Janice Dean Calls Out Cuomo Over COVID Nursing Home Deaths – Says Democrats Won’t Let Her Attend Hearing

Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean has said that Democrats have blocked her from attending the hearing on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mishandling of nursing homes during the coronavirus outbreak.

Dean Rejected From Nursing Home Hearing With No Notice

Dean, whose parents both sadly passed away in nursing homes in New York during the coronavirus pandemic, has been outspoken by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s multiple mistakes and mishandling of the homes and the huge infection rates there. Dean applied to testify at the hearings, and was told she could do so, but then on Sunday was rejected.

“I was told over a week ago I would be welcome to testify at tomorrow’s nursing home hearings in New York,” Dean tweeted. “A formal request was expected on Friday, but then all of a sudden I wasn’t on the list anymore. The democrats didn’t even have the decency to respond to me.”

“I can only assume the reasoning behind the sudden cancellation,” Dean continued. “I’ve never in my life been a political person, but the circumstances I’ve found myself in has given me no choice but to be a voice for the thousands who don’t have one. And I will continue to speak out.”

RELATED: Mike Pence Eviscerates Cuomo For New York Coronavirus Death Rates

#LetJaniceSpeak Starts Up In Response

Dean on Monday received an email back from the New York Senate, claiming that she was denied a speaking place due to “time constraints and a large volume of requests.” Dean labelled this as “a bunch of baloney” – a rather apt analysis, given Dean has been one of the most prominent people to speak out against Cuomo’s handlings of the nursing homes.

The hashtag #LetJaniceSpeak was started in response, showing the vast amount of people who wanted Dean to speak out in the testimony and show just how damaging Cuomo’s actions were. Many people, including Republican Assemblymen, began using the hashtag in support of Dean.

RELATED: Fox News’ Janice Dean: My Family Didn’t Have To Die, Cuomo’s Policy Helped It Happen

The Only “Fair” Investigation For The Dems Is A Rigged One!

It’s clear why this is happening. The Democrats, including Cuomo, claim that any independent investigation of this whole affair is totally political, so of course they have to control the narrative.

The only “fair” investigation for the Democrats, is one totally rigged in favour of Cuomo and his buddies, and where Janice Dean is not allowed to give her testimony about the nursing homes, where potentially millions more would hear of what happened to her parents. #LetJaniceSpeak!

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