Last Politico/Morning Consult Poll Before Midterm Elections Gives Democrats Only Slight Lead

The last generic ballot poll to be released before the midterm elections shows an increasingly tight contest between congressional Republican and Democrats, giving the party of Nancy Pelosi only a smidgen of a lead heading into election day.

Any election observer will tell you that the only poll that actually matters is the ballot box count after the polls are closed. I agree with that sentiment, as I have no idea how tomorrow’s hundreds of elections will turn out. However, opinion polls are still a good way of gauging the country’s overall mood, and right now, things don’t look great for Democrats.

For months now, we’ve been inundated with talk of an impending “blue wave” set to swallow Congress. Democrats have been leading in most generic ballot polls. But Republicans have been steadily cutting into their lead. (RELATED: New NBC/WSJ Poll Shows Slight Gains for Republicans Ahead of Midterms.)

Now, with less than 24 hours before voters go to the polls, the latest generic ballot poll shows that Democrats have completely lost their advantage heading into election day. Politico reports:

The final POLITICO/Morning Consult poll prior to the midterm elections shows Republicans cutting into Democrats’ lead on the generic congressional ballot.

According to the poll, 43 percent of registered voters would vote for the Democratic congressional candidate in their district — only slightly more than the 40 percent who would vote for the Republican candidate. Eighteen percent of registered voters are undecided.

The Democrats’ ineptness to maintain their generic ballot advantage cannot be emphasized enough. Any fair assessment of their electoral strategy would hold that they did a pitiful job taking advantage of the enthusiasm gap they once enjoyed.

Pollsters are beginning to shy away from the “blue wave” narrative, with data doyen Nate Silver even suggesting it’s a total tossup, albeit slightly more in Democrats’ favor:

Again, it should be pointed out that the only poll that still matters is the ballot returns on election day. The battle isn’t over and it won’t be settled until tomorrow night.

For now, it appears Republicans have a fighting chance at keeping both houses of Congress.

29 thoughts on “Last Politico/Morning Consult Poll Before Midterm Elections Gives Democrats Only Slight Lead”

  1. The trump liars and cheaters lost. The polls were right. Chris you got your own “derriere kicked”. Lawrence, Rasmussen is not trusted or legit. Just look at you: “GOP +1”????? Dem won by 9 points. The gap was even or close. The worst beating since Watergate.

    2020? Women hate trump. He will be on the menu in 2020! So will the Senate with a decidedly different map for the Dems.

    You all don’t get it: You all hate people who are not like you; who don’t think like you. White or Black. As a white 4th generation United States Marine and a lifelong conservative, this is not what I had in mind. trump is worst then a cancer or a disease. He is WAY worse then Obama, who I hate and didn’t vote for!!

    Look at all of your comments: It’s a freaking “con circle jerk”. You all are bots. You don’t think for yourselves. You all WILL attack me and my service. Predictable. You DON’T want the country to come together. You DO want another civil war. You go silent when another republican kills a bunch of Americans in a church or synagogue; even when the killers say they were inspired by far right extremism or trump.

    Enough is enough. You all lost. This is a major, major repudiation of your thoughts and radical, hate-filled extremism. You lost hundreds of seats, governorships, and of course the subpoena power of the House. Yes! As a now-turned Independent, I damned sure want oversight. Trump is kissing the butts of everything I’ve fought against in the military and American men and women have died for: the destruction of authoritarian rule around the world. You all bask in it and thrive and want more. We fought for our independence on 04 Jul 1776 for the very thing you all want by loving MSB and Putin! You want a rulership again. Be careful. Dems will win the WH again. Will you want a rulership then? Of course. You hate the constitution and the thought of Blacks voting. But you don’t like it when you ppl call you racists, yet, as a white man I move in your “circles” and I know the truth. You don’t fool me.

    You can’t win elections by subtraction and rest assured the Dems will gerrymander Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan…the 3 blue states that put trump in the WH. Without them, he can’t win…even with FL and Ohio!!

    Stop the racism. Stop the rhetoric. You all do not like people who have differing POVs than you do. You automatically call people “liberals” (as if being a conservative is better); you work tirelessly to drive the discussion into the gutter with name calling and lies and then lurk. You say, you are for a “civil discourse” and that too, is a lie. You can’t have a civil convo with lies. trump is the biggest liar of all. “Mexico will pay for the wall” Really? “ALL Americans will have affordable healthcare” Really?? “I have the electoral college victories in history” Really? “I didn’t serve in the military because of bone spurs”….Really? “I did not have anything to do with the $130K to Stormy Daniels”…and then his lawyer filed his FEC papers and then later on, admitted he cut the check at trump’s behest…trump knew about it all along”. Really? If you go after Bill for cheating; you have to do the same for trump. Same with Ivanka and trump’s cell phone. I am not bucking on hypocrisy. Independents decide elections……not partisans. We are not going to take that from trump. Hold him accountable. Or you will lose in 2020. We don’t give a damn about the what trump says he’s done for the economy. My family has done well under both parties. We care about the country. We care about honesty. We care about ethics. Truthfulnes. Trump’s taxes as they pertain to his business dealings: Is he working for us “The People” or to use the WHI to enrich himself, which is illegal!

