Joy Behar Blasts Tucker Carlson And Laura Ingraham As ‘Unpatriotic Traitors’

Joy Behar Tucker Carlson

On Wednesday’s episode of the ABC talk show “The View,” host Joy Behar lashed out at Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, claiming that they are “unpatriotic traitors.”

Behar began her rant while discussing the House Select Committee hearings on the Capitol riot that took place back in January.

Behar Sounds Off 

“I wasn’t surprised by the reports that they gave about racism,” Behar began. “A lot of this insurrection was based on white supremacy and racism. So it’s not shocking that one of these deplorables would use that racial epithet. You know, I was thinking, first of all, forget about the Republican Party ever being called the law and order party. That’s done.”

“But McCarthy made a mistake, didn’t he? He made a mistake,” she added. “He was offered to have a bipartisan committee so that he could put the liars there, Jim Jordan and the rest of these guys, Hawley and Meadows and all these other liars. He could put them there, and he said no. Not that she was going to allow it because if he picked those people, which he eventually did, Pelosi got rid of them.”

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“So it must be driving Trump, the hitman, out of his mind watching this,” Behar continued. “I was taking some solace in that fact yesterday that he’s home saying, where’s my Jim Jordan? Where’s my Roy Cohn? He was always yelling that. Where’s my side? You know what, darling? Now all Americans are going to see is the truth.”

Behar Attacks Fox News Hosts

That’s when Behar shifted to attacking two of Fox News’ most prominent hosts.

“So Laura Ingraham, and Tucker and all those other unpatriotic traitors over at Fox don’t have any of those clips to show,” Behar concluded. “All they can show is the truth, and that’s why they’re mocking the police. They have nothing.”

Aside from former President Donald Trump, there seems to be nobody that Behar loves to go after more than Fox News hosts. Perhaps she just can’t stand the fact that Fox has long come out on top in the media ratings over her beloved liberal networks like CNN and MSNBC.

Related: Joy Behar Claims ‘When You Are Spewing Lies’ That Kill People, Nowhere Is Safe For Tucker Carlson

Check out Behar’s full comments below.

This piece was written by James Samson on July 30, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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