Did James Comey Try To Set Trump Up on Salacious Dossier?

comey memo dossier

We called it.

Last night, here at The Political Insider, we reported that the fabled memos of former FBI Director James Comey outlining his discussions and meetings with President Trump would be released to Congress. In the piece, we noted that you shouldn’t “count on the substance of the memos to remain a secret from the public for very long either.”

Just like clockwork, some of the memos were leaked last night, revealing Comey’s deeply-held memories about his talks with President Trump. And we’re just learning that Comey may have revealed that President Trump was set up in one meeting in order to have the infamous Trump dossier, which documented Trump frequenting Russian prostitutes, reported in the press.

Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist reports:

Newly released memos written by former FBI director James Comey indicate that an early 2017 briefing for then-President-elect Donald Trump about the contents of an infamous dossier was held so it could be leaked to media outlets eager to report on the dossier’s allegations. In multiple memos, Comey specifically mentioned that CNN had the dossier and wanted a “news hook” that would enable the network to report on its most salacious allegations even though they had not been verified.

“I said the Russians allegedly had tapes involving him and prostitutes at the Presidential Suite at the Ritz Carlton in Moscow from about 2013,” Comey wrote of his conversation with Trump in a classified memo that was released in redacted form late Thursday. “I said I wasn’t saying this was true, only that I wanted him to know both that it had been reported and that the reports were in many hands.”

No media organizations had reported the allegations at the time Comey briefed Trump.

OK, so how does this work? The “pee” dossier was first reported on in full by BuzzFeed. But, BuzzFeed only reported the dossier after a significant CNN story was published vaguely referencing the collection of salacious documents. It was the CNN story that was the impetus for releasing the dossier to the public.

We know CNN was looking for an excuse to run the probing story about the dossier. Comey admits in a memo they needed a “news hook.” That news hook, it appears, was Comey’s briefing Trump on the matter.

Hemingway notes:

“I said there was something that Clapper wanted me to speak to the [president-elect] about alone or in a very small group,” Comey wrote. More on that in a bit.

“I then executed the session exactly as I had planned,” Comey noted before going into details of what he claimed he told the president-elect. He wrote that he told him about the now-infamous prostitute pee-pee videotape claims contained in the dossier. Then he wrote:

“I said I wasn’t saying this was true, only that I wanted him to know both that it had been reported and that the reports were in many hands. I said media like CNN had them and were looking for a news hook. I said it was important that we not give them the excuses to write that the FBI has the material or [REDACTED] and that we were keeping it very close-hold. He said he couldn’t believe they hadn’t gone with it. I said it was inflammatory stuff that they would get killed for reporting straight up from the source reports.”

Hemingway continues, writing, “So Comey, at Clapper’s expressed behest, told Trump that CNN was ‘looking for a news hook’ to publish dossier allegations. He said this in the briefing of Trump that almost immediately leaked to CNN, which provided them the very news hook they sought and needed. This briefing, and the leaking of it, legitimized the dossier, which touched off the Russia hysteria.”

Sounds awfully sneaky, right?

What do you think? Did Comey set up Trump so that the infamous dossier would leak? Tell us your thoughts below!

129 thoughts on “Did James Comey Try To Set Trump Up on Salacious Dossier?”

  1. Comey is a traitor to our Republic, what he did was leak classified information to his “reporter” friend in hopes of outing Trump. This is an agenda shared by Democrats, the scum of the Political arena. I have yet to meet a Democrat with integrity…integrity is doing or saying the right thing even when no one is listening or watching…simply not a characteristic Democrats possess. Comey should be arrested for treason, he has corrupted the FBI and DOJ with Wray’s and Rosenstein’s full participation. This is something you or I would be serving time for in a Federal penitentiary…since when is it OK for our Leaders to act above the Law? Simple answer…it isn’t OK and we need justice. We will not be offered justice by Sessions..he is too aligned with the criminal element to do the citizens of this great Nation any good. Comey, Lynch, Hill, Clinton (both of them), Wray and Rosenstein, and the elusive Barack Obama should all be arrested…the sooner the better.

  2. Last night, here at The Political Insider, we reported that the fabled memos of former FBI Director James Comey…

  3. I knew when I met with James he would set me up so I started keeping a log of our meetings, I tried to explain to him that he was not being reasonable or honest if he started writing imaginary things or taking things out of context but he said not to worry that people will believe him because he is a professional and an FBI agent not to mention he had the support of many politicians who can’t stand Trump because he was suppose to keep giving them money, not expose them for their corruption and misdeeds ! My Goodness he said, that could be the end of the political gravy train not to mention the DNC and my good friends the Clinton’s whom my children adore ! Don’t worry he said, if nothing else I will become rich with my book deal ! . After all he said I have friends in the media . I can take my time to make sure it looks good and believable so that not only the press believes it but my good friends like Muller believe it , we will destroy Trump and his Presidency ! HUMM I said ! I better keep a log just in case !

