Kamala Harris’ Story About Wanting ‘Fweedom’ As A Toddler Goes Horribly Wrong As She’s Accused of Plagiarism

Kamala Harris

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris landed in hot water when she was accused of plagiarism for a tale she told Elle Magazine about wanting “fweedom” as a child.

In Harris’s story, she tells Elle how she started her “life’s work” at a very young age.

So young, in fact, that at a civil rights march she apparently fell out of her stroller. What’s worse – the adults kept on marching, oblivious to the fallen child.

“At some point, she fell from the stroller (few safety regulations existed for children’s equipment back then), and the adults, caught up in the rapture of protest, just kept on marching,” Elle writes.

“By the time they noticed little Kamala was gone and doubled back, she was understandably upset.”

Harris explains, “My mother tells the story about how I’m fussing, and she’s like, ‘Baby, what do you want? What do you need?’ And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.'”

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Harris’ Struggle For “Fweedom” Sounds Familiar

Despite the utter absurdity of a story involving a child falling out of a stroller and none of the adults noticing that it happened, coupled with her struggle for “fweedom,” none of this apparently stuck out to the media.

The Elle interview was published in early October and nary a member of the media called it out for further scrutiny.

Imagine for a moment an interview in which President Trump claimed he fell out of his stroller as a child and his parents came rushing back asking what he needed, to which he responded, “Make Amewica Gweat Again.”

You can bet your a** the media would have been all over him for such a tall tale, and rightly so.

Even putting that aside, the media apparently didn’t bother questioning the story at all because, three months later, after the election, somebody finally figured out that Harris’ story appears to have been plagiarized from one of the most quoted men in American history – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Twitter user @EngelsFreddie and Andray Domise, contributing editor of the Canadian publication Maclean’s, noted that Harris’ story resembled one told by King in a 1965 interview published in Playboy,” Fox News reports.

Here is MLK’s story:

I never will forget a moment in Birmingham when a white policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother. “What do you want?” the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked him straight in the eye and answered, “Fee-dom.” She couldn’t even pronounce it, but she knew. It was beautiful! Many times when I have been in sorely trying situations, the memory of that little one has come into my mind, and has buoyed me.

It should be noted that the stories are not word-for-word identical, but the theme is very, very similar.

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Kamala Harris is Called Out For Plagiarism

It didn’t take long for social media users to pounce at the obvious similarities.

Seth Mandel, executive editor of Washington Examiner Magazine said, “Plagiarizing an MLK interview seems like the kind of thing you’ll get caught on.” 

The mockery continued unabated.

Indeed, President-elect Joe Biden was considered a strong candidate for president in 1988 when he first announced a run for the White House, but was derailed by accusations of plagiarism.

Biden was accused again in June of 2019 of plagiarizing his campaign’s climate platform.

Seems Kamala Harris is simply following in Biden’s footsteps regarding plagiarism. 

And why not, when both Democrats know they will never be asked to address their transgressions.

103 thoughts on “Kamala Harris’ Story About Wanting ‘Fweedom’ As A Toddler Goes Horribly Wrong As She’s Accused of Plagiarism”

  1. This is about Kamala, so please don't try deflecting to Melania. And we know why you're defending Kamala….you are in her camp…. and notice she didn't mention the MLK story 'coincidence" until caught. If this had been Melania, you would be calling her out as a liar…but it's Harris, a leftist like you, so nothing to see here, right?

  2. My sons' friend was required to get a COVID test done for work. He went to the doctor's office filled out the paper work, turned it in and waited. He waited for over an hour and then he left because he was going to be late for work. He NEVER had the COVID test administered. A week and 1/2 later he received something from his doctor's office saying that he had tested positive for COVID-19 and to immediately quarantine for 14-days and then get retested. Needless to say, he did neither quarantine or get retested as he told the doctor…."How could I have tested positive for COVID when I never had the test???" It's ALL about the numbers because the numbers equal MONEY for the state!!

