Senator John McCain Says He Won’t Support Graham-Cassidy Obamacare Repeal Bill

john mccain prognosis cancer

It looks like Obamacare repeal is official dead.

Senator John McCain has come out against the latest GOP attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare. The Graham-Cassidy bill, which Senate Republicans are set to vote on next week, would dismantle certain parts of Obamacare, repeal the individual mandate, and block grant Medicaid money to the states.

Getting the bill passed in the Senate was already going to be a very heavy lift. Now it looks like it will be nearly impossible to pass it.

Senator John McCain has come out against the bill. If you remember, Sen. McCain killed the last attempt to repeal Obamacare. Now he might have put the nail in the coffin of repeal efforts.

John McCain’s support was necessary to get the bill passed. Kentucky senator Rand Paul has already said he won’t vote for the bill:

The other two holdouts are senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, both of whom joined McCain in tanking the last Obamacare repeal attempt.

It’s unclear if either Sen. Murkowski or Sen. Collins will end up supporting the final bill. The chances are very low, however.

Time will tell if the expected vote on Graham-Cassidy will still happen next week. I suspect that Republicans will pull the bill now, as they don’t have the votes to get it passed.

What do you think? Is Obamacare repeal dead? Is John McCain to blame? Tell us your thoughts below and share this breaking news on Facebook!

142 thoughts on “Senator John McCain Says He Won’t Support Graham-Cassidy Obamacare Repeal Bill”

  1. Could this possibly be payback for the President’s comments on heroes who haven’t been captured? McCain’s terminal condition may have given him a nothing-to-lose attitude and empowered him to take on the President and the Senate.

  2. Lindsey, McCain’s former BUDDY, they were always together! Lindsey actually was a follower of the McCain, a gofer for him. Suddenly Lindsey had to faced the truth, McCain was a traitor, it took too long for Lindsey to find out this! They aren’t a team anymore, McCain still goes on being a Traitor, just lately voted a big NO for Lindsey’s new HC Bill…what a JOKE

  3. McCain turned a on a fellow prisoner while in Hanoi Hilton that resulted in that prisoner’s death. I know the family of the dead soldier.
    This scalawag now turns on his best friend in the Senate.
    He has lived off the government teat since 1967 (fourteen years in the US Air Force and twenty-five years so far in the US House and Senate). Just another RINO swamp dweller. May his cancel progress quickly. Something has to tell the bastard it’s time to quit.
    The senile old fart is serving no one but his own self and not the stupid people who elected him. Shame on the unintelligent citizens for sending him back to Washington cesspool 7 times!
    In my book McCain is NO hero. Never has been nor ever will be.

  4. Run away cost seems to be the real problem, or the elephant in the room, that we aren’t addressing. When simple appendectomies cost $30,000, not including additional charges for anesthesiologist and other charges, it’s no wonder “affordable health care” is practically impossible to obtain. All the promises and lies both parties propagate, will not solve the high cost problem. Regulating the “system” (medical & big pharma) seems the only solution to me.

  5. Did you hear? The Graham-Cassady Bill needs Sen. Murkowski’s vote, so they made an offer. Alaska can keep Obamacare, if Alaska will vote to strip Obamacare from the rest of the nation.

    Graham-Cassady is so bad that to gain votes they are bribing states by allowing them to keep Obamacare. Wow.

  6. I thought cancer was eating away at his tiny pea brain, why in hell does he still have the right to vote on anything? He needs to be forced into retirement and get rid of the useless traitor. Prime example of much we need TERM LIMITS!

  7. The majority of people in the US is not wealthy. Most people are just verily getting by from week to week and month to month. It want be long till people want be able to afford health care at all and many are already there. We will see doctors closing there doors and hospitals going to turn away patients till they will close there doors. When this happens I assure you the democrats will be more than willing along with these turncoat republicans to get a health plan together. Wait and see for it will come to pass.!!!!!!