  4. I knew when I met with James he would set me up so I started keeping a log of our meetings, I tried to explain to him that he was not being reasonable or honest if he started writing imaginary things or taking things out of context but he said not to worry that people will believe him because he is a professional and an FBI agent not to mention he had the support of many politicians who can’t stand Trump because he was suppose to keep giving them money, not expose them for their corruption and misdeeds ! My Goodness he said, that could be the end of the political gravy train not to mention the DNC and my good friends the Clinton’s whom my children adore ! Don’t worry he said, if nothing else I will become rich with my book deal ! . After all he said I have friends in the media . I can take my time to make sure it looks good and believable so that not only the press believes it but my good friends like Muller believe it , we will destroy Trump and his Presidency ! HUMM I said ! I better keep a log just in case ! To back up a lie or falsely accuse someone is this easy ! Amazing !

  5. I knew when I met with James he would set me up so I started keeping a log of our meetings, I tried to explain to him that he was not being reasonable or honest if he started writing imaginary things or taking things out of context but he said not to worry that people will believe him because he is a professional and an FBI agent not to mention he had the support of many politicians who can’t stand Trump because he was suppose to keep giving them money, not expose them for their corruption and misdeeds ! My Goodness he said, that could be the end of the political gravy train not to mention the DNC and my good friends the Clinton’s whom my children adore ! Don’t worry he said, if nothing else I will become rich with my book deal !

  6. You see, the problem with lying is remembering the lie you told so you can keep repeating it. Otherwise, you damn yourself with the truth. It’s always best to tell the truth right off. No matter how it hurts you now, getting caught in the lie later will hurt you much, much more.

  7. Americans are witnessing the greatest hoax and political scandals ever played on the greatest and most powerful nation in the world. It appears that high crimes and misdemeanors have occurred against America as well as an “act of war” implemented by the Obama-Hillary-Kerry-Brennan Democratic agendas. There are key public servants who appear to be involved in an international web of lies, deception, death to Americans, wars, money laundering, off-shore bank deposits, alleged espionage, pedophilia, rapes they reduce to sexual harassment, and cover-ups for self-protection. It appears that Congress mismanaged America’s tax dollars that belong to the American Citizens. Social Security belongs to the legal American workers who were forced to give up part of their earnings for 20-50 years with the promise it would be returned to them. Obama and Hillary and the Democrats flooded our nation with foreign enemies and illegals under the guise of Christian Refugees, but are a majority of fake Refugees. They allowed Obama and HIllary to fund terrorist nations and interfere in foreign elections and fund Muslim Brotherhood leaders. These are the biggest scandals in the history of the United States of America as they appear to have been selling out Americans and America’s secrets as well as selling U.S. uranium to Russia for profit and without conscience. I will guess that these key persons within the Democratic party and the Rinos who have become quite wealthy are laughing at the American people. It’s no doubt Gruber is correct when he said these same key politicians refer to Americans as “foolish” and “stupid” and “easily tricked.” I bet these Democrats, Rinos, and foreign enemies laugh all the way to the bank . They hide behind secured gates surrounding their mansions. Should Americans not ask if the key persons involved in what appears to be a conspiracy to impeach President Trump (and those who threaten to kill the POTUS) be charged with Sedition or Treason is a question blowing in the wind. Should we not ponder if the FBI can be restored and will the FBI and DOJ detain and deport foreign enemies from our nation? A nation without borders and laws is not a nation. Preplanning to flood the USA with millions of foreign enemies and illegals is not illegal immigration, but a conspiracy and in my opinion, sedition. Flooding the USA with millions of illegals and fake Refugees who are radicalized (entering with 3 or more wives and dozens of kids who will overpopulate and end up on welfare) is a travesty on Christian values and the American citizens. Obama and Hillary and Bill and their regime are enslaving Americans to give up their hard-earned money to millions of foreigners who threaten to wipe us out and raise their foreign flags on our soil. These actions by Obama and Hillary and their regime clearly appear to be a Trojan Horse, not illegal immigration. It is clear to me that Obama and Hillary and Soros and their regime pre-planned to use our tax dollars for their change and transformation of America and that my friends – clearly is a “foreign enemy invasion” and an “act of war” as established by the U.S. Constitution. That is my opinion and I’m sticking to it –

  8. Shades of Scooter Libby. Shanghaied by Special Council on manufactured information, convicted. Will the SC who ran this gross miscarriage of justice be held accountable? Hell No. Will Congress hold a joint House and Senate meeting and apologize to Libby for manufacturing and producing the trial that destroyed his reputation? The DC Swamp never ever apologizes to anyone. They are above the law. The same forces now have egg all over their faces with the on going revelations that yes the DC Swamp is definitely the driving force to bring down President Trump “Any Which Way They Can”. With the ongoing exposure the “corrupt and lying JD upper management looks like even Mueller and his side kick Rosenstein will soon fall. lee1233

  9. Comey is part of the Deep State swamp & is as dishonest as they come. He thought he’d get away with all the crimes he committed but hopefully he will be sitting in prison one day. What a snake!

