Garrett M. Graff reports for Axios.


Mueller appears to have been thinking this through carefully — not rocking the boat while he waited out Trump. His team delayed a mid-November hearing, where prosecutors were supposed to discuss Paul Manafort’s “lack of cooperation.” They made that accusation Monday, after Trump’s answers were in hand.

So the timeline looks like it’s speeding up, after four months of near-silence from Mueller. Manafort’s lack of cooperation might be the opening needed to file Mueller’s most explosive findings in public shortly.

Some of the evidence Graff cites is the unusual number of sealed criminal indictments coming out of Washington, D.C. – which could all be related to the probe – and President Trump finally submitting written answers to Mueller’s questions.

One of the expected incoming indictments is that of Jerome Corsi, a conservative reporter and friend of Trump confidant Roger Stone. (RELATED: Mueller Grand Jury Witness Says He Will Be Indicted For Perjury.) It’s also rumored that the President’s son Donald Trump, Jr., may soon be indicted. (RELATED: Donald Trump Jr. to be Indicted in Mueller Probe?)

If Mueller is indeed planning to make his move and start an indictment spree, it would comport well with the rumor around Washington that Mueller’s investigation is actually coming to a close. Rep. Trey Gowdy recently suggested as much, indicating Mueller may soon be finished and – much to the dismay of liberals – Trump would be cleared of any collusion charges (RELATED: Trey Gowdy Predicts Mueller Will Find No Collusion.)

There’s also a factor Graff misses in his otherwise percipient analysis. President Trump’s recent firing of Jeff Sessions and appointment of Matthew Whitaker as acting Attorney General may have Mueller wary about how much time he has left. Unlike Sessions, who recused himself from overseeing the Russia collusion probe, Whitaker has done no such thing to distance himself. In fact, he has a history of criticizing the probe as too intrusive and unnecessary. (RELATED: Report: Trump Aides Expect Whitaker to ‘Rein In’ Mueller Investigation.)

President Trump has also ramped up his criticism of Mueller in public, saying just this morning:

Something big is brewing in Mueller’s world. And it looks like it’s coming right before the holiday season.

Jim E. is a true political insider, with experience working both in Washington and outside in real America. Jim... More about Jim E

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