  2. I take comfort in the fact that Hillary Clinton was ahead in all the polls and she got her derriere kicked. I can only hope that the polls are equally wrong this time as they were then.

  3. Rasmussen: Republicans +1
    President Trump saved America…we must save the Republic!!
    So,I will vote…

    Bring your friend,
    Invite your foe,
    Get your family up, and GO…VOTE!!!
    VOTE RED…or stay in bed.

  4. Chuck, we can’t afford to be complacent. No matter how much we think it’s going to be massively on our side of the votes, if we get complacent and don’t vote we would deserve to lose.

  5. Considering that nearly all polls are taken by left wing sites, even having them show the dems are losing ground is nearly proof that libs are probably way behind in actual poll numbers. The blue wave is actually a little blue puddle. Its way past time to drop the race card and the woman card and concentrate on actual accomplishments and actions instead of “Vote for……….. He/she is black. And vote for….. because she is a woman”. If they have no other accomplishments except physical differences, they should NEVER be elected to any public office.

  6. For 8 years they played the race card. they tried and try to play the seixst card but obviously this is wearing thin it is getting harder for them to incite hate and the violence they have strewn came back at them in Florida and was let loose in Pittsburgh. The masses are not as gullible and stupid as they hoped.

  7. The Democrats allow people to Disrespect our flag, our woman’s bathrooms, allow illegals and so called safe city’s for illegals, Enable to buy votes support violence with threats or counter protests invoking violence where people get hurt or killed then have the audacity to blame Republicans. I can go on and on!
    The Democrats also LIE! Please, Someone needs to STEP UP! Why don’t you people EXPOSE the lie’s that the Democrats tell? What about the facts! They were in power with some Professional Scammers who refused to complete or apply measures to fix our country’s unemployed, illegal citizenship, corruption, robbing our Social Security Coffers, causing divide and hate in America! The world does not revolve around the Democratic Party or the Republican Party! The real and true divide is the Party’s that don’t communicate, It revolves around the American People not them and their childish antics! Their not suppose to enable the able or even enable more welfare and less jobs! Why is it that President Trump slapped common sense into our country bring back jobs and security but we still allow and or support lie’s and fake stories on the Networks etc without retribution. Why is it Republicans refuse to indite and expose the Professional Politicians once and for all? Why doesn’t our elected officials work with a President that is doing the job he or she was voted in to do the job. Why is people like Bloomberg one of the RICHEST MEN IN THE WORLD PROFITING on our IGNORANCE thinking that he and the Democrats really care about us, NOT, How about lining their own POCKET BOOKS! Allowed to say false things about President Trump and the Republican Party without Proof or facts etc and not be held accountable or challenged?
    Like Obama’s Health care, Some people got it cheap, other people were put in the poor house because they could not afford it. If you want a great health care plan make it fair and affordable for all! Make people accountable for their lie’s and false statements, that is not free speech when it harms others no difference then pointing a weapon at someone, it is wrong unless it is a matter of life and death! Well our future is a matter of life and death!
    Dreamers did not build this country, Americans did! The Media is not the Truth Meter, Our Courts are! Yes, we have to unite, but not enable! I don’t want men in girls bath rooms sex change or not, Illegal Aliens are not entitled to our Social Security or other programs because they did not help fund it, Scammers and gang banger’s that abuse our system should not be allowed to abuse our social system or expanding Medicaid to buy votes with Tax-Payer Moneys either. Professional Welfare and food stamp abusers need to be investigated and locked up, not enabled for votes. Properly support America, our system of programs or lose your right to our social service’s and your right to vote.
    Research and you will see we are played daily by these professional politicians, President Trump is exposing them for who the are. Vote Responsibly, Vote to make America Strong for us, don’t enable for them and don’t support a Party, Support the Person who supports America and our true values! Our Grand-Children and Great Grand-Children’s Future depends on it!

  8. Seriously, you have to be an idiot or a Socialist to vote Democrat any more with their agenda clearly heading that way. They want your money, they will spend your money to suit them, not you. The caravan heading this way is a perfect example. The FBI has already said that it is the work of the Democratic Party. What does that say about them wanting to keep America strong when they will allow 7,000 or so illegals to stream across our border illegally and use up our resources meant for American citizens? Vote with your head, not your heart. Yea, I sympathize for these people as well. I wish there was more we could do, but we have enough American citizens that are having a hard time and we’re not taking care of them, why would we allow more to come here to take those precious benefits away from out citizens?