  10. The history books will liken this FBI/DOJ scandal to overthrow the presidency of President Donald J. Trump to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth and his band of traitors to our nation. James Comey will go down in history as the scoundrel he truly is and others will be included in his skullduggery; Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, McCabe, Clapper, Brennen are just a few.

  11. Comey and the rest of the scum that was part of the attempted over throw of trump should all be arrested and prosecuted for treason and sedition. These people conspired to try to prevent Trump from winning the election, then once he won, they conspired to frame him for things they themselves were guilty of. They pushed this fake Russian collusion story which has run itself out and found nothing. Now they are continuing this farce to try to get trump through his lawyer. These fools have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at trump and failed. The fun part of all of this…the same people are being investigated fully behind the scenes and the fake news is silent. Soon all of them will be arrested and indicted for treason and sedition. All of the liberal left and democrat socialists heads will be exploding as they watch their former hero”s all go to federal prison. They really should all be swinging from the end of a rope…but that is unlikely to happen. Prison for life will have to be enough. It is just a matter of time…their crimes are being exposed day by day….soon everything that was hidden will be revealed. Their days are numbered.

  12. So! U deny Obama fixed Bush’s disaster too. In the real world if comrade Trump had been left the Bush Second Great Recession Trump would had no clue what to do. He’s already falling over a cliff do to his incompetence. His lack of experience.

  13. Trump supporters are the dumbest people in America,
    Right wing media just makes things up.
    Sean Hannity is Trump propagandist. He’ll be gone soon, like Ingraham.

  14. @Bettye………It was Obama that was serving up the Arsenic laced Kool Aid to the Citizens of America……it was President Donald J. Trump that save us from having to drink it. God Bless DJT!

  15. Absolutely. Clearly it was an organized set-up if Comey was requested to do this by Brennan. Also, it directly shows that Comey was / is both sneaky and a liar.
    The fact that he did not tell Trump that this salacious dossier was funded by the Hillary Camp is unforgivable since Comey had known this for quite awhile. Also, he did not even tell Trump that this information was contained in a dossier put together by Steele, which he also knew. Comey has now told us that he did not do so because that was not his goal for the disclosure to Trump.
    This clearly raises the question: What was Comey’s real goal, did he intend to use it against Trump since he just alerted Trump? Even though he told Trump that the information had not been validated, the way in which he presented it, he “implied” that it could be valid. What a set-up and it now appears he will implicate the entire Obama administration at the top levels of several different departments as well as Obama and his staff in the White House.

  16. Of course Trump was set up, we have known that sinc this started,
    We must physically separate ourselves form these life forms, it is that or civil war

  17. No, we’re talking about the Washington DC Swamp. They thought they had a great setup all sewn up until We The People elected President Trump. That is why they are so desperate to get rid of him. President Trump is exposing the DC elitists for the slimeballs that they are and delivering our country back to us, if only we are smart enough to take back our control and live up to the great legacy our forefathers laid out for us in the Constitution. Which means respecting and following our laws, fixing problems (not using them for political fodder by ignoring them, sweeping them under the rug or kicking them down the road to be the next person’s headache) and making sure that we have a level working playing field for all Americans and invited guests. You go, President Trump! Keep up the great work!! MAGA

  18. gees! if you have not figured out, this whole russia trump collusion investigation was not a set up from the get go. then you, have not been paying close attention. this whole thing wreaks of a hate trump conspiracy.

  19. Send him and his accomplices to jail. This is the only way these kind of lies, that happen to cost the American taxpayers millions, are going to stop. Let them know there are penalties for trying to unseat a sitting president by fraud and lies. The DNC and Hillary should also fry with him, and the Completely Non News station.

  20. No wonder the DOJ didn’t want the memos released…they help President Trump. Did this cabal really think they would get away with this? I love, love the fact the McCabe, Lynch and Comey are pointing the fingers at each other. Remember, the first one to make a deal and turn on the others…

  21. I copied this comment to an article in the WAPO (before they barred me from commenting) because the author (I didn’t copy his name) did a fabulous job of summing up what the Clinton/Obama cartel was guilty of.

    “Russians did what America does; it tried to sow foreign discontent to their favor. But this was not the actual attack on America. The true attack on the American people and our constitution, on the other hand, was totally domestic in nature. That attack came as a coordinated effort from the then current administration, the DNC, the democrat media complex and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. At no time in our nation’s history has such a wide-ranging criminal endeavor been undertaken to direct and/or overturn the results of a national election. Individual pieces of this criminal effort were led by the heads of at least two intelligence agencies and those charged with overseeing the intelligence community, at least two law enforcement agencies and those charged with overseeing them, seniors in the US State Dept, even winding its way through the halls of the then White House and its collocated Executive Building staffs. The aforementioned efforts don’t include similar and potentially coordinated efforts coming out of the Clinton campaign, nor does it include wide ranging efforts by the US media to avoid or obscure public viewing of these efforts.”

