Judge Orders State and Justice Departments to Reopen Clinton Email Case

A federal judge has ordered the U.S. State and Justice Departments to reopen the case to determine if Hillary Clinton used a private email server to avoid public disclosure laws during her tenure as Secretary of State.

In doing so, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, an appointee of Ronald Reagan, eviscerated the previous administration’s claims of transparency, something President Obama touted throughout his time in the White House.

“Faced with one of the gravest modern offenses to government openness,” Lamberth penned in his opinion, “(the Obama administration’s) State and Justice departments fell far short” of the legal requirements behind the Freedom of Information Act.

The ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, seeking emails related to the attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

Both departments have spent years trying to avoid disclosure of those emails.

Judge shreds State and Justice Departments under Obama

Lamberth said the order to provide the relevant records requested was necessary to rule out “egregious government misconduct,” in the departments’ efforts to avoid disclosing them.

“At worst, career employees in the State and Justice departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this court,” Lamberth wrote.

Judicial Watch responds

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton expressed hope that the two federal departments under current leadership would finally be compelled to provide the documents they have been demanding.

“The historic court ruling raises concerns about the Hillary Clinton email scandal and government corruption that millions of Americans share,” Fitton said.

“Judicial Watch looks forward to conducting careful discovery into the Clinton email issue and we hope the Justice Department and State Department recognize Judge Lamberth’s criticism and help, rather than obstruct, this court-ordered discovery.”

It should be noted though, that the State Department under Trump still has Obama holdovers avoiding disclosure.

Lamberth, in October, accused State Department officials of lying and signing “clearly false” affidavits in an attempt to prevent watchdog groups from attaining information on Clinton’s private email server.

He added that certain elements of the department’s attempts to derail the case had left him “shocked” and “dumbfounded.”

Aside from concerns over her emails containing classified material and the fact that the server was hacked by foreign adversaries, Hillary’s efforts to avert sunlight to her activities has long been a concern. What was she hiding?

This is, after all, a woman who claimed to use the server for wedding planning and yoga scheduling purposes, then deleted thousands of emails, used BleachBit to destroy the remaining, and then used hammers to destroy devices.

Will those hidden emails finally be brought to light?

[totalpoll id=”153665″]

Lamberth ordered both sides to develop a plan of discovery to locate the requested material and report within 10 days.

73 thoughts on “Judge Orders State and Justice Departments to Reopen Clinton Email Case”

  1. To start you/we wouldn’t get past the front doors before an armed guards jumped you.
    Then the NSA, IRS, FBI, Etc., would be all over you.
    With the way the socialist communist progressive democrats are going all of America will be like N.Y. where your vote is meaningless, oh we now have the highest paid government of any state and about to lose more gun rights.

  2. Once again, why is it that a private law firm, Judicial Watch, have to do the heavy lifting. Where in the hell is the Justice Department. Does any one know that the DOJ has 113,000 employees with a $40 billion budget. The FBI has 35,000 employees with a $9 billion budget. What do they do all day? Judicial Watch has 50 employees with a $35 million budget. At least we know what they do all day. We Americans should be breaking down the doors of the DOJ and FBI demanding answers. Boy are we stupid dolts to think that any of these government bureaucrats work for us. I seriously wonder how anything gets done in this country.

  3. While we are at it, let’s go back to slick willy selling to the Chicoms; changed the rule for sales from the DOD to DOC (Ron Brown) then he flew into a mountainside, missile guidance systems, Look that up, Clintons have sold out this country for years.

  4. We have watched as time and again the FBI and DOJ have covered for the Clintons. What good does itdo to have the DOJ investigate them again? Another smoke and mirrors dog and pony show – in attempt to persuade the public they are legit? Why not have the military offices of the OSI – CID -JAG – NCIS – investigate these emails and the breach of classified materials – they are fully qualified and unlike the blowhards that sit behind desks in Washington the military actually has some skin in the game. They will go for the truth – POLITICS be damned.

  5. What is believed and there is already some evidence it is true that the Clinton’s hid the identity of donors and the amounts contributed to the foundation prior to the election. One example is the claim 100 million was donated by the Russians, for the sake of charity? I other words it will become further proof despite the sloppy Comey investigation motivated by political bias and Mueller’s follow on to get President Trump first hoping it will divert and stall their own downfalls, the Clinton Foundation, that also received over 200 thou from Weinstein, when his misogyny became an open embarrassment to the Clinton campaign, transferred the money to the charity, the Clinton charity is a launders money that is for political influence peddling. That is what we will find in the emails.

