Mike Rowe Sides With Bill Maher On Washington Post Meltdown: ‘Democracy Dies In Dumbness’

Everyday working-class hero and host of the Fox Business show "How America Works," Mike Rowe, joined HBO Host Bill Maher in a bit of mockery involving the Washington Post.
Screenshot: Real Time With Bill Maher YouTube Channel, Fox News YouTube Channel

Mike Rowe, everyday working-class hero and host of the Fox Business show “How America Works,” joined HBO Host Bill Maher in a bit of mockery involving the Washington Post.

In case you missed the online saga involving the Post, one of its more prominent writers, Dave Weigel, and another reporter, Felicia Sonmez, well … consider yourself lucky.

Weigel retweeted – meaning he did not write, but merely shared – a joke from a comedian about women and Sonmez replied by demanding punitive action from their employer – which resulted in an all-out Twitter war with the newsroom.

The entire ordeal led to Sonmez’s firing because because of a days-long feud with colleagues and her employer online over the trivial joke, and Weigel was suspended without pay for a month.

Maher and Rowe had a little fun with the situation.

Here’s the joke that kicked off a week’s worth of drama:

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Bill Maher Mocks the Entire Ordeal

“Real Time” host Bill Maher addressed the Washington Post situation and mocked the newspaper for caving to Sonmez’s Twitter tantrum.

“Can you imagine a world that allows jokes you don’t like?” he asked, accusing the outlet of having “folded like a Miami condo.”

He then took a jab at Sonmez’s younger generation and their constant state of being offended by jokes.

“You think my generation is an eyeroll,” Maher said. “Let me tell you about the younger generation. Your sense of entitlement is legendary.”

“The crybabies are still winning,” he continued. “They complain they haven’t taken over yet. The fact that the Post’s response was to punish one of their best reporters shows the kindergarten is still in charge.”

Maher did take some solace in the fact that Sonmez was – eventually – fired.

“Maybe there’s a line. That generation has to find that line and move it closer to sanity. Because democracy dies in dumbness,” he concluded.

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Mike Rowe Joins Maher in Mocking the Washington Post

Mike Rowe seemed to enjoy the segment with Bill Maher mocking the situation at the Washington Post, sharing the video on his social media accounts.

“When he’s right, he’s right,” Rowe said. “And boy is he right about this.”

The blue-collar legend shared a critique of the Washington Post with their motto changed to ‘Democracy Dies in Dumbness.’

Rowe has long been a favorite of readers at The Political Insider, taking a stand for blue-collar workers left behind by lawmakers.

In a recent segment on Fox Business, Rowe explained how Americans are impacted by inflation and how truckers are being crushed by diesel prices.

Rowe hammered Nike for ads in which they attempted to portray Colin Kaepernick as an American hero, noting there are many others who have sacrificed everything and ‘just do it.’

That is Tom Burnett, a hero during the tragedy of 9/11.

Burnett, along with several other passengers, tried to regain control of United Airlines Flight 93 from the 9/11 hijackers 17 years ago. Their attempts helped thwart what was surely a suicide mission headed for the White House or the Capitol Building.

Burnett’s last words on a phone call to his wife were – “We’re going to do something.”

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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