  22. The LAST time I saw this kind of decayed, depraved, demented, destructive and putrid crap, was when I accidentally stepped on a hidden board that covered the basement of an outhouse, diving into four feet of manure! The memory of that has reared it’s ugly head constantly for the past two years! Although my accident was thirty years ago, the stench still lingers! Just like today’s maniacal crap-slinger’s who have shocked our nation by their covert crimes! By the way; The “board” that broke was a; Hidden, “Rotten, rabid, rancid, repugnant, radical Left Liberal board!

  23. IMO, the most astoundingly revealing evidence OF COMEY’S POSSIBLE COLLUSION — if HE HIMSELF is guilty of collusion, which is now a question –, is what Comey himself, as per this article, has written:



    And, as evidenced by his own above statement, it appears that Comey ALREADY SUSPECTED OR KNEW THAT CNN KNEW THAT THE DOSSIER’S CLAIMS WOULDN’T HOLD UP TO SCRUTINY OR IN A COURT OF LAW.

    So what was Comey doing in suggesting to Trump that there was this Dossier floating around?

    Did Comey ALSO inform President-Elect Trump of OTHER politically-related “potential news issues” that were floating around?

    Aren’t the job-requirements for the Head of the FBI to seek out CRIME and to enforce JUSTICE — and NOT to get involved with POLITICS?

    And in that regard, the fact that Comey — as per his own account, as above — “counseled” Trump about a POLITICAL ISSUE — in fact about a POLITICAL ISSUE THAT HAD NOT YET HAPPENED — would seem to me to be indicating that Comey, BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, was in effect acting as a POLITICAL OPERATIVE rather than as an impartial and NON-POLITICAL head of an arm of the Department of Justice.

    Maybe Comey thought that he was doing the right thing. And maybe he believed that, with these actions, he was in fact honorably serving the nation. And maybe he was also following tradition (or his view of it) as to how his office, and his predecessors, offered counsel to Presidents. But, IMO, as I described above, something here doesn’t quite “click”, and, by Comey’s own words, as quoted above, it begins to look like there’s more than “a hint in the air” that Trump was “set up”.

  24. Of course he was set up. You would have to be a fool not to realize that. Or a liberal. Most likely by this gang of liars (some more so than others) 0bama, Hillary, Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, Podesta, Robby Mook, John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland, Jonathan Winer, Samantha Power, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Power, Rudolf Contreras, John Carlin, David Laufman, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Alexandra Chalupa and many more.

  25. So are you saying he was Obama’s puppet? Is that supposed to be the great example of leadership he claims is the reason he wrote this book? LMAO!!

  26. So are you saying he was Obama’s puppet? Is that supposed to be the great example of leadership he claims is the reason he wrote this book? LMAO!!

  27. Many Americans have seen this for a long time. It just took the Obama administration’s arrogance and hubris in thinking that they had things so entrenched that they couldn’t be stopped to wake up enough people to actually do something about it. And we FINALLY got a candidate with the cajones to take on this domestic cartel and expose the real fraud being perpetrated on our good citizens. Way to go, President Trump! Keep Making America Great!!

  28. I copied this comment to an article in the WAPO (before they barred me from commenting) because the author (I didn’t copy his name) did a fabulous job of summing up what the Clinton/Obama cartel was guilty of.

    “Russians did what America does; it tried to sow foreign discontent to their favor. But this was not the actual attack on America. The true attack on the American people and our constitution, on the other hand, was totally domestic in nature. That attack came as a coordinated effort from the then current administration, the DNC, the democrat media complex and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. At no time in our nation’s history has such a wide-ranging criminal endeavor been undertaken to direct and/or overturn the results of a national election. Individual pieces of this criminal effort were led by the heads of at least two intelligence agencies and those charged with overseeing the intelligence community, at least two law enforcement agencies and those charged with overseeing them, seniors in the US State Dept, even winding its way through the halls of the then White House and its collocated Executive Building staffs. The aforementioned efforts don’t include similar and potentially coordinated efforts coming out of the Clinton campaign, nor does it include wide ranging efforts by the US media to avoid or obscure public viewing of these efforts.”

  29. I copied this comment to an article in the WAPO (before they barred me from commenting) because the author (I didn’t copy his name) did a fabulous job of summing up what the Clinton/Obama cartel was guilty of.

    “Russians did what America does; it tried to sow foreign discontent to their favor. But this was not the actual attack on America. The true attack on the American people and our constitution, on the other hand, was totally domestic in nature. That attack came as a coordinated effort from the then current administration, the DNC, the democrat media complex and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. At no time in our nation’s history has such a wide-ranging criminal endeavor been undertaken to direct and/or overturn the results of a national election. Individual pieces of this criminal effort were led by the heads of at least two intelligence agencies and those charged with overseeing the intelligence community, at least two law enforcement agencies and those charged with overseeing them, seniors in the US State Dept, even winding its way through the halls of the then White House and its collocated Executive Building staffs. The aforementioned efforts don’t include similar and potentially coordinated efforts coming out of the Clinton campaign, nor does it include wide ranging efforts by the US media to avoid or obscure public viewing of these efforts.”