    1. Why won’t the Republicans propose a healthcare/health insurance idea that works? Why!

      The Graham-Cassidy bill like the GOP before it and the ACA do NOTHING to REIGN IN Health Care and Pharmacy cost.


      The Graham-Cassidy bill is just a shell game. Move some money here… move some money there… continue the Patchwork crazy quilt that is American Health-NO-Care.

  8. McStain is a low life, traitorous, lying SOB. He has no integrity, morals, allegiance – I hope they bury him in a public graveyard because even though I hate standing in line,
    I will do so to piss on his grave.

  9. Randy Paul and Johnny Boy McCain. You boys need to get off your butts and find your ink pens. It is time for you to start putting your plan to paper. I wish you two ID10T5 had to live like the rest of us “Commoners” You know, your voters, yes us the ones that voted for you. Gotta give you credit though, you fooled us.


      1. Look you bag, just because you are a libtard and holding out your hand for some government freebie don’t criticize others who have to support themselves and quiet possibly a family. It’s your kind who has put deserving wussies like McCain into office way too many times!

  11. Obamacare ALREADY DESTROYED HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA. We had a chance to get it back. There were to be opportunities to massage it by Secretary Price. Now we’re SCREWED for sure unless Collins and Murkowski decide to support it!

    And YOU, Marilyn, are an idiot!

  12. OK now let Obama Care just imploded and do not fund the doctors by the end of September I think is what they are looking act. Then tell McCain, Collins and Murkowski and Paul to get a bill together that will please everyone. They can’t because they only want to see Trump fail. Like i have said before Americans don’t have short memories.

  13. Why is it that everyone knows Obamacare is a miserable failure and yet they can’t get rid of it. I truly think this country has reached a point where both parties are so at odds with each other that no matter what one party does the other will fight it no matter what it is without any consideration for what is good for the American people.

  14. What can you say about McCain the Traitor to the USA. If it were his god, Obama he would have his face in Obama’s Crotch with his mouth open. So much for Mr. Progressive McCain the Government man not a Senator for the people but for the Obama Government. Mr Traitor himself. McCain

      1. You have a lot of nerve criticizing others Sue Everson (aka jeansandjackets & most recently Marilyn) for “sexual” comments when you have had absolutely nasty sexually explicit comments about Trump, Melania & Ivanka. You’re an ignorant moron & a hypocrite!

  15. is it a surprise to anyone McCain would vote against it? ya know i wish this worthless old piece of scum would jsut die and get it over with. it is sad to see someone who served this nation and was a hero turn into the person he has become the last 20 yrs, he is a disgrace to the uniform and a disgrace to this nation. he has put citizens of other nations and the liberal agenda ahead of the people he is supposed to be looking out for!

  16. Trump was 100% correct as he always is , if the bill was the greatest bill in history dem’s will still insist it’s the worst .

    Dem’s will NEVER EVER support any bill no matter how good it is , we know they LIE about every bill to repeal Obamacare that has completely destroyed healthcare in this country .

    200 million American families can no longer afford healthcare thanks to Obamacare , dem’s will NEVER EVER tell you that fact .

    Obamacare has already completely failed on it’s own , just like we said it would . Why must our side always have to fix dem incompetence .

    I say let dem’s live with this God awful bill since they OWN IT , the millions who are suffering because of Obamacare is because democrats REFUSE to partake in fixing a bill that was doomed to fail from day 1 .

          1. Obamacare ALREADY DESTROYED HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA. We had a chance to get it back. There were to be opportunities to massage it by Secretary Price. Now we’re SCREWED for sure unless Collins and Murkowski decide to support it!

            And YOU, Marilyn, are an idiot!

