There’s quite a conundrum of idiocy afoot in the Freddie Gray case and it keeps getting worse for Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby.
On Monday, Mosby’s motion for a gag order in the Freddie Gray case was struck down by Judge Charles J. Peters, who ruled the motion lacked standing in an actual proceeding, as it was filed by Mosby’s office in Circuit Court on May 14. At that time, the officers’ cases were still in District Court. They weren’t transferred to Circuit Court until May 21, when the officers were indicted.
The gag order motion request was intended to block witnesses, attorneys, and police from speaking publicly about the Gray case. Maybe that had something to do with fact that she asked police to target area the where Freddie Gray was arrested, according to the Baltimore Sun.
Late yesterday, the defense filed their motion which said Mosby “is now an integral part of the story … both as an advocate and a witness.”
About three weeks prior to Freddie Gray’s death, Mosby instructed police to target the intersection where the controversial encounter began with “enhanced” drug enforcement efforts, defense attorneys for the six officers charged in the case revealed on Tuesday.
Well now, between Mosby and Mayor Sheila Rawlings-Blake, we have a purposely targeted intersection, and stand down orders given to the police… And then they turn around to stir the pot, knowing they had a hand in the orders they’ve given, after Grey’s death, deflecting blame and pointing a finger at the fall guys.
Oh yeah, Liberal Women make great leaders. Yep, no way they’re corrupt. If you didn’t know any better, they sat at the kiddie table while listening to the lectures of Hillary Clinton.
By the time the attorneys for those cops are finished with her she will be in the fetal position hiding under her desk.
Do you think it’s time for Mosby to recuse herself in this case? What do you think about the latest developments? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
H/T: KellyFile