  30. Comey is doing what he was appointed to do by Mr. Obama himself. Comey is not a Director, he is a protector. Obama put him in the position in the FBI so he could protect Hillary and Obama and his followers. The only thing they did not figure on was the outcome of the election. You have to hand it to Obama and his deep state cronies for setting up a system of blockades that would keep Trump and his administration so busy and slow his movement and progress. Dismantling all of the illegal mechanisms Obama planted is taking up a lot of time. This move by the Inspector General referring McCabe for prosecution is a good start. This should lead to more and more cards falling from the house that Obama built.

  31. Comey is doing what he was appointed to do by Mr. Obama himself. Comey is not a Director, he is a protector. Obama put him in the position in the FBI so he could protect Hillary and Obama and his followers. The only thing they did not figure on was the outcome of the election. You have to hand it to Obama and his deep state cronies for setting up a system of blockades that would keep Trump and his administration so busy and slow his movement and progress. Dismantling all of the illegal mechanisms Obama planted is taking up a lot of time. This move by the Inspector General referring McCabe for prosecution is a good start. This should lead to more and more cards falling from the house that Obama built.

  32. Comey should be prosecuted and receive prison sentence for the lies under oath and for working to overthrow the President. He has broken his oath of office and should be barred from ever practicing law or serving in our government.

  33. Comey should be prosecuted and receive prison sentence for the lies under oath and for working to overthrow the President. He has broken his oath of office and should be barred from ever practicing law or serving in our government.



  36. Of course Comey set him up! Along with Clinton, Obama and the DNC. This whole thing is sickening and Comey only makes himself look like a damn fool!

  37. Mollie has the tail wagging the dog. The Wingnut rag she works for is infamous for turning facts upside-down.
    When all of the facts of the dossier are played in chronological order, oppo research turned up oppo facts. The people smearing Christopher Steele are the criminals exposed in the dossier. So of course Trump, Cohen et al are in denial. They prefer corrupt power to jail.

  38. Comey says he would testify against McCabe. Great! He’s such a liar that his testimony will be easily impuned by the defense! Maybe that’s his plan. What a sleaze bag!

  39. yes he WAS set up as the left have tried everything they could think of to get rid of Trump and each and everything they have tried has blown up in their face.

  40. yes he WAS set up as the left have tried everything they could think of to get rid of Trump and each and everything they have tried has blown up in their face.

  41. Comey is a traitor to our Republic, what he did was leak classified information to his “reporter” friend in hopes of outing Trump. This is an agenda shared by Democrats, the scum of the Political arena. I have yet to meet a Democrat with integrity…integrity is doing or saying the right thing even when no one is listening or watching…simply not a characteristic Democrats possess. Comey should be arrested for treason, he has corrupted the FBI and DOJ with Wray’s and Rosenstein’s full participation. This is something you or I would be serving time for in a Federal penitentiary…since when is it OK for our Leaders to act above the Law? Simple answer…it isn’t OK and we need justice. We will not be offered justice by Sessions..he is too aligned with the criminal element to do the citizens of this great Nation any good. Comey, Lynch, Hill, Clinton (both of them), Wray and Rosenstein, and the elusive Barack Obama should all be arrested…the sooner the better.

  42. Last night, here at The Political Insider, we reported that the fabled memos of former FBI Director James Comey…

  43. I knew when I met with James he would set me up so I started keeping a log of our meetings, I tried to explain to him that he was not being reasonable or honest if he started writing imaginary things or taking things out of context but he said not to worry that people will believe him because he is a professional and an FBI agent not to mention he had the support of many politicians who can’t stand Trump because he was suppose to keep giving them money, not expose them for their corruption and misdeeds ! My Goodness he said, that could be the end of the political gravy train not to mention the DNC and my good friends the Clinton’s whom my children adore ! Don’t worry he said, if nothing else I will become rich with my book deal ! . After all he said I have friends in the media . I can take my time to make sure it looks good and believable so that not only the press believes it but my good friends like Muller believe it , we will destroy Trump and his Presidency ! HUMM I said ! I better keep a log just in case ! To back up a lie or falsely accuse someone is this easy ! Amazing !

  44. I knew when I met with James he would set me up so I started keeping a log of our meetings, I tried to explain to him that he was not being reasonable or honest if he started writing imaginary things or taking things out of context but he said not to worry that people will believe him because he is a professional and an FBI agent not to mention he had the support of many politicians who can’t stand Trump because he was suppose to keep giving them money, not expose them for their corruption and misdeeds ! My Goodness he said, that could be the end of the political gravy train not to mention the DNC and my good friends the Clinton’s whom my children adore ! Don’t worry he said, if nothing else I will become rich with my book deal ! . After all he said I have friends in the media . I can take my time to make sure it looks good and believable so that not only the press believes it but my good friends like Muller believe it , we will destroy Trump and his Presidency ! HUMM I said ! I better keep a log just in case !