          2. Marilyn – go back to Soros and tell him you tried but people don’t listen to his (and your) BS anymore. Get your $25 trolling check and go away. I refuse to pay for your birth control method (s). (OMG what a scary thought, you, reproducing!) Healthcare is not a RIGHT. McStain is a traitor. Obamacare is the democrats baby, totally, let it implode and democrats take the entire blame for it. President Trump has more than made his point with calling for it’s defeat, but typical libturds just can’t comprehend it. Everyone knows obamacare is on the democrats, the populace is very much aware of skyrocketing increases in healthcare costs, premiums, rising deductables and rising number of opt out by individuals AND HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS & INSURANCE PROVIDERS. Besides putting democrat congressional candidates in high visibility for the upcoming elections, he has also forced the traitors in the republican party to stand up and out as the swamp rats, and party opposition they really are. I would be surprised if either the republican or the democrat party resembles, or stands, for what they have in the past.

            There are ways President Trump could stop obamacare thru executive machinations, but at this time he has left it in the appropriate designated branch, exposing them for what they really are – useless, counterproductive, self important, betrayers of the American People and their Oaths of Office. The 2018 elections will reflect that, new faces will replace the entrenched dirtbags. Those that support President Trump, and recognize that he does want to make America great again, will be elected to office in the next phase of this political revolution.

      1. you have a persona copy of it so you know what is in it and can make an educated statement? how on earth do you know that people would not be able to afford it? did you just listen to your head mullahs in the liberal progressive terrorist party or is it the fact that no universal health care or socilized medical can ever work period?

    1. I can tell you are a big time main stream media watcher , you believe their non stop lies . Obamacare WAS NEVER about helping people , Obamacare was ALWAYS about checking off # 1 on Saul Alinsky’s list which is what the democrats live by .

    2. you do realize that if a federal election were to be held tomorrow and people were asked if they wanted obamacare ended tomorrow that the voters would end the aca dont you? 68% of people polled do not want obamacare, those who do want it are the people that get it for free and to be honest that could be handled by regulating insurance companies and medical facilities that claim tax exempt status. obama care was nothing more then a hand out to the insurance industry as pay back for the decades of campaign contributions that they gave the democratic party

    3. That’s not true. He vowed not to sign it if it didn’t have pre-existing conditions covered. I don’t know what news you listen to….obviously not the ones giving the details and the expert analyst interviews. You need to start watching Fox to balance out that Socialist drivel you listen to!

  17. FANtastic! Not always a fan of McCain but he is doing right by the American people here. The Graham-Cassidy is TrumpNOcare.2.0.

    The Graham-Cassidy bill will kick more people off insurance rolls and underfund rural hospitals. It is a BAD deal for everyone.

  18. I can’t stand the criminal neocon war mongering McCain but am glad in this case he is not going along with the Cassidy-Graham bill. It is not a good replacement whatsoever for repealing a Obozocare since it leaves all regulations & over 90% of the taxes in the original bill. Neither of my Senators are voting for it. Congress needs to find a much better replacement!

  19. Thank you John for actually voting for your constitutes, less than 12% are in favor of trump care. rand sold be ashamed, it isn”t screwing the poor enough for him. Bullying and bribing is the only way trump can get anything done. What a sad excuse for a man. Are you all tired of winning yet? The art of the deal that he didn’t even read, what a joke.

  20. …mandate that traitor-mccaine (and his entire family) be signed up on ohbummernocare…let him end the days of his hateful crusade against America in agony…let him suffer as millions of ordinary Americans have done…
    …in reality of course, his payoffs from soros will ensure he ends his days in opulence and luxury whilst raising his middle finger to real Americans.

  21. He’s not representing the people of Arizona, far from it. He’s become a thorn in the side of the GOP. He’s making these decision based on his hatred for Trump because Trump made comments about him the hurt his little feeling, but they were true. Grow up John, your in your 80’s now. Put your big boy pants on. You’re vindictive and pathetic man. Leave office so we can get a real grown up in congress. Your dying and we all know it, you should be with your family during this time but instead your playing your lame political games. Let’s hope all of the petition to remove your baggy, sagging ass out of congress.

    1. These three………McCAIN, COLLINS and MURK are “poster children for TERM LIMITS” along with a few more. They ALL need to GO AWAY……….. OR GET WITH THE PROGRAM AND GET THIS D**** THING PASSED !!!!!!!

