Disturbing VIDEO: THIS Is Why Nobody Takes The Libertarian Party Seriously

Libertarian Party

Just when you thought it was the Democrat or Republican parties that were going off the rails this campaign season, the Libertarian Party comes along and destroys any credibility they may have had, and it took a mere two minutes.

Literally, in 120 seconds.

During the Libertarian National Convention, candidates for the chairmanship were each given two minutes to make their case before their party’s voters on why they should earn the coveted slot.

One of the candidates used his time to create the most uncomfortable 120-seconds in the history of C-SPAN, stripping down to a thong and dancing for the crowd.

Let me repeat that – A candidate for chair of the Libertarian Party stripped down to a thong on stage at the convention, and it aired for the world to see on C-SPAN.

You can take a look for yourself, but feel free to keep a bottle of bleach nearby for your eyes …

Via Mediaite:

Something truly bizarre happened at the Libertarian National Convention on Sunday. Candidates for the party’s new chairman were given two minutes to pitch their case…and I am absolutely not kidding when I say that one man took all 120 seconds and started dancing and taking off his clothes on stage.

Some people in the room clapped and went along with the man at first, but by the time the guy was down to a thong, everyone had had far more than enough. As the boos kept coming and event staff approached the guy, he said that the whole thing was a dare and he promptly dropped out of the running.

Aptly-named representative James Lark tried to get the event back on the rails, but the damage was done.

With this year’s campaign featuring two candidates that have largely negative favorability numbers – the aforementioned Clinton being nearly universally despised as a liar – the Libertarian Party was actually garnering serious looks from disgruntled voters.

That all pretty much went out the window faster than this man’s clothes.

In explaining his party’s views recently, party chairman Nicholas Sarwark said “We are the only political party that stands for your right to pursue happiness in any way you choose as long as you don’t hurt anyone else and as long as you don’t take their stuff.”

Perhaps this man was simply pursuing happiness in any way he chose.

In the end, former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson was nominated by the Libertarian Party as their presidential candidate.

Comment: What do you think of this wild display at the Libertarian Party convention? Leave your comments below.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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