Maxine Waters Office Evacuated After Suspicious Package Found

Maxine Waters anthrax

A package addressed to “Anne Thrax” raised suspicions at the Los Angeles office of Rep. Maxine Waters, causing local authorities to shut down portions while they investigated.

The incident is being more thoroughly scrutinized, though no hazardous materials were found on the package.

“There was no evidence of any dangerous substance at all,” LAPD spokesman Mike Lopez said according to the Los Angeles Times. “They’re probably going to investigate to see where this item came from.”

No injuries were reported, including one staffer who came in contact with the package.

The threat comes on the heels of Waters’ incendiary rhetoric telling supporters to publicly shame and harass Republicans and conservatives.

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she told her followers.

The comments have led to widespread condemnation and an effort to censure the congresswoman. (RELATED: GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis Says Maxine Waters Is Not Fit To Serve In Congress).

Waters has complained that her incitement to harass others has led to people harassing her. She had to cancel events due to what she claimed were ‘death threats’ made against her. (RELATED: Maxine Waters Cancels Events After Receiving Threats).

She also managed to incite an incident outside her office last week when she publicly issued a warning about a far-right militia group planning to protest her office. With a wink and a nod, Waters told supporters that the group was known for starting violence and that any of her adoring fans should most definitely stay away from the area.

The group never showed, but those fans dutifully arrived and accosted a vehicle, stole the American flag, burned it, chanted “black power,” and then forced a bystander back in his car for the apparent crime of wearing a Navy hat. (RELATED: Maxine Waters Supporters Surround Vehicle, Steal Flag and Set It on Fire).

Last month, President Trump warned Waters about telling others to harass his supporters, saying “Be careful what you wish for Max!”

It seems her detractors are simply playing by the rules she put forth, though death threats and suspicious packages are NEVER okay.

Recently, Waters claimed that her calls to impeach Trump and ‘reclaim my time’ were a divine effort.

“When you see me in the Congress of the United States of America and I say ‘reclaiming my time,” Waters said. “I’m reclaiming my time because you got to know that I’m here to do work that I’ve been sent to do. And as Pastor said to me when I came here this morning, ‘when God sends you to do something you just do it.'”

God didn’t send you to divide the country and incite riots, we’re quite certain of that.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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