Iraq Veteran Stands His Ground Against HOA’s Attempt to Remove American Flag

A Suffolk man refuses to take down his American flag, despite a homeowner’s association asking him to do so.

Daniel Toner has strong feelings on the topic because he is an Army veteran, who served in Iraq. He feels he and his neighbors should be able to fly the American flag no matter what.


Fight for your country yet be told by the neighborhood association that you can’t put the American flag on your own property — property that you are paying for and supposedly own. That’s why people need to tell these neighborhood associations to review their medieval rules and bring them up to the times we currently live in. People need to stop buying into these nanny state environments and espouse their own personal freedom.

According to the Suffork News Herald, Toner’s mother, from whom he rents the condo, had received written permission from the Belmont Park Homeowner’s Association’s property management company to fly the flag. Now, the HOA is demanding he take down the flag.

“My position is, if you are restricting a flag holder, you are restricting the American flag by association. It’s an American flag; you should never have to take down one if it’s reasonably displayed.”

Watch this video interview:

As a veteran of Desert Storm/Shield, I totally agree with Toner’s stance. What are your thoughts on being able to fly the American flag on your porch? Drop your comments below and share this story on Twitter and Facebook.

H/T: Fox NewsSuffork News Herald

16 thoughts on “Iraq Veteran Stands His Ground Against HOA’s Attempt to Remove American Flag”

  1. To Frank: “Toner’s mother, from whom he rents the condo, had received written permission from the Belmont Park Homeowner’s Association’s property management company to fly the flag. Now, the HOA is demanding he take down the flag.”

    Looks like he and the condo owner were following the rules and the HOA changed the rules during the game so to speak.

  2. So, this guy thinks the rules are only for some of us. He knew the Association policy when you moved in. Change the policy through the system, don’t be a grandstanding pain in the posterior. Flout your neighbors wishes and impose your will upon them, despite what agreement you’ve made, nice.

    1. Sorry Frank. The Freedom to Fly the American Flag Act of 2005 clearly states that NO homeowners association shall have the authority to demand or remove an American Flag from a members home and shall NOT have the authority to deny it from being flown.

      As such it was the Homeowners Association that broke the law when they demanded that he remove the flag.

  3. This is completely asinine logic from the homeowners association.. Presenting our ensign is a very patriotic thing to do. The man is within his rights to make the display, and it is considered part of ones free speech. Sir stand by your principles, and tell them the ( home owners association) to take a flying —- at the moon.

  4. I don’t understand why they don’t want the American flag waving vigorously as it should. Who is on the board of directors? Who made up these by-laws? I can tell you that we have the flag in our development waving w/o any problems. You need to have the by-laws changed and kick out the BOD now! This is totally unconstitutional!

  5. It is totally disturbing to realize that there are so many people that don’t want us to show our flag. I am a Vietnam vet and I am reall upset with the idea that on your own property you are being told to take down your flag.many people have served and many people have died to defend our flag and if we have to I want a law in congress that no one can ban the flying of our flag. It’s time for the American plublic to stand up and fight to make sure we never lose that privilege. Please write your representatives and Senators tell tell them that we need what ever it takes to honor our flag 365days a year on our house or residence and our vehicles without others trying to restrict them. This is only when it is displayed correctly. Let’s show our patriotic stand every day.

  6. NO ONE has the right to tell an American that we cannot fly our National Flag. I don’t care if it is an HOA. Does it specifically say in the bylaws that no one can fly an American Flag? I doubt it very much as no one would ever sign up for that. I live in an HOA community also and many of my neighbors fly the flag every day and nothing has ever been said. It is a leftist faction that doesn’t like any sort of patriotism. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

    1. Sorry Daniel, the Flag Protection Act of 2005 was never passed and it only covers desecration of the flag, ie., burning. I do agree that nobody should be able to stop you from properly showing your colors.

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