Univsion Confirms Bangladesh Migrants Part of Illegal Caravan

The mainstream media pounced on a comment by President Trump claiming the large caravan of migrants heading toward the United States contained “unknown Middle Easterners.”

That is until a reporter on the ground lent some credibility to the claim.

The New York Times reported that the President’s comments were designed “to stoke fear.” Both Newsweek and the Times went with their usual “without evidence” shtick. The New York Post referred to it as ‘blindly claiming’ the regional makeup of the growing mob contained Middle Easterners “without offering any evidence.”

CNN’s Brian Stelter cited a reporter on the ground who hadn’t seen any “Middle Easterner(s)” as a valuable fact-check against the President’s perceived lies.

Then a new report confirmed that not all the migrants are from Central and South America.

Reporter Saw Migrants From Bangladesh

Univision journalist Francisco Santa Anna was reporting from the bridge separating Guatemala and Mexico, revealing that people from countries other than Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico had jumped into the 7,000+ caravan.

“Yesterday when we were traveling through Guatemala, we noticed people from El Salvador and even people from Bangladesh,” he said. “Can you imagine what they had to do to get here?”

“They infiltrated themselves in this caravan and tried to cross with the crowd,” he admitted. “That would have benefited them greatly.”

Bangladesh may not be technically located in the Middle East, but the provenance of some of these migrants is a cause for concern. Why? Terrorism.

Islamic Terrorism On the Rise in Bangladesh

Why would it be a problem for people from Bangladesh to join this mob of people heading for the American border?

An article in the Asia Times this past September indicates that “Madrassas in Bangladesh have reportedly been hotbeds of Islamist militancy in the past and there have been claims this continues despite official crackdowns.”

Georgetown University professor C. Christine Fair labeled Bangladesh as “increasingly the site of Islamist violence.”

Are these migrants fleeing that violence, or are there Islamic State terrorists trying to embed themselves in the caravan as a means to enter the United States?

The point here – it’s nearly impossible to know with a group of nearly 10,000 people tearing down gates and rushing borders. That threat and the unknown element here constitute a national emergency.

The Threat Is Real

Todd Bensman, a Senior National Security Fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies, reports that Guatemala President Jimmy Morales claimed that his administration had captured “close to 100 people completely linked to terrorist issues, with ISIS,” just days ago as the caravan was making it’s way to Mexico.

Bensman added, “It is well-established now that migrants from origin ‘sending’ countries the United States regards as national security concerns — due to the presence of Islamist terrorist groups in them — have for many years routinely traversed Guatemala on their way to the U.S. southern border.”

President Trump would be wise to follow through with his warning to “close the southern border” and stop any potential threat to American lives and livelihoods immediately.

20 thoughts on “Univsion Confirms Bangladesh Migrants Part of Illegal Caravan”

  1. There is no way to tell who is who unless you vet them and it will cost the US a lot of money. If this caravan comes thru, there will be another one behind it. IT HAS TO BE STOPPED NOW.! Who is furnishing them all the clothes, food & water; since they have no money than it must be Soros. I have no sympathy for them as they have kids like rabbits and can’t afford to feed them properly. It should be a crime for parents to bring their young kids on a trek like this. The men and older boys should stay there and fight and not run away like cowards. How do you think these people will treat pelosi when they become the majority here. Dead pelosi and other liberals will be doing their bidding. Can’t these stupid politicians think ahead; about their kids and the future? DUH! How dumb they must be & unpatrioic.

  2. Could it be that interference by American interest in Latin American governments have created the economic problems that have force many to take to the road to search for a better life? It should be noted that many of governments where these people come from have American puppets running their countries with installed far right corrupt governments. If your country has any resource materials oil, gold, exotic chemicals ect expect a visit from the CIA for regime change.

    1. think whatever you want. that wouldn’t change the situation. I think I’ll win the lottery. I’ll find out later if I thought correctly. I think I’ll be given a car tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up and find one in my driveway. Maybe……..

  3. No problem! Ship every last one of them to a prison, on a military base in the southwest, until they can be vetted. Do not let them go. No catch and release. If they try to enter illegally, then arrest and charge them as criminals after they serve their time deport them back to their countries of origin. If the countries won’t take them, hold them in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Don’t let them into the country. There’s no telling what kind of infectious diseases they are carrying

  4. Doesn’t make a damn bit of difference rather the caravan of people are from Central America or middle easterners they all have intentions of invading our country illegally. That is breaking our countries laws and it can not go unpunished if done. These people headed for our border have no intentions of not entering into America as they have set out to do..They must be stopped at our border no matter how it must be done, it should be carried out. Enforce the border with armed military with orders to shoot to kill if need be. Turn these invaders away at all costs. We must take a stance and it might as well be now. It is a good of a time as any. Let the world know that America will no longer let our country and borders be crossed illegally without serious consequences by our military personnel. Do whatever it takes to shut down the illegal entries to America. We Americans have seen enough of this defiance from these invaders. It is time to crack down on it now..no time like the present..If our Congress won’t order our border to be closed then the American people could be called upon to do it…We are behind President Trump 100% for whatever he decides needs to be done..He is our Commander and Chief. It is time to full in line and get behind his decisions..

  5. This is an invasion , declare marshal law and arrest all the immigrants, detain them, get mug shots, finger prints and then deport them to central america.

  6. This is an easy fix. When they get to our border, they are met by our Armed Forces and forced to turn around. If they want to stay in Mexico, fine. But in America? Nope. Send them packing. They are being financed by George Soros. Let him buy a country and keep all of these people fed and happy. We’re tired of it.

  7. I was relieved when President Donald Trump called up the military to protect our Southern Border. I would suggest aiming for the flag bearers first and see if they scatter. Then fire at “will”. And maybe, just maybe the hurricane will wipe the slate clean. Sorry if that sound cold but I am tired of bleeding hearts, anchor babies and people using their children or borrowing the children of others to get access to our nation. If they cannot get in line as my sister-in-law and my daughter-in-law did and come in legally, they need to stay home. How can they be impoverished if they can afford $5000-8000 per person to pay a coyote/guide to bring them in??

    How are all of these people traveling? They are all so well dressed with new expensive backpacks. They have no tents or camping gear. Where do they sleep?? Where do they eat?? The walking distance is over 2000 miles. If they are actually “marching” it should take them about 70 days. How can they leave Honduras on Oct. 14 and arrive in McAllen, Texas by Nov. 5?? That is impossible. That means these folks have walked over 90 miles per day without a day of rest. Really?? I don’t think so. Who is paying for plane tickets? For train fare? For bus transport??

    These ILLEGAL ALIENS did not wake up on October 14 and suddenly decide to walk to Texas and arrive the day before our elections. Follow the money. Who is paying them to walk to Texas and who is footing the bill for this march?

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