  3. Voters have been suspecting fraud for severl election cycles. The problem is, nothing gets done in Washington.
    Voters had complained about illegal immigration since before Clinton and it took Donald Trump to finally try to do someting about it.

  4. By criticizing her highness, Michelle, you just FAILED the… "Are you a rabid, leftist-supporting, close-minded, pompous, self-righteous, indoctrinated, mind-numbed, pro-Marxist, pro-socialist, anti-American/anti-capitalist/anti-Western/anti-freedom/anti-white/anti-Christian DEMOCRAT"?… test!!!! Congratulations!…I hear Michelle passed it with flying colors! (Donna Brazile must have snuck the answers to her)…..

  5. I believe I read where one medical doctor, in the "know", said US COVID deaths were really around 15,000-20,000. Politics, money, and "insurance", he said, inflated the number…

  6. Amazing how ANYTHING associated (favorably) with Trump is a target by these rabid leftists. Melania is RARELY seen by Americans, unlike FORMER, irrelevant 1st Lady Michelle, who is ALWAYS out there, lecturing and scolding every chance she gets. And yes, remember Michelle renting out ENTIRE floor(s) of fancy hotels, at taxpayer expense…and those $5000.00 purses? What do these leftists find so offensive about Melania, really, other than she's simply Trump's wife? Put a "D" next to her name, and they'd LOVE her! Trump's dog wouldn't be safe around these hypocrites…

  7. He's a leftist Democrat, so he will SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY try to blame the other side….amazing how well leftist indoctrination so easily blinds these pawns of the left….

  8. My wording just now was poor. I meant to say that I see no one on either side of the aisle willing to enforce the NBC requirement for office. Just wanted to be c lear.

  9. I agree. But legal precedent might. One non-NBC was allowed to serve as president for eight years. Numerous others have run for president. So enforcing the NBC requirement will be difficult. And I see no one on either side of ther aisle willing to do so.

    There were numerous federal and state lawsuits against Obama's non-NBC status. None of them were heard, as I recall. (Similar to the courts' antipathy to President Trump's legal challenges to the 2020 election.)

  10. Kamala is someone to be afraid of. She likes to lock people up in private prisons because private prisons are money makers for those involved and supporting them.

  11. Ronald, India provides HCQ to its citizens as a malaria preventative. As I'm sure you know, HCQ also helps to cure CoVid19.
    So it is the anti-Trumpers who decided to refuse to allow HCQ to be admistered to CoVid19 patients in the USA. Place the blame where it belongs.

  12. Were her parents green card holders or students on visas? In either case, neither one was a citizen. Her father last I heard is still alive. Maybe an interview with him could shed some light on this.

  13. Kamala remembers her "Fweedom" and "Kwanza" childhood memories, but doesn't talk about her affair with Willie Brown. It sounds like she slept her way up the political ladder, in her early years of politics.

  14. He was the biggest story teller (nicer word then liar) ever, remember Bengazi? When obama was going somewhere to campaign and didn't want to take time to try to get help for our ambassador and our men over there? I will never forget the pictures of the terrified ambassador being dragged through the streets and being killed and then hilldog and ovomit tried to pass it off. Why those 2 never got put in Gitmo for that is beyond me. Now here he is back again to interfere in our government again and there will probably be a job for old hillldog too. China is really happy and I see they are moving their ships close to America. I hope all those fake people who "voted" for biden and harris are real happy.

  15. The problem is this: since both parties have had non=NBC candidates, how will we challenge any current or future non=NBC candidates. They can argue that Obama, Rubio, Cruz, or who ever were allowed to run. Both parties have essentially eliminated the NBC requirement, for all intents and purposes. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone on either side of the aisle willing to try and enforce it or try to.

