Israeli Missile Shoots Down Syrian Drone That Entered Israel’s Territory

After the United States fired more than 50 Tomahawk missiles into Syria several weeks ago in response to the country’s use of chemical weapons, tensions in the Middle East remain higher than ever.

On Thursday, the Israel Defense Force announced that it’s missile system had shot down a Syrian drone that invaded Israeli air space.

Israel’s strike on the Syrian drone came just hours after the military fired missiles at a Hezbollah-run arms depot near Damascus International Airport.

In a statement, the IDF said they “will not allow any breach of Israel’s airspace and will act against any attempt of infiltration.”

From The Times of Israel:

According to the IDF, the Syrian UAV was under “full [Israeli Air Force] surveillance” while it was in Israeli airspace. It was not initially clear if the aircraft was Russian or Syrian, but the army later confirmed that it was Syrian. The army said residents of northern Israel could go about their lives as normal.

A brief video of the Patriot missile launch was recorded:

Interestingly, “Israel would not officially comment on whether it had carried out the strike [on the Hezbollah arms depot]. However, Syrian officials insisted the Jewish state was behind the attack, which reportedly targeted a stash of weapons that were bound for the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group. Though he didn’t explicitly acknowledge Israel was behind it, Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz said the attack was consistent with Israel’s policy of preventing arms transfers to Hezbollah.”

It is unknown what sort of drone was shot down by an Israeli missile, but given the increased tensions in the region, it would not be surprising if Syria was using drones to spy on Israel. Given that Israel is threatened from multiple countries in the region, the IDF has every right to shoot down any unauthorized entry into its airspace in order to protect its people.

The question is, who was flying the drone and why?

Do you think Israel made the right call to shoot down a Syrian drone? Was the Syrian government trying to spy on Israel? Share your thoughts below! 

13 thoughts on “Israeli Missile Shoots Down Syrian Drone That Entered Israel’s Territory”

    1. Hey Samantha, Try looking at a map. You do know what a map is? It is called the Golan Hights, not the Golden hights. It is not Syria’s air space. Try a little research sometime, then you won’t sound so stupid. I am not Jewish, but I do support them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Remember Frank Raving Liberals Get Confused When You Use Words Like Truth Or History. Maybe The Islamic Controlled Education Samantha Was Brain Washed Left Out That Israel Defeated SYRIA, EYGYPT. LYBIA, AND RUSSIAN AVIATORS DURING THE SEVEN DAY WAR.
        Since that time Israel has claimed these battle fields as a safety Zone to protect it’s innocent population from Mass Murder& Enslavement. You Know That RABID Liberals and Nazis Salivate for and Think Is Just In The Elimination Of All Jews On Earth. So Sam, Put A Cork In It and take a deep breath America and even I will do What Ever Is Necessary To Avoid The Massacre Of Another 7 Million Jews.

    2. Samantha, the Golan Hights WERE Syrian territory before the six days war. After Syria – among other countries – attacked Israel and lost, the Golan Hights were annexed by Israel, which is perfectly legal. You don0t see anybody protesting France for annexing Elsass-Lothringen, or Belgium for annexing the German area around Eupen, do you? That’s what happens if you start a war and lose it. Israel decided it would keep the Golan Hights for strategic reasons in order to be able to better defend themselves in a future conflict. A wise decision if you ask me, considering who they are up against.

  1. Great shooting!! I totally agree, the Israel has all the right to shoot down any aircraft in their air space and hope they continue to do so. I also like they bombed that arms depot.

    1. Sandy, but for the support of the Jewish run USofA you mean. Without that they would have been overrun years ago.
      I admire Isreal for still existing but have sympathy for the Palestinians who’s land was stolen in order to create it.

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