Kamala Harris Says Trump — Not China, Not ISIS, Not Russia — Is America’s Greatest National Security Threat

Shelby Talcott on November 20, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris called President Donald Trump the greatest national security threat during Wednesday’s debate.

Harris was asked if she would make concessions to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to keep talks going between the two countries if she became president. The California senator immediately went after Trump for his talks with the country, saying he “got punked” and naming the American president as the number-one threat to America’s security.

“What Donald Trump has done from pulling out of the Paris agreement, to pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, to consistently turning a back on people who have stood with us in difficult times — including most recently the Kurds — points out that Donald Trump is the greatest threat to the national security of our nation at this moment,” Harris said.

The question was angled around the news that North Korea threatened to cancel all future summits if Trump doesn’t agree to make concessions on nuclear weapons.

“He has conducted foreign policy since day one born out of a very fragile ego that fails to understand that one of the most important responsibilities as the commander-in-chief is to concern herself with the security of our nation and homeland,” Harris continued.

“And to do it in a way that understands that part of the strength of who we are as a nation, and therefore an extension of our ability to be secure, is not only that we have a vibrant military, but that when we walk in any room around the globe, we are respected because we keep to our word, we are consistent, we speak truth, and we are loyal.”

The moderator then asked the question again, as Harris failed to answer the first time. Harris replied and said she would not make concessions to North Korea at this time.

12 thoughts on “Kamala Harris Says Trump — Not China, Not ISIS, Not Russia — Is America’s Greatest National Security Threat”

  1. She may have been able to sleep her way into Kalifornia Politics, she is having a rough time finding someone who would want to bed her that has the power to help her win the nomination. Lost little girl, lying little bi*ch.

  2. Quote: “What Donald Trump has done from pulling out of the Paris agreement, to pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal,…” Should be very telling that it is ‘the Paris agreement’ and the ‘under cover of night Iran nuclear deal’ that she complains about President Trump getting out of and not the Paris TREATY or the Iran nuclear TREATY. Even now [Thank God] Ex-President Obama knew they were so crummy that he didn’t present them for ratification. Nope just some good old deals cooked up in the back room, not actual international treaties. Not sure if it was her or one of the other wacky women on stage who did complain about President Trump pulling out of a treaty with Russia. A treaty Russia has violated for about 10 years so the president said since they are not keeping to the treaty, we won’t either. The idea that America should be treated fairly just goes so much against the grain of the Democrats they complain every time President Trump says, “America First.”

  3. Harris knows nothing about world affairs. But she can lay on her back and move where she wants, called blackmail if you don’t help her, just like stormy daniels

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