Federal Judge Dismisses Attempt to Access President Trump’s Tax Returns

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit brought forward by a non-profit organization in an attempt to access President Trump’s tax returns.

Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson ruled on Tuesday that the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) could not use a FOIA request to access the tax documents from the IRS.

“No one can demand to inspect another’s tax records,” Henderson declared, noting that this applies to the protection of confidentiality for “the ordinary taxpayer and the President alike.”

EPIC has been suing for Trump’s tax returns for years

EPIC has faced multiple similar decisions on the matter but still, they fight for Trump’s tax information.

They requested information shortly after the President’s election, but the IRS declined. They filed a complaint demanding tax information related to alleged Russian business ties. They were rejected again.

That’s when they decided to sue the IRS, first having their case dismissed and now being dropped on appeal.

“This case presents the question whether a member of the public—here, a nonprofit organization—can use a FOIA request to obtain an unrelated individual’s tax records without his consent,” Henderson laid out. “With certain limited exceptions—all inapplicable here—the answer is no.”

The fight for Trump’s tax returns has just begun

Democrats have been foaming at the mouth over a chance to view President Trump’s tax returns in the hopes that they can find some obscure financial dealing with anybody vaguely associated with Russia.

Nancy Pelosi recently celebrated the Democrat takeover of the House after the 2018 midterms by suggesting the House Ways and Means Committee will pursue those returns.

“There is popular demand for the Congress to request the president’s tax returns,” Pelosi claimed. “[Ways and Means] will have their path as we go forward.”

It’s hardly a popular demand. A recent poll showed Americans are split over whether or not they care if the President has released his tax returns.

The Washington Post reports that Democrats “plan to formally request them from the treasury secretary,” citing the returns as “one of our priorities.”

Loosely translated – Russian collusion fell through, so now they are grasping at any straw they can find.

Democrats are seething because they believe it’s unprecedented for a President to not turn over his tax returns. What makes this case different, however, is the fact that nearly all presidents before Trump were career politicians, while Trump has been a career businessman.

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There is little question that Democrats will seize on every associate or transaction in Trump’s business history in their attempts to impeach him. Leading us to this conclusion from a Chicago Republican as to whether the information is really all that important:



28 thoughts on “Federal Judge Dismisses Attempt to Access President Trump’s Tax Returns”

  1. WHY don’t these “representatives” do something constructive instead of obstructing everything this President tries to do? President Trump shows he’s for the people. They supported O and he was sooooo against America and her people. Racist, divisive, destructive!

  2. personally, I don’t care to see the President’s tax returns, or anyone else’s and I definitely don’t want anyone looking at mine, other than my tax accountant, or attorney.

  3. I wish this old cranky witch would hop on her broom and fly away. This loud mouth hag is giving real women a bad name. Why are they so afraid of Trump, seems to me her fear and wanting him gone so bad should make us ask the question why.

  4. Really, they want 15-20 years of tax returns? What the heck do they care what Trump was doing 20 years ago? This is definitely a “witch hunt” and needs to be shot down immediately. Obama was able to hid all of his records and the Democrats supported it. What’s good for one President is good for all Presidents. I’m sick and tired of the Democrats wasting millions of our tax dollars on these senseless witch hunts. Mueller has already wasted $21 million and if he can’t prove any collusion, why are the tax records needed? I’m also tired of seeing our elected officials working so hard on crap that has no bearing on the American Citizens. These are our Representatives, not some Judicial branch of the Democratic Party.

  5. Since they (politicians) supposedly work for we the taxpayers, maybe it’s time their personal stuff was removed from their offices, tossed onto the curb, and then nail the damn office doors shut, and stop their taxpayer provided paycheck until they get their act together and remember why WE sent them to Washington!

  6. His returns are most likely 2-3 inches thick with several Schedules and forms, and the average American probably would not understand it anyway. Besides, he’s been audited by the IRS for years. If there was an error I’m sure the IRS would catch it during their audit. It’s time to let it die. IMHO it isn’t important.

  7. We can all rest assured that the IRS, seeing the potential for added tax revenue, looked under every single rock trying to get MORE from Trump, who without a doubt used every single trick his team of accountants could come up with, to pay as little as possible.
    Once accepted as filed, it is time for the Democrats to go back to the real business of governing, and give UP the “GET TRUMP”..B/S.

  8. Trump has a tax man that figures all that stuff out. If his returns were incorrect, wouldn’t it be the tax mans fault?
    We have no working government, when their one obsession is to investigate our president. We the people want a wall or fence to protect us from the evil ISIS, Ms13, and all other evil groups.
    We want to protect ourselves from outside sources that want to kill us, while Democrats say no, they build walls at their homes to protect themselves from…Americans.

  9. Pelosi, YOU really need to get lost.. shut your mouth and crawl back under the slimy rock you slithered out from under… I could care less about President Trump’s tax returns.. THERE IS NO LAW THAT SAYS HE MUST TURN OVER TAX RETURNS TO ANYONE… YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SEE THEM… His tax returns are NO ONE’s business… the financial document that he had to supply when he ran for president tells you much more and than any tax return will show….

  10. There is no law requiring that a non-politician surrender his/her tax records prior to running for office.
    Of course Pelosi and the Fascist Democrat Party will try to circumnavigate the law just like Hillary did when she got records from the FBI as First Lady that she had no legal grounds to view. But, like the Leftist Organization they are, the FBI gave her the records. What? The FBI isn’t a Leftist Organization? Right! Remember, the FBI “investigated” Martin Luther King, Jr. to try and prove him a Communist all because he was a Black Conservative Republican. Ain’t history a wonderful thing?

  11. Nancy put that in your pipe and smoke it! You really should retire. The past 2 years have aged you, ungraciously! But bet over Christmas break you see the plastic surgeon and the Botox man for help!! HeHeHe!
    Forget our President’s tax returns. it is a NO Deal!!

  12. For all the good it will do, to be rid of Pelosi will a welcome relief from her ding-bat socialist logic and mindless prattle, but more rabid Marxists like Adam Schiff & Ocasio-Cortez are standing in the wings. Caveat emptor!

  13. If she had won, that would mean that joe blow down the street could submit a FOIA and gain access to my personal tax records for no other reason than they want to see it .

  14. If you file a suit to see our President’s or anyone else’s tax returns and lose your case, you have to pay court cost. If you refile and just change a little bit, but still want private information, guess what that may be seen as a civil rights violation. Maybe a $100M penalty would get your attention.
    Nancy, you want to pursue this further when you have the majority again? Put your money where your mouth is. Put up your $100M bond. If you lose, you don’t get it back and must stand in front of Congress and apologise then resign your position, go home and forever be forbidden to speak in public.

  15. From what I know of the FOIA – NO they do NOT have legitimate reason for that information – as their motive is to take away a legally elected office based only on jealousy – and NOT on any illegal activity!! The democrats should all be impeached for running on a false platform – they said that they will work for the people… instead they ran with the intention of taking out a legally elected President so they can take back control of the White-House!! when will the good people of this country quit being staunch supporters of a lying political group and wake up to the fact that all the democrats want is to control everything they can!!!

  16. When are these Liberal Democraps going to realize that they work and get paid by the “PEOPLE” and not their special interests (or at least legally). They have jobs that they get paid very well for and not to make decisions that benefits themselves. When are these puke mouths going to do what they were hired for??? So damn much corruption spawned by the Fake Liar President Obummer that it is just plain pitiful, yet we have far too many mealy mouths running around gloating on him and hid partner. This has got to stop.

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