Mollie Tibbetts’ Illegal Alien Killer Has An Anchor Baby

This week the case of missing University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts had a tragic end when America learned that she’d been murdered by 24-year-old illegal alien Cristhian Rivera.

Tibbetts had gone missing last month and the search for her made national news. Police identified Rivera as a suspect when they reviewed video surveillance footage of Mollie jogging on the night she went missing and captured Tibbett’s vehicle on that footage. Rivera would later lead investigators to Tibbett’s body.

Rivera’s immigration status has been utilized by President Donald Trump and some other Republican lawmakers to highlight the need to secure our border, and it is a fact that illegal immigrants commit crimes at higher rates than native-born Americans.

Illegals like Rivera can be deported – but their offspring cannot thanks to birthright citizenship.

According to Breitbart, “Rivera lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities. Police have previously noted that Rivera has been living in the U.S. illegally for the past four to seven years. A new report reveals that the illegal alien has a U.S.-born child with one of Tibbetts’ former high school classmates.” The child was born in 2015, and his mother was seen cradling him during Rivera’s first court appearance.

There are at least 4.5 million anchor babies younger than 18-years-old in the U.S. according to the Congressional Budget Office, and that obviously doesn’t include the millions older than 18.

Combating illegal immigration used to be a bipartisan issue, but in the age of Trump, the Left has gone haywire and refused any common sense attempts at reforming our immigration system and enforcing current laws. “We have to send a clear message, just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay,” said Hillary Clinton of child separations on the border as recently as 2014.

Even Harry Reid once introduced a bill that would clarify language in the Fourteenth Amendment, with the goal of ending birthright citizenship. “No sane country would permit birthright citizenship,” Reid said on the Senate floor to promote the bill at the time. The original intent of the 14th Amendment was to give citizenship to former slaves after the Civil War, and the right to due process. Birthright citizenship was never meant to be a loophole for illegal immigrants to have legally born children in the U.S.

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Harry Reid made those comments back in the 1990s, a time when President Bill Clinton would speak to thunderous applause at his State of the Union addresses promising border security and deportations. On the issue of illegal immigration, it’s time to make America sane again.

By Matt

Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published... More about Matt

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