Liz Cheney Says ‘Massive Criminal Investigation’ Underway Into Whether Trump Incited ‘Premeditated Violence’ At The Capitol

Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) claims there is a "massive criminal investigation underway" to determine if former President Trump is guilty of inciting "premeditated" violence on the Capitol.

Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY) claims there is a “massive criminal investigation underway” to determine if former President Trump is guilty of inciting “premeditated” violence on the Capitol.

Cheney made the startling assertion during an interview on “Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace.

The Republican lawmaker urged her colleagues in the Senate to consider the evidence that would be put forth during the upcoming impeachment trial.

“If I was in the Senate, I would listen to the evidence,” she said. “I think that is the role the Senate has as jurors.”

“I would also point out that the Senate trial is a snapshot. There’s a massive criminal investigation underway,” continued Cheney. “There will be a massive criminal investigation of everything that happened on Jan. 6 and in the days before.”

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Liz Cheney – Trump Subject Of A ‘Massive Criminal Investigation’

Rep. Liz Cheney went on to suggest that the criminal investigation into Trump’s alleged role in the Capitol riots was to determine whether or not his actions were “premeditated.”

“People will want to know exactly what the president was doing,” Cheney said referencing a tweet in which the former President criticized vice president Mike Pence for not being courageous in combating the election results.

People “will want to know … whether that tweet, for example, was a premeditated effort to provoke violence,” she claimed.

Cheney’s rantings are nearly indiscernible from those of her colleague Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) who claims Trump should face premeditated murder charges for his alleged role in the riots.

“There’s information that some of the planning came out of individuals working in his campaign,” Waters said.

“As a matter of fact, he absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lives that were lost with this invasion, with this insurrection.”

Not an ounce of difference between what Waters has said and what Liz Cheney is trying to say with her criminal investigation comments about Trump.

RELATED: Maxine Waters Wants Trump Charged With ‘Premeditated Murder’

Cheney Claims No Future For Trump In The Republican Party

Liz Cheney, during her interview with Wallace, went on to claim that Donald Trump has no future in the Republican party.

“Somebody who has provoked an attack on the United States Capitol to prevent the counting of electoral votes, which resulted in five people dying, who refused to stand up immediately when he was asked to stop the violence, that is a person who does not have a role as the leader of our party going forward,” she said.

“We should not be embracing the former president.”

The reality, however, suggests it is Cheney and the anti-Trump Republicans who are not being embraced by Republican voters.

One poll, released last month, shows a vast majority of Republicans do not hold Trump responsible for the Capitol riots, and a staggering 92 percent still see him as their preferred nominee in 2024.

Another poll shows an overwhelming percentage of Republican voters would follow him to a new political party if need be.

Cheney, one of the few Republicans to join the Democrats in their impeachment charade, was censured by the Wyoming Republican Party for her actions.

Former Clinton campaign adviser Dick Morris recently told Newsmax that she “has a snowball’s chance in hell of getting reelected.”

27 thoughts on “Liz Cheney Says ‘Massive Criminal Investigation’ Underway Into Whether Trump Incited ‘Premeditated Violence’ At The Capitol”

  1. Actually, it was Maxine Waters who was inciting violence against Trump supporters day after day. Waters should at least be charged with the attempted murder of Rep. Steve Scalise (and other Republicans) who was shot by James Hodgkinson while playing baseball in a nearby park. Scalise almost died that day and if not for the Capitol police who stopped Hodgkinson before he could do more damage, more would have been killed.

    Maxine should definitely be charged with incitement to violence and as a n accomplice in the multiple assaults on Trump supporters and Republican Congressmen like Te Cruz and Rand Paul.

  2. MZ Cheney is forgetting that her father and Bush sent thousands of our sons and daughters to fight in endless wars and many died, others maimed and no one would think of bringing criminal charges against them because some would say that these wars lasting up to 20 years was all about regime change and not about protecting American interests abroad or protection the men , women and children whose homes we invade causing a huge refugee crisis….those actions sure were agregious compared to these made up charges against, actually, this is a frame- up of a former President. Mz. Cheney like so many of these Never Trumpers are obviously motivated by hate stemming from the fact that Trump came to Washington and upset the apple cart. Perhaps, Mz. Cheney should take good care of her 'ticker' because if she is anything like her father, it is likely to malfunction in a big way.

  3. You really need to get your news somewhere other than MSM. You are blinded by the left wing rhetoric. Watch the evidence presented on OAN regarding the 3 am ballot dump for China Joe. Wake up.

  4. Well Lizzy what you think, according to China Joe phrasing, That's Malarkey, Com'on Man!…..DJT is more direct, It's BS"………….and that's why your reelection is in jeopardy…..what is the matter with you PI, why are so squeamish???