        1. Under Obamacare, my premium went up 15 times the price prior to Obamacare. You think that’s great? I had to elect to pay the damn fine instead – which SCOTUS called a TAX! Don’t tell me how good Obamacare is compared to this you Socialist b—-!

          1. Marilyn (real name Sue Everson) probably pays little for her Obozocare benefits hence her constant promotion of it. Many people I know have had their insurance cancelled more than once (no claims), are paying 15 times more yearly for it & their deductibles are $10k dollars yearly. They can’t even get an X-ray without having to pay up front for it. Thanks to Obummer & his ridiculous Obozocare!

  22. Traitor to the American people who pay high premiums and higher deductibles to support those that do not. Put them all on Obama care, immediately and changes would come. To many undeserved perks in Washington!!!!!

  23. Looks like McLame, once again and pretty much as always, does not represent the folks who elected him, guaranteeing Americans will suffer under the failing (since its inception) obambacare.

    McLame crashed a couple of Navy Skyraiders, so he is quite well acquainted with “Crashing” government equipment . . . including his time as the “Maverick” of the Senate, or is that the excretory gland of the Senate? He never got in trouble as his Grandfather and Father were both Navy Admirals . . . evidently, it helps to have friends in high places.

    How can anyone be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid, to guarantee that Americans will suffer financially and medically as health insurance companies pull out of counties.

  24. John McCain. You old HAS been. Go back to Arizona and crawl around with all of the other snakes.
    Maybe you and the other snake REID can slither to the state line together. You and Paul and the rest of the worthless Rhinos are a disgrace to this country and certainly to Arizona and especially to our military. They don’t like traitors. DO NOT run for office again. I’d buy some property in Arizona so I could vote against you.

      1. Oh so you’re the one who voted him in? You should be ashamed!

        He knew all along he wouldn’t vote for it – he’s a traitor to the American people! The Republican who SAVED Obamacare!

  25. McCain and Rand Paul are voting NO because they hate Trump and they DO NOT CARE WHAT THE REPUBLICANS WANT. THEY ARE TRULY RHINOS. Karma is already getting McCain for His lie to the rep. by being a RHINO and Paul your’s is on its way. You two are dems. so quit the lies. May God let you both rot in hell when you die. Hate is an ugly thing and you both are just that.

  26. Looks like it is about unanimous… McCain is a DIRTY rat bastard. I think he will do anything to grandstand and be noticed. I have an EX-son-in-law exactly like him…a liberal fascist thru and thru.

    Stop funding this nightmare of a bill, let it collapse and then we can MAYBE get down to business.

  27. It’s time for him to “rest in peace”! He’s already done enough damage to the country. He’s just a bitter old man who still can’t over that he lost the presidency. Shame on the people of AZ for re-electing him!

  28. I don’t believe the Obamacare repeal is dead although McCain is trying to do his best to kill it by his refusal to vote for it. Of course biden is telling him what to do as McCain switched sides long time ago when he became a traitor to our country while serving in the military. john McCain is a liberal who is following orders from the DNC.

  29. Why is that evil monster even allow to continue sitting in Congress knowing his brain is being taken over by that tumor???? There will be nothing change as long as he lives……..the devil take him!

    1. We in Arizona had to pick between a Democrat and a Democrat-light (but not that light). McCain had a good challenger in the primary but she was underfunded relative to his GOPe war chest. I have written and called his office so many times complaining that I suspect my email and phone number are known and summarily dismissed. I used to give him the benefit of the doubt given his service in Viet Nam but I don’t do that anymore. He was bad before but now that he knows he won’t be running again, he is fully untethered and is just terrible.

  30. Obamacare is unfair to healthy, middle class Americans who do not have employer provided healthcare and make too much money to get government subsidies. Same for 20,000 member congress and staff except they declared themselves to be small business and they get a big taxpayer funded subsidy. Unfair, unfair.

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