  16. Good thing Kamala Harris is a Democrat, and 2 or 3 minorities rolled into one, because NOTHING will happen to her because of it! If she "DARE" gets called out on this by any white person, the usual race card and sexist card will be played, as usual. If non-whites call her out, they'll be called "sell-outs" to whites…she's got it made in the shade…

  17. I guess Harris was a toddler when her mother abandoned her while she was fighting for justice what I find hard to believe is that a toddler would know what "fweedom" is let alone say it?
    Talk about a whole lot of bull manure what a lying cow she is

  18. The Democrats mocked Quayle for grammatical errors and slips of the tongue, Clinton was one of the biggest inventors of political fiction in American politics. Rush constantly caught him telling whoppers. Harris must be a student of the Clinton's. I can't remember if Obama did or not except for trying to pass himself as a slave descendent, many still believe he was born in Indonesia and is a Muslim not a marginal Christian without faith.

  19. Now we will not only have a president who had to drop out of a presidential campaign because he plagiarized a speech, we will also have a vice president who plagiarized a story that Martin Luther King told. It seems that these two clowns that are going to be sitting in the White House don't have any of their own material. It's all going to come from somebody else, more likely their puppeteers.

  20. Who else have I heard of being into plagarism since his college days?
    Oh, I know! It's Q uid-p ro-q uo Joe! Soon to be our oh so wonderful sleepy president!
    I've also heard that~~"Birds of a feather flock together."

  21. Harris isn't Vice President yet, she just might be given her own private accommodations in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp sometime after Jan. 20.  
     If God wants Pres. Trump in the Oval Office on the 20th, Pres. Trump will be in the Oval Office on Jan. 20th…                  
     And He (God) changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding (Daniel 2:21). And Harris and Biden both will be making different plans, or maybe the different plans will be made for them by our Federal Courts…. We can only pray.

  22. you hit the nail. her parents were green card holders. i see no path in the constitution to automatically award citizenship. I was born in a foreign country. My father was a US citizen. I was a US citizen. same as Sen. Cruz.

  23. This is what the Dems live and breathe!

    If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."
    Joseph Goebbels

  24. First Lady Melania Trump plagiarized words of Michelle Obama??? HaHaHa…Michelle Obama never had anything of importance to say the entire time she, her mother and others vacationed on and lived off of the taxpayers money! Now I do remember that Michelle said the words "and, the, I, they, it, is, why…." and so did our beautiful First Lady Melania Trump, so if that is what you are talking about I guess all of us have plagiarized Michelle Obama's words…..even you. First Lady Melania Trump has a lot more class than to even think the same thoughts as what Michelle Obama did much less steal her words….that is so rich!!!!! Oh…..I know MSM tried to make up another lie about the First Lady Melania Trump but it's just another Fake News lie!!! WOW!!!!!

  25. When is now, as we resist any and all submission to the Frauds-In-Chief, and their minions. On the surface, we may appear to comply but remember the Resistance under Nazi rule? Time to use their tactics, organize and strike back on a great variety of ways, big and small, that I am not to describe here, as you don't just simply publish them for the enemy to know.

    We are the American Resistance, now all over again like those in WWII, and the best part is we don't need to know French. We just need a heart and mind for God, Liberty and America, and that comes through prayer and praise to God who lifts us up and takes the most doubtful and afraid and turns them to heroes. That's American History at its core and we need to keep writing it, even if the ultimate sacrifice is required. Heck, we are going to die anyway, why not make it extremely worth it for all eternity?

  26. I wish I could find "fweedom" from the Deep State left and a Biden presidency. Now Democrats want to try and impeach President Trump even though he only has two weeks left in office . . . !

  27. Plagiarist Joe Biden, plagiarist Kamala Harris… these commies like to wrap themselves in stories borrowed from others.

    Kamala Harris is such a fake, she can't even legally take the office of Vice President. Our Constitution prohibits anyone but a "natural born citizen" of the United States from taking that office. The definition is easily found in the internationally published reference book used by the Founders to craft our nation's founding documents:

    "The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens" – Law of Nations

    The purpose was, as American legal history recognizes:

    "…the term 'natural born citizen' is used and excludes all persons owing allegiance by birth to foreign states."
    The New Englander and Yale Law Review, Volume 3 (1845), p. 414

    But Kamala was born with Jamaican allegiance due to her Jamaican Citizen father.