  6. The whole group of them belong behind bars. I don’t like liars and we have put up with their crap for the last 2 years. I hope they all rot, and you know where.

  7. All of the criminals in the Odumbo administration will only get a punishment of volunteering for a day in a soup kitchen for the homeless. This of course is justice for the Elite, corrupt, anti-American , and Commies also known as Liberals. I hate them all .

  8. Hillary Clinton must be made to live by the same laws us common folk do. She deserves no preferential treatment and charges should be filed against her, Cheryl Mills and Uma Aberden;

  9. Because of Judge Lamberth’s decision to re-open this investigation, December 7, 2018 will become another “Date that will live in infamy”.!!! #ObamaSpyGate #LockThemAllUp

  10. Its all BS!! Nothing is going to happen…we are being scammed and screwed by the republicans. We have no justice…there will be no justice…And they will blame it on their losing the house. They will all walk…and we will still be stuck with a FKED-UP COUNTRY!!!

  11. Remember the events and the order of events that made it to public media as best you can for yourself. Trends and tendancies make a huge difference, too. Try to remember the dates, or at least the order of events – the media will try to muddle that all up. Like fast n furiously attempting to bring about a way to rescind the second amendment. You saw it and knew what you saw, but the MEDIA and political games obfuscated things until you got tired of the crap, and gave up again on pursuing truth.

    Don’t let the media BS make you forget what you already SAW.

    Like Uranium One, Ben Ghazi, the Library, the Foundation, Vince Foster, being ousted from a law firm for unethical practice… 2 fisa warrants because you can’t use the CIA to spy on american citizens then theres the girl who pretended to be a relative of Putin, the stories about videos… the fake pee dossier paid for by the dnc…

    Remember that when you send an email, the recipient of your mail will probably see the REAL name on your server (like gmail or whatever) until they create a friendly name. Even if you ARE running your own server.. they know how you get the mail to them .. even if you are running your own server.

    Remember how many people GOT an email from Clinton that knew.. or should have known… over the years she was doing this – then remember the OOPSIE, with a cloth, and the time she was given to nuke about 30 or 40 thosand mails. Follow the MONEY. Who paid whom, and how, for that little ‘fringe benefit’. since when would the law ask you if they could look at your computer and take”no” for an answer.

    Clinton was NOT following established security procedures / protocols. Even Comey told you that. But Remember Comey took on more than his own job when he pronounced that no “reasonable” prosecutor would go forward… REASONABLE by what definition, Mr Comey? When were YOU ever a prosecutor? Maybe… there so many people involved in her email for profit email games (think:RUSSIAN money and uranium and the library and secrets and bills trips to China…) a full investigation could have made most of the DC elite culpable by association? That’s not suprising, at all. YOur job Mr Comey was to present the facts, not make our decision for us…. Trying to make us forget 100 years of BS topped off by the Obama/Clinton attempted soft coup no matter how often you repeat your BIG LIE… I vote we follow up on every one of these people with the same diligence and vigor we do with every other drug dealer, thief, etc in the general public… we get out EVERY FACT in full public disclosures in a well published and un biased fact based investigation. If we start seeing indictments from that – FINE. If not.. FINE. Based on FACT
    It is exactly what should happen to thos operating above the law. Not by supposition or arguendo or implication.. and FWIW… during the funeral for Bush 41… before the casket arrived at it’s second DC locatioin… the Clintons and Obamas acted nearly as they did at the funeral where they were doing selfies. After they knew the Cameras were on, they got “stoic”.. We saw that too. While we may never know what was said… I saw 3 Presidents behave as you’d expect… Trump, Bush43, Carter. Before and AFTER they knew the cameras were rolling…

  12. Anyone with a with half a brain knows this goes all the way back to the fraud and usurper barack hussein obama . One of the first so called” BIRTHERS ” were the Clintons in 2008. And then Hillary sold what’s left of her soul to the devil and made a deal to be OBs Secretary Of State as long as she could be the Next US President .

  13. Don;t get excited.who is going investigate the D.O.J this will go nowhere.they will start with more hearings.If there serious.a grand jury will conveyed.

  14. IF everything about the Clintons and Obama – or whoever the hell he really is is revealed they will make Nixon look like a choirboy. They will make ENRON look public benefactors. Bill Clinton (and Hillary) will make Bill Cosby look like a wannabe.

