Internet Mogul KimDotCom Hints Robert Mueller Could Soon Lose Position

Last May, famous internet personality Kim DotCom broke the news that Seth Rich, the mysteriously murdered DNC staffer, was the source for Wikileaks’ Hillary campaign email dump. This revelation contradicted the media’s claim that Russia was behind the email leakage.

The assertion was never proven. But that hasn’t stopped Mr. DotCom from stirring the rumor pots some more, and hinting that big news is coming to the Trump-Russia investigation.

Recently, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher visited Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, in London where he’s in political exile within the Ecuadorian Embassy. Assange told the congressman that Russia was not the source of the damning Hillary campaign emails from last year. Now Rohrabacher is going to relay the information he learned to President Trump.

Kim DotCom weighed in on the matter. What he said has everyone talking: Is Mueller about to be fired?

This could mean any number of things. Assange could have evidence that Mueller is corrupt, which isn’t out of the question given that his team is stacked with Hillary-aligned lawyers. It could be something that tarnishes Mueller’s character. It could be something that totally exonerates President Trump, ending the witch hunt for good.

Only time will tell.

What does Kim DotCom know that we don’t? Is Mueller really finished? Tell us your thoughts below and share this story on Facebook and Twitter!

20 thoughts on “Internet Mogul KimDotCom Hints Robert Mueller Could Soon Lose Position”

  1. Mueller will be pushed into a corner along with his elite demoncrat group of lawyers who were associated with the clintons. Where is the investigation on Podesta, Killary, Slick Willie, The Ukrains, and Comey/Lynch/Rice/Holder and the Russian Ambassador.

  2. He’s not going to be fired. He’s going to be challenged. What is your mission? What is the scope and nature, the depth, breadth and lengthy of your mission? If you cannot answer, then you are engage in a fishing expedition which is (a) violation of due process; (b) a violation of prosecutorial ethics; (c) a violation of legal ethics; (d) beyond the jurisdiction granted by the Deputy Attorney General and therefore ultra vires exposing you to personal liability. Now, what do you have after all your investigation on (1) collusion with the Trump campaign; (2) the leaks from the DNC; and (3) Russian interference in our election outside of pure propaganda? If you’ve got nothing, then you should probably wrap things up. It’d take a weekend for one of your assistant special prosecutors to complete the memo. If you’ve got something, let’s see it. And by the way, everyone who was a target of your two grand juries wants everything released to the public. And STOP THE LEAKS or we are going to investigate and prosecute your office, including you. Public reputation destroyed. Start piling on the scrum, boys.

    1. Two Grand Juries and 3 Congressional investigations. Trump went on Lester Holt and confessed to Obstruction of Justice when he fired Comey to stop the Russia investigations, which is the literal definition of OOJ. He invited Russians only to the WH and bragged about firing that crazy nut case Comey to end the Russia thing….OOJ. He cleared out the oval office so he could tell Comey to stop the Russia thing…..again OOJ. Two other phone calls….same thing as noted by Comey and witnessed by 5 other FBI agents……OOJs Private meeting with Comey in Trump tower….noted by Comey and witnessed by another agent afterwards….OOJ

  3. Assange already stated it wasn’t the “russians” who provided him with the leaked
    emails in an interview with Hannity, but THAT, of course is totally ignored by the
    leftists, just as this latest statement will be.

  4. Robert Mueller of the FBI is a carry-over from the Obama administration, an associate of the (Bush/CIA) Clinton Crime Foundation, and the “sponsor” of James Comey. The concept that he will conduct an investigation on president Trump, any member of the Trump cabinett, or any well-known supporter of president Trump, “without prejudice”, is void of logic.

  5. Listen carefully to Assange, he did not say that Russia was not involved,,, he said the Russian Government was not involved. And when pressed again he very carefully tiptoed around it, emphasizing that the “government” was not responsible .

  6. ” Assange could have evidence that Mueller is corrupt, which isn’t out of the question given that his team is stacked with Hillary-aligned lawyers.”

    Wouldn’t be surprised since his pal James Comey, exonerated (or tried to anyway) Hillary in a fashion never before seen in American justice, then leaked a “memo” he made up, after the fact, to get his pal Mueller appointed as Special Prosecutor. Actually Loretta Lynch and Obama were probably both involved as well as a slew of others.

  7. Why does everybody constantly under report what the DNC did to undermine Bernie? The entire thing with the help of the media (oh my!) was rigged for Hillary not just “in favor of” but wild horses wouldn’t stop them from getting what they wanted. Between Wikileaks and Project Veritas several people had to resign or were fired. If that were Trump’s campaign he would be in jail for life right now.

    1. David You raise a point I have been screaming about since the whole Russian interfered with the election fantasy began. The fact evidenced election interference issue is with Hillary and the DNC over the Bernie in the primaries. Period. I do however find it ironic that the country’s oldest Communist had his primary votes “shared” with the opposition. Is that not redistribution or what?

    2. I think you may have asked the wrong question “Why does everybody constantly under report”. Perhaps “Why does the liberal media constantly under report” would have been better?

    3. Yes. Similarly, the concept that Robert Mueller, a carry-over from the alias B.H. Obama administration, compatriot of the Clinton Foundation and supervisor of James Comey, is capable of conducting an investigation of president Trump, “without prejudice“. Illogical.

  8. Hopefully Mueller will be fired & he & Comey will be prosecuted for all their previous crimes. The liberal left morons are getting crazier & more despicable by the day! So sick of it!

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