Kathy Griffin Receives Worse News – Fired From Another Job!

Kathy Griffin found a way to unite America. Apparently, no one wants to see a vulgar photo shoot of her pretending to decapitate President Donald J. Trump.

In response, she’s lost her advertising deal with Squatty Potty and her job at CNN, where she used to host their annual New Years Eve show. And after a weak “apology,” she has hired a lawyer claiming Trump officials are bullying her.

kathy griffin shows

But the bad news for Griffin isn’t over yet. Now, the Route 66 Casino, which is close to Albuquerque, New Mexico, has announced they will cancel her show after receiving an “overwhelming negative response” from customers.

As KOB Channel 4 reported:

“We received an overwhelming negative response from our customers and associates to the widely circulated photograph Ms. Griffin posted on social media,” Route 66 General Manager Tim Perkins said in a statement. After evaluating the incident we decided it was in the best interests of our business and our customers to cancel the show.”

Route 66 said anyone who purchased tickets to the Kathy Griffin event will receive a full refund.

She has also had a show cancelled in Sunset, California, according to the Monterey County Herald:

The Sunset Center has cancelled Kathy Griffin’s October show and the comedian has lost a decade-long gig ringing in the new year for CNN as a backlash builds over her video displaying a likeness of President Donald Trump’s severed head.

The Sunset Center released a statement on social media Wednesday saying it “does not endorse or condone the activities or beliefs of any of its performers. … We have heavily considered all factors involving a decision to cancel (Griffin’s) performance on Oct. 13. With Ms. Griffin’s public apology and release of any further contractual obligation, we are now confirming 100 percent cancellation of the performance.”

In addition, she lost another job in Grassfield, California after the venue received many complaints and some “threats.”

Kathy Griffin was trying to be provocative, using an ISIS-like pose with Trump’s head. She’s vulgar, not funny, and crossed a line. Threatening the President isn’t part of freedom of speech… It’s a crime, and should be fully investigated by the Secret Service.

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Her weak “apology” wasn’t enough and now this D-list celebrity is losing her income.

Share this on Facebook and Twitter with your friends! They need to know the reproductions Kathy Griffin will keep suffering for her shameful act.

56 thoughts on “Kathy Griffin Receives Worse News – Fired From Another Job!”

  1. The reason this was done was to implant into the minds of the American public the ideas of the French Revolution when they put the bloodied heads of the aristocracy on sticks after they beheaded them. There is something wrong with this woman, and that is not just a figure of speech.

  2. What amazes me is that she is referred to as a comedienne, Lucille Ball, Carole Burnette, Phyllis Diller, these were ladies as well as being funny. Kathy Griffin is a hack and there is nothing funny about her or her crude behavior!

  3. Griffin is just a part of a long list of losers including Rosie O’donnel, Madonna, Ellen, The View, CNN ( Cweer News Network) including fags Anderson, Wolfie and Lemon , The Clintons, Monkeye’s Barrack and Michelle, MSNBC, Bruce Springwinnie, All of Hollywood, baby killers, immigrant buyers, globalist Soros, Monsanto, Of course the Liberal MEDIA, snowflakes, UCLA turds and on and on

  4. Yet more proof of her utter moral bankruptcy. Go insult and terrorize a family – any family, not just the President’s – and then file suit against them for reacting to your vile attack. I would not hire her to spit Roundup on my weeds. Cretin.

  5. All time stupid move! I suppose she can claim Trump Derangement Syndrome. LOL Seriously, I hope she gets everything she deserves for crossing a free speech line that we as a Country should never want to be the norm. It’s important to make an example out of her.

  6. I thought for sure we were going to have to listen to this nasty little witch for the next twenty years. Imagine my elation when she turned out to be stupid enough to torpedo her own career. On top of that she adds fuel to the fire by going after an 11 year old boy and GOD only knows what she has brought down on herself. Wouldn’t it be ironic if someone posted a photo of her head on a platter?

    1. “Wouldn’t it be ironic if someone posted a photo of her head”

      Er, exactly how would that make anyone better then she? I don’t condone what she did … for anyone, nor do I condone Trump’s bullying. None of it should be tolerated.

  7. I am not a lawyer. It is certainly repugnant, and deliberately going after an 11 year old child is beyond the pale, and may be inciting violence. If that’s the case, arrest her. We are all disgusted with the violence and destruction being perpetrated. Maybe they could arrest George Soros who is reportedly paying for a lot of the mayhem.