  45. I knew when I met with James he would set me up so I started keeping a log of our meetings, I tried to explain to him that he was not being reasonable or honest if he started writing imaginary things or taking things out of context but he said not to worry that people will believe him because he is a professional and an FBI agent not to mention he had the support of many politicians who can’t stand Trump because he was suppose to keep giving them money, not expose them for their corruption and misdeeds ! My Goodness he said, that could be the end of the political gravy train not to mention the DNC and my good friends the Clinton’s whom my children adore ! Don’t worry he said, if nothing else I will become rich with my book deal !

    1. I knew when I met with James he would set me up so I started keeping a log of our meetings, I tried to explain to him that he was not being reasonable or honest if he started writing imaginary things or taking things out of context but he said not to worry that people will believe him because he is a professional and an FBI agent not to mention he had the support of many politicians who can’t stand Trump because he was suppose to keep giving them money, not expose them for their corruption and misdeeds ! My Goodness he said, that could be the end of the political gravy train not to mention the DNC and my good friends the Clinton’s whom my children adore ! Don’t worry he said, if nothing else I will become rich with my book deal ! . After all he said I have friends in the media . I can take my time to make sure it looks good and believable so that not only the press believes it but my good friends like Muller believe it , we will destroy Trump and his Presidency ! HUMM I said ! I better keep a log just in case ! To back up a lie or falsely accuse someone is this easy ! Amazing !

  46. You see, the problem with lying is remembering the lie you told so you can keep repeating it. Otherwise, you damn yourself with the truth. It’s always best to tell the truth right off. No matter how it hurts you now, getting caught in the lie later will hurt you much, much more.

  47. Americans are witnessing the greatest hoax and political scandals ever played on the greatest and most powerful nation in the world. It appears that high crimes and misdemeanors have occurred against America as well as an “act of war” implemented by the Obama-Hillary-Kerry-Brennan Democratic agendas. There are key public servants who appear to be involved in an international web of lies, deception, death to Americans, wars, money laundering, off-shore bank deposits, alleged espionage, pedophilia, rapes they reduce to sexual harassment, and cover-ups for self-protection. It appears that Congress mismanaged America’s tax dollars that belong to the American Citizens. Social Security belongs to the legal American workers who were forced to give up part of their earnings for 20-50 years with the promise it would be returned to them. Obama and Hillary and the Democrats flooded our nation with foreign enemies and illegals under the guise of Christian Refugees, but are a majority of fake Refugees. They allowed Obama and HIllary to fund terrorist nations and interfere in foreign elections and fund Muslim Brotherhood leaders. These are the biggest scandals in the history of the United States of America as they appear to have been selling out Americans and America’s secrets as well as selling U.S. uranium to Russia for profit and without conscience. I will guess that these key persons within the Democratic party and the Rinos who have become quite wealthy are laughing at the American people. It’s no doubt Gruber is correct when he said these same key politicians refer to Americans as “foolish” and “stupid” and “easily tricked.” I bet these Democrats, Rinos, and foreign enemies laugh all the way to the bank . They hide behind secured gates surrounding their mansions. Should Americans not ask if the key persons involved in what appears to be a conspiracy to impeach President Trump (and those who threaten to kill the POTUS) be charged with Sedition or Treason is a question blowing in the wind. Should we not ponder if the FBI can be restored and will the FBI and DOJ detain and deport foreign enemies from our nation? A nation without borders and laws is not a nation. Preplanning to flood the USA with millions of foreign enemies and illegals is not illegal immigration, but a conspiracy and in my opinion, sedition. Flooding the USA with millions of illegals and fake Refugees who are radicalized (entering with 3 or more wives and dozens of kids who will overpopulate and end up on welfare) is a travesty on Christian values and the American citizens. Obama and Hillary and Bill and their regime are enslaving Americans to give up their hard-earned money to millions of foreigners who threaten to wipe us out and raise their foreign flags on our soil. These actions by Obama and Hillary and their regime clearly appear to be a Trojan Horse, not illegal immigration. It is clear to me that Obama and Hillary and Soros and their regime pre-planned to use our tax dollars for their change and transformation of America and that my friends – clearly is a “foreign enemy invasion” and an “act of war” as established by the U.S. Constitution. That is my opinion and I’m sticking to it –

  48. Shades of Scooter Libby. Shanghaied by Special Council on manufactured information, convicted. Will the SC who ran this gross miscarriage of justice be held accountable? Hell No. Will Congress hold a joint House and Senate meeting and apologize to Libby for manufacturing and producing the trial that destroyed his reputation? The DC Swamp never ever apologizes to anyone. They are above the law. The same forces now have egg all over their faces with the on going revelations that yes the DC Swamp is definitely the driving force to bring down President Trump “Any Which Way They Can”. With the ongoing exposure the “corrupt and lying JD upper management looks like even Mueller and his side kick Rosenstein will soon fall. lee1233

  49. Comey is part of the Deep State swamp & is as dishonest as they come. He thought he’d get away with all the crimes he committed but hopefully he will be sitting in prison one day. What a snake!