    The communist coup continues.

  28. She did not use "feedom" which is much more the REAL way a very little child would speak while learning the language but used "fweedom" to sound like Elmer Fudd from the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Elmer Fudd is not a character trying to appear "childlike" but a dumb, dense, slow minded hunter who Bugs Bunny easily fools, deceives and mocks.

    Kanola Harris plagiarism turns around and mocks HER as Kamala Fudd, who is a dummy but ascended through the spreading of her "message". Tyrants are very dangerous dummies. Time to stop seeing them as Americans and to bring them down!

  29. That camela thing most likely doesn't have ANY original material. She's nothing more than a lying, POS democrat. Rev. Martin Luther King was an inspiration to us all. Harris? No where near inspirational, let alone credible from my point of view anyway.

  30. The truth is what they say it is…if you disagree you are a racist, transphobe, homophobe, nationalist, white supremacism (even if you are not white), a bigot, and a truth denier.
    Welcome to the next 4 years of the left…unchecked.

    We are all to blame for where America has to…and what we will reap in the coming years.
    If we do not make a stand here and now, we WILL become Venezuela very quickly.
    The first step is cut off ALL their streams of revenue.
    That means STOP spending your money at places and on things that support the left (financially and ideologically) .
    YES, that means ditching movies, netflix, nike, major league sports, fb, twtr youtube, etc.
    If you complained about the stolen election and are still funneling money to the left in a daily basis, then you need to STFU.
    Your as bad as/worse than occasional cortex spouting off about the environment and the green new deal and then getting in a gas guzzling car, eating a burger or jumping on a plane to go give her next idiotic interview.

  31. We have a lot to look forward to with this new administration: a president who can't remember, and a vice president who only remembers things that happened to someone else and who has adopted those memories as her own. Soon we will be hearing that Kamala "had a dream".

  32. If memory serves, he also was an admirer of Gandhi, as well.

    Somewhat ironic how Arizona is in the middle of this election mess. They were the last state to agree to the Martin Luther King national holiday–and only did it after being threatened with the loss of a Super Bowl . . . !

  33. I am not "Scared" of her, but I definitely do NOT like or TRUST her ! I believe that her Mother never told her that, but she made it up, thinking that it sounded good. Do you REMEMBER how POORLY she did when all the candidates were competing for the Presidency ? She was eliminated almost immediately, because she was disliked, so DON'T tell me anything about being "Scared" of her !

  34. The Dem's and and all their lies, getting wrapped up in their own web of deceit. they get to the point when they don't know what is truth and what is fake, they begin to believe their own lies. pretty pathetic.

  35. Yeah, there's stealing and there's stealing elections. Noticed Democrat voters flash mob repeatedly looting small businesses all summser long. Recall Senator Blumanthal lying about fighting in Vietnam but being reelected by Democrat voters who don't care if he's a liar. Oh, yeah, he's a liar who loves to give speeches that time after time again accuse Republicans of lying. Well, ain't that so very special?
    Also recall a teary-eyed black store owner being interviewed after BLM destroyed his place of business. Black lives may matter but apparently his didn't that night.

  36. I guess we're going to have to get used to it because we're going to have 4 more years of both Biden and Harris lying because that's what Democrats do. They Lie, Lie, Lie and then tell more Lies.

  37. So Kamelian's cop out was "it was my mummy' fault " ? just like Fauxahontas Warren ? Oh these lying maters. They must be the reason Dems are so fxxxxx up.

  38. And Frank, if the great, caring and brave Martin Luther King saw what was going on now, he would be devastated. To see the devastation and destruction the BLM did to the cities, it would have broken his heart. This man sacrificed his life for the betterment of his people and they are actually spitting in his face. How very sad.

  39. Did u confirm the story? Did u notice the author left out Melanie Trump’s plagiarism when she stole parts of Michelle Obama’s speech?. Yet included Joe Biden's. ‘Newsweek’ 1-5-2021 – From an interview, Harris states that the most incriminating detail, the "fweedom" quote, was told to her by her mother. It is unclear whether Harris intentionally stole the story from King to pass as her own or if she is relaying a story she came to believe was true. U folks r so scared of the new vice president elect. So scared it's laughable, nay sad.