    1. “Reportedly ” being the key word. No one so far, in this country, is arrested on mere accusations. Be careful what you may wish for other people. Once that door is opened, It could happen to you or anyone else.

  8. …I’m wondering if maybe the owner/operator of the ‘crat crime syndicate…nazi-collaborator soros…perhaps paid off the ugly griffiths skank to pull such a stunt so as to get the Seth Rich story out of the news for a while…

  9. …typical vile, ugly, disgusting soroscrat…hypocrite of the highest order…filing a suit accusing the President of bullying her…all the while her and filthy, scumbag fellow ‘crats have been trying to bully the President and all Americans, ever since we rejected the mentally defective crooked beast of Benghazi…this gruesome creature…along with anyone who agrees with her should be well and truly castigated out of existence…

  10. You never hear The Kardashians making negative political comments…. They are smart! They have a Mother who will not allow any of them to damage their empire that she built.
    The audacity of her to blame The Trumps! Like A Trump-Putin Collusion on Kathy Griffin? lol
    KATHY-Accept the consequences for your actions. The only reason why you are sorry is because it backfired & hit you in the pocket. Stop disgracing America just because you don’t agree with the President. It will cost you at least 50% of your fans, business, sales, etc.
    You never hear The Kardashians making negative political comments…. They are smart! They have a Mother who will not allow any of them to damage their empire that she built.

  11. The sad thing about this fiasco with this dimwit who calls herself funny is Baron saw this on the TV and thought it was real. From what was reported he totally freaked out thinking his father was dead. He’s too young to understand that people like her exist and are very sick individuals. Actions have consequences, especially when you mess with the President. I think she has kissed her career goodbye, tho there are going to be the extreme lefties who support this kind of crap. Any consequences she suffers, she brought on herself. Its no loss to humanity for her to disappear.

  12. Typical Hillary Supporter – Blaming Trump (Another Trump-Putin Collusion)
    KATHY-Accept the consequences for your actions. The only reason why you are sorry is because it backfired & hit you in the pocket. Stop disgracing America just because you don’t agree with the President. It will cost you at least 50% of your fans, business, sales, etc.
    You never hear The Kardashians making negative political comments…. They are smart! They have a Mother who will not allow any of them to damage their empire that she built.

  13. Political activism shrouded in comedy/art? is still political activism. After seeing/hearing her at her news conference I believe she believes our President is as much a tyrant as John Wilkes Booth believed President Lincoln was and she has shown malicious intent and should be jailed for the duration of the President’s term(s). She has also expressed ill intent toward the President’s 11 year old son. The similar deceptive spirit, pretense, like weak mindedness, immorality and denial of the cruelty of their acts which they claim to be moral and benign of entertainers and Democrats and their attraction to each other has never changed since the Civil War and has gotten progressively psychotic, barbaric and criminal.

    1. “She has also expressed ill intent toward the President’s 11 year old son.”

      I’m inclined to believe if that were true, Griffin would have already suffered severe repercussions for it, just as she is with this situation … and deservedly so. I’ve been trying to fact check this since it all broke the other day and have found nothing so far. Until I find it’s validated, I’ll consider it hearsay. I would hope for the same consideration if I was being accused of something horrific.

  14. Squatty Potty was an appropriate sponsor for her for she has been an “in the” toilet type person for a long time now. She’s totally off the reservation and borderline mental and potentially a danger to her and others. She has absolutely no talent, these days, as she is so over obsessed with Trump and her liberal agenda. If there was ever a person with Trump derangement syndrome it’s Kathy Griffin.

    She deserves just what a Conservative would have gotten if they had done the same or even half that to Obama. If it had been Hannity, on FOX, that had done anything close then he would have been ostracized for eternity and never got a job again. Kathy Griffin deserves no less and should be fired from every job she’s got until she can get help that she surely needs. Problem is that the left (Liberals) never have any accountability. They scream and whine when a Conservative just says something that they consider offensive but they believe they should get away with anything. I don’t think that they should be allowed to. It’s time to make Kathy and example.

  15. Too much attention for this pathetic so called comedienne. She is yesterdays news and like all the stories about Megyn Kelly – who cares there are much more important things to be reported about.

