Video: Illegal Immigrant Warns Others Not to Come to America Because ‘The Law is Very Tough’

illegal immigrant warning

Thank you, Trump!

It appears that illegal immigrants are finally starting to get the message: the days of lawlessness under Barack Obama are over, and the time for law and order has returned under President Trump.

CBS profiled one such individual, Buena Ventura Martin Godinez, who had crossed the border with her son and claimed asylum. Her husband followed two weeks later, bringing their 7-year-old daughter with him, and was caught crossing illegally rather than using the ports of entry DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen had advised asylum seekers to utilize. (RELATED: DHS Secretary Hammers Misinformed Liberals Over Family Border Policy.)

As would happen with any crime, their child was removed from the law-breaking adult, and Godinez didn’t see her for two months.

While CBS tried to portray the situation as a terrible policy under the Trump Administration, they inadvertently revealed why so many Americans, a majority of whom oppose illegal immigration, support the President’s policy of enforcing the law.

Godinez warned others planning to enter the country illegally that they might want to reconsider.

In one brief statement, Godinez revealed exactly how effective President Trump’s illegal immigration policies have become.

“I would advise people to find another country to seek refuge … because here the law is very tough,” she claimed.

“People don’t have a heart,” she falsely added.

People in America actually do have a heart. Their heart breaks every time they see poor parenting skills that involve taking your child on a life-threatening, illegal journey, and then complaining when the Administration steps in to protect the children.

The other thing America has is people who love immigrants, but they love it when they come to America through proper and legal channels. The days of sympathy for those who willfully break the law are behind us with the new Administration.

Who woulda thunk, indeed.

Well, Nielsen actually thought about that, recently alerting illegals and the enabling Democrat Party that there are legal ways to claim asylum in America.

In other words, quit breaking the law and you and your child will not be in any danger.

Godinez’s husband is awaiting deportation after he was convicted for illegally entering the U.S. Godinez, meanwhile, claimed asylum, and was kept with her son, and will await court proceedings.

The law is very tough, yes, but it’s also working.

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox... More about Rusty Weiss

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