    This is way more news than this lame story. And the author knows it, but he wants to hype u up. 356,228 now dead over for COVID-19 in US.
    India with 149,850 and they have a population of 1.353 billion.
    R population is 327.2 Million

  40. This is the type of hyperbole/garbage you get when there is no Praetorian guard in the free media to hint." remember caesar, memento mori."Politicians lose all sense of reality. Can we hope this one emulates Icarus ?

  41. This is the woman who has done so much for the black community… NOT! She is a token for all women who just want to vote for a woman because she is a woman. Well if that is the case… get behind a woman who has substance, speaks truth and has some grit. Not a turn coat on the man she said did all the things he was accused at…. you can get her saying those things from the debates to get the Democratic nominee for president. She was knocked out of that race early. Why??? because she is a total hiprocrite still seeking her own agenda. She doesn't give a hoot for Biden or for America.

  42. Kamala Harris didn’t say “Make Amewica Gweat Again” she said “fweedom”. Let’s get the story straight instead of ur snarky phrase
    The media didn’t call it out because it’s not even proven to be true. From ‘Newsweek’ 1-5-2021 – From an interview, Harris states that the most incriminating detail, the "fweedom" quote, was told to her by her mother. It is unclear whether Harris intentionally stole the story from King to pass as her own or if she is relaying a story she came to believe was true.

    Most on this wall have enough to deal with right now with trump loss for a second term. A loss where Joe Biden got 7 million more votes.

    I see not mention of Melanie Trump’s plagiarism when she stole parts of Michelle Obama’s speech.

  43. OMG. First it's the fake "my family celebrated Kwanzaa when I was a little girl" story, now plagiarizing the great MLK. If she does become the next President after Trojan Horse Joe is removed from office, she should produce plenty of laughs while she and the left destroy the nation. She should go to a toy store and hang out with the stuffed animals. At least they're as phony as they look.

  44. Maybe kamala has not read the Bible where it says, all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

  45. Lying stealing or plagiarism is the natural order of things for democrats as we have witnessed this past election. People who vote for them we must assume share their values.

  46. Unfortunately, both parties have violated the requirement of natural born citizenship for years. On the GOP side, it has been alleged that Ted Cruz, John McCain, Marco Rubio, and Bobby Jindal were not NBC. And, of course, the most famous non-NBC Democrat is B. Hussein Obama.

    So I am not sure if such a challenge to Harris' eligibility would hold up in litigation of any kind–especially considering one NBC served as president for eight painful years.

    She's a real gem for the Democrats. Ancestors of hers were slave owners.

  47. "We the people" sat on our thumbs and allowed 0vomitt to illegally and unconstitutionally sit in the White House for 8 years, so complaining now about Kamelt0e Harris is a waste of time. The conservatives in this country have insisted on being 100% ineffective at preventing the takeover of our nation by outside forces because they would rather play the nice guy than to protect freedom at all costs! Once the left finishes their destruction of the US, it's all over. There is no "United States of America" out there that can come to our rescue, like we have rescued so many other nation's peoples. The second amendment waste completely wasted on us, as was the whole rest of the Constitution!!

  48. She is a clone of Joe's fantasies. All Democrats live in Disney World, but everthing is 'Fwee". These children are pathetic because they are caught in a time warp from which they never even try to escape. There is none so lost as the one who refuses to be found.

  49. What do you expect from a lying, cheating, dishonest person. Of course the story isn't true, but just another way the Dems tell whatever they want and no one calls them out for it. So why wouldn't she lie.

  50. Of course this awful woman STOLE from MLK. A good man, who would have NEVER approved of her as VP ! It is almost laughable, the way she changed the story a little bit from "Fee-dom to Fwe-dom ! The funny thing is that "Fee-dom is how a little child WOULD have said this word, but "Fwe-dom is NOT !

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