  50. The history books will liken this FBI/DOJ scandal to overthrow the presidency of President Donald J. Trump to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln by John Wilkes Booth and his band of traitors to our nation. James Comey will go down in history as the scoundrel he truly is and others will be included in his skullduggery; Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, McCabe, Clapper, Brennen are just a few.

  51. Comey and the rest of the scum that was part of the attempted over throw of trump should all be arrested and prosecuted for treason and sedition. These people conspired to try to prevent Trump from winning the election, then once he won, they conspired to frame him for things they themselves were guilty of. They pushed this fake Russian collusion story which has run itself out and found nothing. Now they are continuing this farce to try to get trump through his lawyer. These fools have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at trump and failed. The fun part of all of this…the same people are being investigated fully behind the scenes and the fake news is silent. Soon all of them will be arrested and indicted for treason and sedition. All of the liberal left and democrat socialists heads will be exploding as they watch their former hero”s all go to federal prison. They really should all be swinging from the end of a rope…but that is unlikely to happen. Prison for life will have to be enough. It is just a matter of time…their crimes are being exposed day by day….soon everything that was hidden will be revealed. Their days are numbered.

      1. @Bettye………It was Obama that was serving up the Arsenic laced Kool Aid to the Citizens of America……it was President Donald J. Trump that save us from having to drink it. God Bless DJT!

        1. So! U deny Obama fixed Bush’s disaster too. In the real world if comrade Trump had been left the Bush Second Great Recession Trump would had no clue what to do. He’s already falling over a cliff do to his incompetence. His lack of experience.

    1. Absolutely. Clearly it was an organized set-up if Comey was requested to do this by Brennan. Also, it directly shows that Comey was / is both sneaky and a liar.
      The fact that he did not tell Trump that this salacious dossier was funded by the Hillary Camp is unforgivable since Comey had known this for quite awhile. Also, he did not even tell Trump that this information was contained in a dossier put together by Steele, which he also knew. Comey has now told us that he did not do so because that was not his goal for the disclosure to Trump.
      This clearly raises the question: What was Comey’s real goal, did he intend to use it against Trump since he just alerted Trump? Even though he told Trump that the information had not been validated, the way in which he presented it, he “implied” that it could be valid. What a set-up and it now appears he will implicate the entire Obama administration at the top levels of several different departments as well as Obama and his staff in the White House.

      1. No, we’re talking about the Washington DC Swamp. They thought they had a great setup all sewn up until We The People elected President Trump. That is why they are so desperate to get rid of him. President Trump is exposing the DC elitists for the slimeballs that they are and delivering our country back to us, if only we are smart enough to take back our control and live up to the great legacy our forefathers laid out for us in the Constitution. Which means respecting and following our laws, fixing problems (not using them for political fodder by ignoring them, sweeping them under the rug or kicking them down the road to be the next person’s headache) and making sure that we have a level working playing field for all Americans and invited guests. You go, President Trump! Keep up the great work!! MAGA

  52. gees! if you have not figured out, this whole russia trump collusion investigation was not a set up from the get go. then you, have not been paying close attention. this whole thing wreaks of a hate trump conspiracy.

  53. Send him and his accomplices to jail. This is the only way these kind of lies, that happen to cost the American taxpayers millions, are going to stop. Let them know there are penalties for trying to unseat a sitting president by fraud and lies. The DNC and Hillary should also fry with him, and the Completely Non News station.

  54. No wonder the DOJ didn’t want the memos released…they help President Trump. Did this cabal really think they would get away with this? I love, love the fact the McCabe, Lynch and Comey are pointing the fingers at each other. Remember, the first one to make a deal and turn on the others…

  55. I copied this comment to an article in the WAPO (before they barred me from commenting) because the author (I didn’t copy his name) did a fabulous job of summing up what the Clinton/Obama cartel was guilty of.

    “Russians did what America does; it tried to sow foreign discontent to their favor. But this was not the actual attack on America. The true attack on the American people and our constitution, on the other hand, was totally domestic in nature. That attack came as a coordinated effort from the then current administration, the DNC, the democrat media complex and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. At no time in our nation’s history has such a wide-ranging criminal endeavor been undertaken to direct and/or overturn the results of a national election. Individual pieces of this criminal effort were led by the heads of at least two intelligence agencies and those charged with overseeing the intelligence community, at least two law enforcement agencies and those charged with overseeing them, seniors in the US State Dept, even winding its way through the halls of the then White House and its collocated Executive Building staffs. The aforementioned efforts don’t include similar and potentially coordinated efforts coming out of the Clinton campaign, nor does it include wide ranging efforts by the US media to avoid or obscure public viewing of these efforts.”