  9. I’ve always wonder that as well. I’m a life long Republican and have never been asked to do a poll of any kind, even exit polls. I’m guessing these pollsters go to where the Democrats are and just ask them. No kidding they would be ahead. They chastise Donald Trump for calling it ‘fake news’ but if you only poll one portion of the public and print it as fact, then that is, indeed, fake. I didn’t believe the polls two years ago that said Mrs. Evil would be our President. And I don’t believe them now. Red wave coming, get your swim trunks.

  10. Well, if more Americans were as smart as they think they are, the Dems would be way lower in the polls. I for one have NEVER been called to participate in a poll. How many other Trump supporters can say the same. Who are these pollsters asking? NYC and Caif unregistered U.S. citizen voters?

  11. If the dems win and manage to impeach Trump and Pence, Babct Pelosi could become president. That is one of the most scary thoughts anyone can imagine!
    Vote RED Tuesday to save America, in more ways than one!!

  12. I take comfort in the fact that Hillary Clinton was ahead in all the polls and she got her derriere kicked. I can only hope that the polls are equally wrong this time as they were then.

    1. The trump liars and cheaters lost. The polls were right. Chris you got your own “derriere kicked”. Lawrence, Rasmussen is not trusted or legit. Just look at you: “GOP +1”????? Dem won by 9 points. The gap was even or close. The worst beating since Watergate.

      2020? Women hate trump. He will be on the menu in 2020! So will the Senate with a decidedly different map for the Dems.

      You all don’t get it: You all hate people who are not like you; who don’t think like you. White or Black. As a white 4th generation United States Marine and a lifelong conservative, this is not what I had in mind. trump is worst then a cancer or a disease. He is WAY worse then Obama, who I hate and didn’t vote for!!

      Look at all of your comments: It’s a freaking “con circle jerk”. You all are bots. You don’t think for yourselves. You all WILL attack me and my service. Predictable. You DON’T want the country to come together. You DO want another civil war. You go silent when another republican kills a bunch of Americans in a church or synagogue; even when the killers say they were inspired by far right extremism or trump.

      Enough is enough. You all lost. This is a major, major repudiation of your thoughts and radical, hate-filled extremism. You lost hundreds of seats, governorships, and of course the subpoena power of the House. Yes! As a now-turned Independent, I damned sure want oversight. Trump is kissing the butts of everything I’ve fought against in the military and American men and women have died for: the destruction of authoritarian rule around the world. You all bask in it and thrive and want more. We fought for our independence on 04 Jul 1776 for the very thing you all want by loving MSB and Putin! You want a rulership again. Be careful. Dems will win the WH again. Will you want a rulership then? Of course. You hate the constitution and the thought of Blacks voting. But you don’t like it when you ppl call you racists, yet, as a white man I move in your “circles” and I know the truth. You don’t fool me.

      You can’t win elections by subtraction and rest assured the Dems will gerrymander Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan…the 3 blue states that put trump in the WH. Without them, he can’t win…even with FL and Ohio!!

      Stop the racism. Stop the rhetoric. You all do not like people who have differing POVs than you do. You automatically call people “liberals” (as if being a conservative is better); you work tirelessly to drive the discussion into the gutter with name calling and lies and then lurk. You say, you are for a “civil discourse” and that too, is a lie. You can’t have a civil convo with lies. trump is the biggest liar of all. “Mexico will pay for the wall” Really? “ALL Americans will have affordable healthcare” Really?? “I have the electoral college victories in history” Really? “I didn’t serve in the military because of bone spurs”….Really? “I did not have anything to do with the $130K to Stormy Daniels”…and then his lawyer filed his FEC papers and then later on, admitted he cut the check at trump’s behest…trump knew about it all along”. Really? If you go after Bill for cheating; you have to do the same for trump. Same with Ivanka and trump’s cell phone. I am not bucking on hypocrisy. Independents decide elections……not partisans. We are not going to take that from trump. Hold him accountable. Or you will lose in 2020. We don’t give a damn about the what trump says he’s done for the economy. My family has done well under both parties. We care about the country. We care about honesty. We care about ethics. Truthfulnes. Trump’s taxes as they pertain to his business dealings: Is he working for us “The People” or to use the WHI to enrich himself, which is illegal!

  13. Rasmussen: Republicans +1
    President Trump saved America…we must save the Republic!!
    So,I will vote…

    Bring your friend,
    Invite your foe,
    Get your family up, and GO…VOTE!!!
    VOTE RED…or stay in bed.