  15. Careful you’re getting awful close to treason with those suggestions. This is the real problem. The liberals think that just because they want a certain outcome no one else’s voice needs to be heard. Down here in my home state I only know one person who didn’t vote for trump and most of us feel he’s gone far beyond any other president in trying to keep his campaign promises. How refreshing and if the crazy liberals weren’t trying to sabotage his every move this country would soon be back on track and a decent place to raise our kids once again. For right now most of us would settle for the wall being built and if the house won’t approve of it then we stand behind trump shutting down the govt. until they finance what the majority of americans want and not just those who live in calif. or new york.

  16. You may or may not be a 4th Gen Marine but you are definitely a liar for saying you’re an Independent when you are clearly a Democrat Communist and you’re not very bright for believing everything MSNBC tells you to believe.

  17. GREAT! Attack Clinton. Go for it. Dems will then attack Ivanka for her illegal email use. Nazi-apologist, Donald for his unsecure cell phone….Yemen scandals…..No. Carolina election fraud, stealing ballots, voter fraud….and a whole bunch more. The country will devolve into a pile of steaming horse crap because republicans do not want to EVER hold trump accountable FOR ANYTHING! That does not sit well with REAL Americans….who believe in putting the country first.

    So, as much as i hate Clinton as an ex-republican-turned-staunch-Independent, there MUST be oversight of trump. The GOP FAILED miserably at their job over doing oversight on trump.

    If republicans want to attack, the Dems better attack back….under the power of constitutional oversight.

    republicans/trump need to understand: they lost the House, the power of subpoena and the purse because of trump and his destruction of our country; his unchecked, disheveled and out of control, incoherent, nazi-bating, xenophobic, sexist, serial lying, sexual predator and whoremongering, nation hating behavior. He’s gonna get more of it in 2020….when he will be on the ballot for real and not just for proxy.

    Semper Fi
    4th generation US Marine, OIF, OEF, ODS

  18. At long last, there is some hope go getting that harridan whose crimes and malfeasance I have been witnessing for 30 years. Three cheers to Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton. Maybe this time justice will finally be served. I’ve been waiting. I can wait a bit longer.

  19. What is truly astonishing is that a Private Law Firm, Judicial Watch, has had to do the heavy lifting over the last two years. The corrupt DOJ, with 114,000 employees and the additionally corrupt FBI, with 35,000 employees, did absolutely nothing although they had all of the evidence they could possibly ever use to indict and prosecute a multitude of high level people. Not only did they do nothing but they did everything to obstruct justice. They should all be prosecuted for treason and locked away forever.

    The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government. Treachery, disloyalty, betrayal.

  20. Sessions stated that he would never investigate Hillary, no matter what she did. Sessions was worse than just failing to do his job. He obstructed justice. Additionally, Now it is coming out in the open , what we already know, Mueller is a political tool to hamper the administration, it was never about a crime.. Collusion is not a crime. The swamp is deep and dark.

  21. The Obama holdovers will delay. Why can’t those holdovers either be fired or reassigned to completely different department? Realize it is hard to get fired from a gov job but it seems those people really need to leave if nothing else for the sake of the country!

  22. I don’t think Hilldog’s server was hacked. I think she simply *allowed* certain people/countries unfettered access, for a price of course. Please, God, I’d like to see them swinging, or locked up for life.

  23. I don’t know of a single person in the military or Civil Service that would not have been booted out or been sentinsed to time in the brig if they had been as careless with classified information as Hillary has been. The people in this country are not that dumb that they can’t figure out that Ms. Clinton made a very nasty “error” when she either sent or received classified information over an unsecured device. Especially egregious because she was then Secretary of State. Who knows what confidential or secret information was gleefully gleaned by those who don’t like the U.S. because of her “error”.

  24. Once again, why is it that a private law firm, Judicial Watch, have to do the heavy lifting. Where in the hell is the Justice Department. Does any one know that the DOJ has 113,000 employees with a $40 billion budget. The FBI has 35,000 employees with a $9 billion budget. What do they do all day? Judicial Watch has 50 employees with a $35 million budget. At least we know what they do all day. We Americans should be breaking down the doors of the DOJ and FBI demanding answers. Boy are we stupid dolts to think that any of these government bureaucrats work for us. I seriously wonder how anything gets done in this country.

    1. To start you/we wouldn’t get past the front doors before an armed guards jumped you.
      Then the NSA, IRS, FBI, Etc., would be all over you.
      With the way the socialist communist progressive democrats are going all of America will be like N.Y. where your vote is meaningless, oh we now have the highest paid government of any state and about to lose more gun rights.