  56. The LAST time I saw this kind of decayed, depraved, demented, destructive and putrid crap, was when I accidentally stepped on a hidden board that covered the basement of an outhouse, diving into four feet of manure! The memory of that has reared it’s ugly head constantly for the past two years! Although my accident was thirty years ago, the stench still lingers! Just like today’s maniacal crap-slinger’s who have shocked our nation by their covert crimes! By the way; The “board” that broke was a; Hidden, “Rotten, rabid, rancid, repugnant, radical Left Liberal board!

  57. IMO, the most astoundingly revealing evidence OF COMEY’S POSSIBLE COLLUSION — if HE HIMSELF is guilty of collusion, which is now a question –, is what Comey himself, as per this article, has written:



    And, as evidenced by his own above statement, it appears that Comey ALREADY SUSPECTED OR KNEW THAT CNN KNEW THAT THE DOSSIER’S CLAIMS WOULDN’T HOLD UP TO SCRUTINY OR IN A COURT OF LAW.

    So what was Comey doing in suggesting to Trump that there was this Dossier floating around?

    Did Comey ALSO inform President-Elect Trump of OTHER politically-related “potential news issues” that were floating around?

    Aren’t the job-requirements for the Head of the FBI to seek out CRIME and to enforce JUSTICE — and NOT to get involved with POLITICS?

    And in that regard, the fact that Comey — as per his own account, as above — “counseled” Trump about a POLITICAL ISSUE — in fact about a POLITICAL ISSUE THAT HAD NOT YET HAPPENED — would seem to me to be indicating that Comey, BY HIS OWN ADMISSION, was in effect acting as a POLITICAL OPERATIVE rather than as an impartial and NON-POLITICAL head of an arm of the Department of Justice.

    Maybe Comey thought that he was doing the right thing. And maybe he believed that, with these actions, he was in fact honorably serving the nation. And maybe he was also following tradition (or his view of it) as to how his office, and his predecessors, offered counsel to Presidents. But, IMO, as I described above, something here doesn’t quite “click”, and, by Comey’s own words, as quoted above, it begins to look like there’s more than “a hint in the air” that Trump was “set up”.

  58. Of course he was set up. You would have to be a fool not to realize that. Or a liberal. Most likely by this gang of liars (some more so than others) 0bama, Hillary, Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Jeff Sessions, Podesta, Robby Mook, John Brennan, James Comey, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice, John Kerry, Victoria Nuland, Jonathan Winer, Samantha Power, Bruce & Nellie Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Power, Rudolf Contreras, John Carlin, David Laufman, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Alexandra Chalupa and many more.

  59. Comey is doing what he was appointed to do by Mr. Obama himself. Comey is not a Director, he is a protector. Obama put him in the position in the FBI so he could protect Hillary and Obama and his followers. The only thing they did not figure on was the outcome of the election. You have to hand it to Obama and his deep state cronies for setting up a system of blockades that would keep Trump and his administration so busy and slow his movement and progress. Dismantling all of the illegal mechanisms Obama planted is taking up a lot of time. This move by the Inspector General referring McCabe for prosecution is a good start. This should lead to more and more cards falling from the house that Obama built.

    1. I copied this comment to an article in the WAPO (before they barred me from commenting) because the author (I didn’t copy his name) did a fabulous job of summing up what the Clinton/Obama cartel was guilty of.

      “Russians did what America does; it tried to sow foreign discontent to their favor. But this was not the actual attack on America. The true attack on the American people and our constitution, on the other hand, was totally domestic in nature. That attack came as a coordinated effort from the then current administration, the DNC, the democrat media complex and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. At no time in our nation’s history has such a wide-ranging criminal endeavor been undertaken to direct and/or overturn the results of a national election. Individual pieces of this criminal effort were led by the heads of at least two intelligence agencies and those charged with overseeing the intelligence community, at least two law enforcement agencies and those charged with overseeing them, seniors in the US State Dept, even winding its way through the halls of the then White House and its collocated Executive Building staffs. The aforementioned efforts don’t include similar and potentially coordinated efforts coming out of the Clinton campaign, nor does it include wide ranging efforts by the US media to avoid or obscure public viewing of these efforts.”

      1. Many Americans have seen this for a long time. It just took the Obama administration’s arrogance and hubris in thinking that they had things so entrenched that they couldn’t be stopped to wake up enough people to actually do something about it. And we FINALLY got a candidate with the cajones to take on this domestic cartel and expose the real fraud being perpetrated on our good citizens. Way to go, President Trump! Keep Making America Great!!

  60. Comey should be prosecuted and receive prison sentence for the lies under oath and for working to overthrow the President. He has broken his oath of office and should be barred from ever practicing law or serving in our government.


  62. Mollie has the tail wagging the dog. The Wingnut rag she works for is infamous for turning facts upside-down.
    When all of the facts of the dossier are played in chronological order, oppo research turned up oppo facts. The people smearing Christopher Steele are the criminals exposed in the dossier. So of course Trump, Cohen et al are in denial. They prefer corrupt power to jail.

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