Just in case you have been tucked away at some nature retreat or you’ve been on the ocean the last couple of months and don’t have a clue, many states have begun to move forward with measures to reopen their economies following strict stay-at-home lockdown.
The lockdowns were aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19. As some governors have lifted restrictions, others and big-city mayors are now saying the restrictions will not fully be lifted until a vaccine or treatment for the disease is available.
Cut off the paychecks to all elected officials and see how long the lockdown lasts. These people are so out of touch with reality. As much as I love this country, we are our own worst enemy.
What’s to stop these people from giving themselves raises, creating laws that protect them and their donors. In California, the legislature has a Super Majority meaning they can pass pretty much whatever they want. Greed and selfishness. We need brave grass-root leadership to stand up to these crooks.
“Until there is a vaccine or a proven treatment… I am not going to be comfortable,” Oklahoma City Mayor @davidfholt says about reopening of the state’s economy.
He added that he knows “we can’t shelter in place forever” but “my gut would have picked a date farther out.” pic.twitter.com/9LcNttprI7— CNN This Morning with Kasie Hunt (@CNNThisMorning) April 27, 2020
Mark my words, no city, state, or county will remain closed past August 1st. It is too costly, the people will not stand for it, and by then the federal government will have to intervene to stop an uprising. Honestly, if any make it that long I would be surprised.
Any state that refuses to reopen should lose all Federal funds until they do. They have the right to make that call in many cases, but they don’t have the right to have us subsidize their anti-Trump policy stances.
Summer is coming and people are NOT going to stay home, stay inside, etc, etc, etc. Regardless of any lockdown on businesses, folks are gonna hit the streets and the parks. We are already seeing it happen in the warmer climes.
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The Senate and the POTUS are NOT going to go for a monthly income deal. We might see one more round of $1200 payouts but that will be the end. The red states will reopen for business. People will happily go back to work and come fall they will DEMAND that the schools reopen.
Now that test kits are widely available (yes, they ARE, just call your MD) we will see a huge spike in reported cases, but only a moderate jump in hospitalizations and deaths. After a few weeks, most people will figure out that they are not “at-risk” of getting really sick or dying. For most people, it will be cold or nothing at all.
By the end of summer, most of the nation will be back at work and the blue states and cities will be on the verge of a revolution. Come November the Dems are going to pay a heavy price for acting like rump-wipes during this crisis.
Look how hit-or-miss the flu vaccine is every year. It’s very unlikely that a 100% effective vaccine will be found. This is politics, pure and simple. The Democrats want Trump out, as do the Chinese, so they are both trying to trash our economy.
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Three Democrat governors – all first-term governors elected in 2017-2018. All willing to destroy their state economies to ‘keep people safe’ from a virus that is turning out to be far less deadly than we know initially. Citizens can try to recall the governors – or more to a state-run by someone with common sense.
Really sad that we are seeing the End of Days as a free country.
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