  14. Considering that nearly all polls are taken by left wing sites, even having them show the dems are losing ground is nearly proof that libs are probably way behind in actual poll numbers. The blue wave is actually a little blue puddle. Its way past time to drop the race card and the woman card and concentrate on actual accomplishments and actions instead of “Vote for……….. He/she is black. And vote for….. because she is a woman”. If they have no other accomplishments except physical differences, they should NEVER be elected to any public office.

    1. Chuck, we can’t afford to be complacent. No matter how much we think it’s going to be massively on our side of the votes, if we get complacent and don’t vote we would deserve to lose.

  15. For 8 years they played the race card. they tried and try to play the seixst card but obviously this is wearing thin it is getting harder for them to incite hate and the violence they have strewn came back at them in Florida and was let loose in Pittsburgh. The masses are not as gullible and stupid as they hoped.

  16. The Democrats allow people to Disrespect our flag, our woman’s bathrooms, allow illegals and so called safe city’s for illegals, Enable to buy votes support violence with threats or counter protests invoking violence where people get hurt or killed then have the audacity to blame Republicans. I can go on and on!
    The Democrats also LIE! Please, Someone needs to STEP UP! Why don’t you people EXPOSE the lie’s that the Democrats tell? What about the facts! They were in power with some Professional Scammers who refused to complete or apply measures to fix our country’s unemployed, illegal citizenship, corruption, robbing our Social Security Coffers, causing divide and hate in America! The world does not revolve around the Democratic Party or the Republican Party! The real and true divide is the Party’s that don’t communicate, It revolves around the American People not them and their childish antics! Their not suppose to enable the able or even enable more welfare and less jobs! Why is it that President Trump slapped common sense into our country bring back jobs and security but we still allow and or support lie’s and fake stories on the Networks etc without retribution. Why is it Republicans refuse to indite and expose the Professional Politicians once and for all? Why doesn’t our elected officials work with a President that is doing the job he or she was voted in to do the job. Why is people like Bloomberg one of the RICHEST MEN IN THE WORLD PROFITING on our IGNORANCE thinking that he and the Democrats really care about us, NOT, How about lining their own POCKET BOOKS! Allowed to say false things about President Trump and the Republican Party without Proof or facts etc and not be held accountable or challenged?
    Like Obama’s Health care, Some people got it cheap, other people were put in the poor house because they could not afford it. If you want a great health care plan make it fair and affordable for all! Make people accountable for their lie’s and false statements, that is not free speech when it harms others no difference then pointing a weapon at someone, it is wrong unless it is a matter of life and death! Well our future is a matter of life and death!
    Dreamers did not build this country, Americans did! The Media is not the Truth Meter, Our Courts are! Yes, we have to unite, but not enable! I don’t want men in girls bath rooms sex change or not, Illegal Aliens are not entitled to our Social Security or other programs because they did not help fund it, Scammers and gang banger’s that abuse our system should not be allowed to abuse our social system or expanding Medicaid to buy votes with Tax-Payer Moneys either. Professional Welfare and food stamp abusers need to be investigated and locked up, not enabled for votes. Properly support America, our system of programs or lose your right to our social service’s and your right to vote.
    Research and you will see we are played daily by these professional politicians, President Trump is exposing them for who the are. Vote Responsibly, Vote to make America Strong for us, don’t enable for them and don’t support a Party, Support the Person who supports America and our true values! Our Grand-Children and Great Grand-Children’s Future depends on it!

  17. Seriously, you have to be an idiot or a Socialist to vote Democrat any more with their agenda clearly heading that way. They want your money, they will spend your money to suit them, not you. The caravan heading this way is a perfect example. The FBI has already said that it is the work of the Democratic Party. What does that say about them wanting to keep America strong when they will allow 7,000 or so illegals to stream across our border illegally and use up our resources meant for American citizens? Vote with your head, not your heart. Yea, I sympathize for these people as well. I wish there was more we could do, but we have enough American citizens that are having a hard time and we’re not taking care of them, why would we allow more to come here to take those precious benefits away from out citizens?

  18. Well, if more Americans were as smart as they think they are, the Dems would be way lower in the polls. I for one have NEVER been called to participate in a poll. How many other Trump supporters can say the same. Who are these pollsters asking? NYC and Caif unregistered U.S. citizen voters?

    1. I’ve always wonder that as well. I’m a life long Republican and have never been asked to do a poll of any kind, even exit polls. I’m guessing these pollsters go to where the Democrats are and just ask them. No kidding they would be ahead. They chastise Donald Trump for calling it ‘fake news’ but if you only poll one portion of the public and print it as fact, then that is, indeed, fake. I didn’t believe the polls two years ago that said Mrs. Evil would be our President. And I don’t believe them now. Red wave coming, get your swim trunks.

  19. If the dems win and manage to impeach Trump and Pence, Babct Pelosi could become president. That is one of the most scary thoughts anyone can imagine!
    Vote RED Tuesday to save America, in more ways than one!!

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