  5. Hey Liz your done. You jumped off too soon. Just go ahead and resign. Tell your old crooked, corrupt, rhino dad to kiss it. I guess you will inherit that corrupt Halliburton money of your dads. May you rot with the other rhinos

  6. Tell you what Cheney, Prove that the President is lying about the stealing of the election. You made a definitive statement that he was, yet just last week compelling evidence was shown to the nation of voter fraud and stolen votes at 3 a.m.. Where is the proof they are wrong. I know you hate President Trump, but he is 100 times more AMERICAN than you will ever be. He did more in his 4 years while under full assault by politicians like you. You talk about listening to the evidence against President Trump if you were in the Senate, yet you presented ZERO evidence in the House showing he incited the mob. We still do not know who was killed in the riot nor how they were killed. We do not have an accounting of whether those already charged ere pro-Trump or pro-Antifa and pro-BLM. Who is doing the investigating Cheney? You are as big a fraud as the China Joe in the WH.

  7. And? Trump was not asking to find non-existent votes. He was not asking for a semi of illegal ballots to be mysterious be found. (Sounds familiar) He had the votes. 80+ million of them. He was asking for help to expose the fraud. Why would that bother you “Sol”?

  8. Yes Donna! This is Deja Vu 4.0. 2 Impeachment’s with no investigations, just partisan interpretations. Russian Collusion and deemed a Russian Spy before finalizing an investigation. And election fraud dismissed without allowing any evidence to be submitted or discovery phase. Guilty until proven innocent, cart before the horse CORRUPTION. Cheney is a chip off the ole Globalist block

  9. Liz, Chill. You are headed down the wrong path. In the past I support you. Today, I think you gone down the Pelosi dark path, President Trump was robbed of the election by the democrats nd outside countries. I challenge you to review the data that has been presented by verifiable American citizens. You will see, without a doubt, the election was stolen form President Trump. Of course, you have to take the time to do your research. I personally, you do not have the guts to o your job and look for the facts. You convicted President Trump with out Due Process. You should be ashamed and apologize for your unconstitutional vote

  10. Cheney should get it through her thick skull that most people, Democrats, Republicans and Independents have a better opinion of President Trump than of her, the war monger! She hates Trump and is so jealous of tall his success because he was the best president ever and that just fries the little brains of the never-Trumpers!

  11. The office of Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, on Monday started an investigation into Trump’s attempts to overturn the state’s election results, including a phone call he made to Mr. Raffensperger in which Trump pressured him to “find” enough votes to reverse his loss.
    The January call was one of several attempts Trump made to try to persuade top Republican officials in the state to uncover instances of voting fraud that might change the outcome, despite the insistence of voting officials that there was no widespread fraud to be found. He also called Gov. Brian Kemp in early December and pressured him to call a special legislative session to overturn his election loss. Later that month, Trump called a state investigator and pressed the official to “find the fraud,” according to those with knowledge of the call.

  12. Ms. Cheney, the investigation should have taken place BEFORE the HOUSE Reps Impeachment President Trump not after. The whole lot of you are Losers and need to be Voted OUT. Your time is limited.

  13. The Cheney's just like the Bush's are long time globalist, heavily involved in the upper echelons of the Bilderberg Groups rank and file. They have bought and paid for their seat at the table of the New World Order, aka One World Government, aka The Great Reset

  14. I can't wait to see what the Patriots of Wyoming will say and do after this ridiculous announcement from Cheney. She just keeps on digging her political future grave deeper and deeper into the ground. Not just 6' under, it's more like 60' under. If anyone should be under massive investigation, it should be her family, the Bushes the Clintons and the Obamas.

  15. Cheney should of been removed from leadership. More likely a democrat in disguise. I believe Pelosi had this set up to make sure Trump couldn't run again.

  16. "Far-right extremism" encompasses a broad number of groups whose specific beliefs and goals vary. They fall into two broad, overlapping categories: white supremacist groups who believe they must defend the white race from "extinction," and anti-government paramilitary groups, or militias, who see themselves as revolutionary heroes opposing a tyrannical federal government and the "New World Order" — a secretive global government run by Jews and socialists. Some militias are dedicated to the violent overthrow of the U.S. government; some "accelerationists," such as the Boogaloo Bois, aim to spark a civil war between the races and to establish the U.S. as a white, Christian ethno-state. The violent attack on the Capitol, law enforcement officials say, was spearheaded by these groups, all of which, says Kathleen Belew, a University of Chicago historian who studies white supremacists are "fundamentally opposed to the exercise of American democracy."

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