  16. She deserves what she gets! In a way, SHE made a death threat to the President of the United States of America, so if she gets death threats for herself, then she should put on her big girl panties, &take it. And, exactly HOW did Pres Trump & the First Lady bully her?? Both Twitter remarks were made publicly, & neither sounded like bullying to me. And, anybody that hires Gloria Alred’s daughter as an attorney, is a money grubbing gold digger. She’s trying to turn this into a ‘Mr Trump bullied me’, of course, leaving out the fact that she’s the one that did the bullying. If she’s crying over that, then I can’t wait to see her reaction when the Secret Service comes calling. They called on Snoop for his stupid video, & hers is a LOT worse than his. What goes around, comes around.

    1. “SHE made a death threat to the President”

      No she didn’t. What she did was vile, contemptible and unacceptable, just as when Ted Nugent and others said equally disgusting things about Pres Obama and Trump, in reference to Ms Clinton. Griffin’s photo shoot clearly falls under protected speech. She would have had to actually threaten to kill the president, or call on other people to kill the president, in order to violate the law. IMO, they’re all disgusting and overstepping the bounds of responsible behavior. They should be above it, the same as we. smdh

      1. Dear MR. KIA, I think we all have your name and address, your posts make that very clear so you can stop with your in depth knowledge of the situation, we know who you are. Mr. know it all.

      1. Yes, & the fact that it freaked Mr Trump’s 11 year old son into hysterics, is ok?? She deserves to lose her jobs. And, the fact that ISIS has released videos of them actually beheading someone made what she did even worse. What was surprising to me was that liberals were disgusted by the pic, too, so while she didn’t intend that to happen, this has proven that we CAN agree on some things!

  17. Kathy Griffin is a TYPICAL USELESS LEFT WINGED P.O.S. who got caught and now can’t handle the fall out of her own actions ! Deal with it Kathy, your the hated BIGOT NOW ! I hope they LOCK you up !!

    1. Can’t behave like a rational and sane human being, you do not deserve a career in the public eye! Actions DO have consequences, as you have, and many others will soon find out!

  18. It’s not a total loss, “carrot top”. You can apply for a job as a greeter at Walmart if you can say; “welcome to Walmart” without profaning or making obscene gestures.

  19. Kathy is getting just what she deserves, to find out that the American people aren’t going to put up with people that act like she did. You are the ones that everyone has to be so P.C., and it has just created a mess.She is going to end up spending the rest of her life working as a waitress, and I hope no one gives her good tips. she really needs to have to struggle.

  20. Trump needs to stay above and out of the fray. This one has self-destructed, perhaps more will follow. If she breaks a law let law enforcement handle it, but so far blogging while crazy is not actually against the law.

  21. I hope Barron Trump brings her to court and sues her for mental anguish. This potty mouth POS is the worst thing on stage—she his so foul mouthed that she only appeals to her demoncratic kind.

  22. Juan Two Three

    This fuking PIG Griffin should be prosecuted, found guilty and put in prison for many, many years!! Another friggin LESBO, like O’Donnell, that thinks she is a great entertainer!!

  23. This is what NBC CBS ABC CNN SMNBC ALL want it’s viewers to expect at being the new norm is how we view the PResident. Absolutely disgusting that no other president has been mistreated this poorly. Then again we’ve never had a group of media institutions that’s ever engaged in such anti presidential content. This is what these people are trying to force the American public into viewing as okay. Colbert and mahar and seth meyer and trevor noah need to be next. Jimmy Fallon can keep his job. He’s toned down the anti president rhetoric a lot. he keeps his to silly jokes, not disgusting and rude insult So does Conan. Jimmy kimmel, he’s on the fence of his level of disrespecting the president.

  24. Suing?? The little snowflake got her feelings hurt? Too bad Kathy you were never funny you’re time in the spotlight is over. But like your hero Hillary you will blame everyone and everything else but yourself. Good riddance.

  25. Apparently some on the left have some scruples about how far you can go in insulting the
    President of the United States. She has basically committed a major self inflicted suicide
    to her career in TV and other media outlets. Good riddance as I have viewed her before
    and found her sadly lacking in any redeeming assets or talent.

  26. Hit these creeps where it hurts. In the pocketbook. The only language they will ever understand. Maybe some of the other Hollywood sickos will read and heed.

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