  25. While we are at it, let’s go back to slick willy selling to the Chicoms; changed the rule for sales from the DOD to DOC (Ron Brown) then he flew into a mountainside, missile guidance systems, Look that up, Clintons have sold out this country for years.

  26. We have watched as time and again the FBI and DOJ have covered for the Clintons. What good does itdo to have the DOJ investigate them again? Another smoke and mirrors dog and pony show – in attempt to persuade the public they are legit? Why not have the military offices of the OSI – CID -JAG – NCIS – investigate these emails and the breach of classified materials – they are fully qualified and unlike the blowhards that sit behind desks in Washington the military actually has some skin in the game. They will go for the truth – POLITICS be damned.

  27. What is believed and there is already some evidence it is true that the Clinton’s hid the identity of donors and the amounts contributed to the foundation prior to the election. One example is the claim 100 million was donated by the Russians, for the sake of charity? I other words it will become further proof despite the sloppy Comey investigation motivated by political bias and Mueller’s follow on to get President Trump first hoping it will divert and stall their own downfalls, the Clinton Foundation, that also received over 200 thou from Weinstein, when his misogyny became an open embarrassment to the Clinton campaign, transferred the money to the charity, the Clinton charity is a launders money that is for political influence peddling. That is what we will find in the emails.

  28. The whole group of them belong behind bars. I don’t like liars and we have put up with their crap for the last 2 years. I hope they all rot, and you know where.

  29. All of the criminals in the Odumbo administration will only get a punishment of volunteering for a day in a soup kitchen for the homeless. This of course is justice for the Elite, corrupt, anti-American , and Commies also known as Liberals. I hate them all .

  30. Hillary Clinton must be made to live by the same laws us common folk do. She deserves no preferential treatment and charges should be filed against her, Cheryl Mills and Uma Aberden;

  31. Its all BS!! Nothing is going to happen…we are being scammed and screwed by the republicans. We have no justice…there will be no justice…And they will blame it on their losing the house. They will all walk…and we will still be stuck with a FKED-UP COUNTRY!!!

  32. Remember the events and the order of events that made it to public media as best you can for yourself. Trends and tendancies make a huge difference, too. Try to remember the dates, or at least the order of events – the media will try to muddle that all up. Like fast n furiously attempting to bring about a way to rescind the second amendment. You saw it and knew what you saw, but the MEDIA and political games obfuscated things until you got tired of the crap, and gave up again on pursuing truth.

    Don’t let the media BS make you forget what you already SAW.

    Like Uranium One, Ben Ghazi, the Library, the Foundation, Vince Foster, being ousted from a law firm for unethical practice… 2 fisa warrants because you can’t use the CIA to spy on american citizens then theres the girl who pretended to be a relative of Putin, the stories about videos… the fake pee dossier paid for by the dnc…

    Remember that when you send an email, the recipient of your mail will probably see the REAL name on your server (like gmail or whatever) until they create a friendly name. Even if you ARE running your own server.. they know how you get the mail to them .. even if you are running your own server.

    Remember how many people GOT an email from Clinton that knew.. or should have known… over the years she was doing this – then remember the OOPSIE, with a cloth, and the time she was given to nuke about 30 or 40 thosand mails. Follow the MONEY. Who paid whom, and how, for that little ‘fringe benefit’. since when would the law ask you if they could look at your computer and take”no” for an answer.

    Clinton was NOT following established security procedures / protocols. Even Comey told you that. But Remember Comey took on more than his own job when he pronounced that no “reasonable” prosecutor would go forward… REASONABLE by what definition, Mr Comey? When were YOU ever a prosecutor? Maybe… there so many people involved in her email for profit email games (think:RUSSIAN money and uranium and the library and secrets and bills trips to China…) a full investigation could have made most of the DC elite culpable by association? That’s not suprising, at all. YOur job Mr Comey was to present the facts, not make our decision for us…. Trying to make us forget 100 years of BS topped off by the Obama/Clinton attempted soft coup no matter how often you repeat your BIG LIE… I vote we follow up on every one of these people with the same diligence and vigor we do with every other drug dealer, thief, etc in the general public… we get out EVERY FACT in full public disclosures in a well published and un biased fact based investigation. If we start seeing indictments from that – FINE. If not.. FINE. Based on FACT
    It is exactly what should happen to thos operating above the law. Not by supposition or arguendo or implication.. and FWIW… during the funeral for Bush 41… before the casket arrived at it’s second DC locatioin… the Clintons and Obamas acted nearly as they did at the funeral where they were doing selfies. After they knew the Cameras were on, they got “stoic”.. We saw that too. While we may never know what was said… I saw 3 Presidents behave as you’d expect… Trump, Bush43, Carter. Before and AFTER they knew the cameras were rolling…

  33. Anyone with a with half a brain knows this goes all the way back to the fraud and usurper barack hussein obama . One of the first so called” BIRTHERS ” were the Clintons in 2008. And then Hillary sold what’s left of her soul to the devil and made a deal to be OBs Secretary Of State as long as she could be the Next US President .

  34. IF everything about the Clintons and Obama – or whoever the hell he really is is revealed they will make Nixon look like a choirboy. They will make ENRON look public benefactors. Bill Clinton (and Hillary) will make Bill Cosby look like a wannabe.

  35. GREAT! Attack Clinton. Go for it. Dems will then attack Ivanka for her illegal email use. Nazi-apologist, Donald for his unsecure cell phone….Yemen scandals…..No. Carolina election fraud, stealing ballots, voter fraud….and a whole bunch more. The country will devolve into a pile of steaming horse crap because republicans do not want to EVER hold trump accountable FOR ANYTHING! That does not sit well with REAL Americans….who believe in putting the country first.

    So, as much as i hate Clinton as an ex-republican-turned-staunch-Independent, there MUST be oversight of trump. The GOP FAILED miserably at their job over doing oversight on trump.

    If republicans want to attack, the Dems better attack back….under the power of constitutional oversight.

    republicans/trump need to understand: they lost the House, the power of subpoena and the purse because of trump and his destruction of our country; his unchecked, disheveled and out of control, incoherent, nazi-bating, xenophobic, sexist, serial lying, sexual predator and whoremongering, nation hating behavior. He’s gonna get more of it in 2020….when he will be on the ballot for real and not just for proxy.

    Semper Fi
    4th generation US Marine, OIF, OEF, ODS

    1. Careful you’re getting awful close to treason with those suggestions. This is the real problem. The liberals think that just because they want a certain outcome no one else’s voice needs to be heard. Down here in my home state I only know one person who didn’t vote for trump and most of us feel he’s gone far beyond any other president in trying to keep his campaign promises. How refreshing and if the crazy liberals weren’t trying to sabotage his every move this country would soon be back on track and a decent place to raise our kids once again. For right now most of us would settle for the wall being built and if the house won’t approve of it then we stand behind trump shutting down the govt. until they finance what the majority of americans want and not just those who live in calif. or new york.

    2. You may or may not be a 4th Gen Marine but you are definitely a liar for saying you’re an Independent when you are clearly a Democrat Communist and you’re not very bright for believing everything MSNBC tells you to believe.

  36. At long last, there is some hope go getting that harridan whose crimes and malfeasance I have been witnessing for 30 years. Three cheers to Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton. Maybe this time justice will finally be served. I’ve been waiting. I can wait a bit longer.

  37. What is truly astonishing is that a Private Law Firm, Judicial Watch, has had to do the heavy lifting over the last two years. The corrupt DOJ, with 114,000 employees and the additionally corrupt FBI, with 35,000 employees, did absolutely nothing although they had all of the evidence they could possibly ever use to indict and prosecute a multitude of high level people. Not only did they do nothing but they did everything to obstruct justice. They should all be prosecuted for treason and locked away forever.

    The crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government. Treachery, disloyalty, betrayal.

  38. Sessions stated that he would never investigate Hillary, no matter what she did. Sessions was worse than just failing to do his job. He obstructed justice. Additionally, Now it is coming out in the open , what we already know, Mueller is a political tool to hamper the administration, it was never about a crime.. Collusion is not a crime. The swamp is deep and dark.

  39. The Obama holdovers will delay. Why can’t those holdovers either be fired or reassigned to completely different department? Realize it is hard to get fired from a gov job but it seems those people really need to leave if nothing else for the sake of the country!

  40. I don’t think Hilldog’s server was hacked. I think she simply *allowed* certain people/countries unfettered access, for a price of course. Please, God, I’d like to see them swinging, or locked up for life.

  41. I don’t know of a single person in the military or Civil Service that would not have been booted out or been sentinsed to time in the brig if they had been as careless with classified information as Hillary has been. The people in this country are not that dumb that they can’t figure out that Ms. Clinton made a very nasty “error” when she either sent or received classified information over an unsecured device. Especially egregious because she was then Secretary of State. Who knows what confidential or secret information was gleefully gleaned by those who don’t like the U.S. because of her “error”.

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