Ilhan Omar Refuses to Apologize For Anti-Semitic Comments

Ilhan Omar, in an interview on CBS This Morning, insisted she does not regret any of her past anti-Semitic remarks, implying that it’s the interpretation of others that is the problem.

The Minnesota Representative took part in an interview with the rest of the ‘squad,’ a group of Democrats – She, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley – who have marched in lockstep to an anti-Semitic, anti-American drumbeat since assuming office in January.

“Oftentimes there are things that you might say might not hold weight for you, but to someone else, the way that we hear and consume information is very different than how the next person might,” Omar claimed.

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Interviewer Gayle King interjected, “So you don’t regret your words either?”

“I do not,” she replied adding, “but I have gotten the – I’m grateful for the opportunity to really learn how my words made people feel and have taken every single opportunity I’ve gotten to make sure that people understood that I apologize for it.”

Rough translation – I’m sorry my vile comments offended, but that’s on you America.


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King chimed in once more, giving Omar yet another opportunity to express remorse or possibly apologize. She inquired as to whether or not the lawmaker would like to make it “clear that you’re not anti-Semitic.”

“Oh certainly not,” Omar smiled.

“Would you like to make that clear?” King pressed.

“Yes, nothing I said, at least to me, was meant for that purpose,” Omar replied.

Again, she’s trying to say it’s those idiot Americans who simply didn’t understand what she was saying.

Here Are the Anti-Semitic Comments/Actions She Does Not Regret

  • Tweeted “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”
  • Said that Jewish lawmakers “have allegiance to a foreign country” regarding their support for Israel.
  • Badgered a Jewish diplomat in defense of a Venezuelan dictator, then blatantly lied on the record about his statements.
  • Tweeted that US support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins” and when she was asked what she meant, she responded “AIPAC!”
  • Is a big supporter of the anti-Semitic BDS movement.
  • Traveled with “a radical anti-American and anti-Israel organization” that sides with countries who are foes to the United States.

Why Would She Regret Them?

Why would she regret these things? She’s never been held accountable. She’s never been rebuked by name by her peers. She still holds a position on the Foreign Affairs Committee. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi consistently defends her bigoted talk.

President Trump responded to Omar’s consistently anti-Semitic comments by calling on her to resign from Congress.

Instead, Democrats and Pelosi have rushed to her defense time and again. The Speaker has become an enabler of Omar, much to the detriment of the rest of Congress and America.

Furthermore, Pelosi actually provided the blueprint that Omar used in refusing to accept regret for her comments.

“I think she has a different experience in the use of words, doesn’t understand that some of them are fraught with meaning, that she didn’t realize,” Pelosi has claimed.

That’s exactly what Omar repeated in this latest interview – that she doesn’t understand her words and how they might be interpreted. So long as the Democrat party continues to prop her up and provide her with excuses, Omar will never apologize or express remorse.

76 thoughts on “Ilhan Omar Refuses to Apologize For Anti-Semitic Comments”

  1. Israel has Arabs in its government, workforce and as their neighbors. The Gazans elected a terrorist government that launches rockets into Israel every day. Do you know anything about the wars Israel has endured from Arabs? They have made their beds over and over again and now they might lie in them forever. Even to this day they refuse peace!

  2. You do not understand how Judaism works. Judaism is based on the Talmud where the consensus among the most important rabbis throughout the centuries becomes Halakhah – Jewish law. Consensus is reached through comments upon comments upon comments on the Talmud.
    A great rabbi who is considered fit to derive Jewish law is callled a posek where plural is poskim. The undisputed greatest of the poskim is Maimonides (also referred to as “the RAMBAM”). His book where he codifies Jewish law is the Mishney Torah another important code of Jewish Law is the Shulchan Aruch. These to do not contradict each other with respect to the status of the Gentile.
    Jewish humanists whistle blowers with professors degree, former Jews and former rabbis have blown the whistle on the criminal elements in Judaism but have all been smashed by Organized Jewry as mentally ill, liars, #antisemites etc.
    You can find links to their texts in the description section of the video.
    Suffice is to study this link with information from a Jewish humanist and a scholar.
    As Islam is concerned there are criminal branches but Islamic scholars have ample evidence about how cryptoJews infiltrated Islam with thousands of false hadith writings . Authors such as Kaab Al-Habr and Abu Hureira and many more.
    Wahabism which is the Saudi version of Islam was created by a Doenmhe crypto-Jew and a the British agent Mr. Hempher, see

  3. Being against the criminal Zionist and their atrocities against Palestinians in occupied Palestine has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.
    In fact, the real anti-Semites are the Zionists and the so-called Christian Zionist.

    Those who like to promote the idea of being against the Zionist racist criminals is the same as being against the followers of the Jewish faith are the very same hypocrites that want to use the suffering of the followers of the Jewish faith in the hands of the western Fascists to cover their own crimes of neocolonialism and wars of aggression.

    So, stop being stupid, thinking you could fool the world by accusing anyone who is standing against the criminal acts of the Zionist against the Palestinians as anti-Semites, that trick is not working anymore.

  4. This stream is a full pile of ignorant dung heap..All Arabs , including Somali Muslims are Semites. It is a lingual group of Middle Eastern Peoples. Education is not the strength of Frumpers.

  5. So demanding Universal Health Care ( all civilised western nations have this right) equal rights for all citizens, Free University Education, Right to life, Not making war with oil rich nations, having a sensitivity to the human element, educated dialogue is low IQ? What are you? A Neanthartal who should crawl back to your cave.

  6. “Oftentimes there are things that you might say might not hold weight for you, but to someone else, the way that we hear and consume information is very different than how the next person might”. She might want to apply that to other’s comments and tweets. It could just be HER interpretation of how she heard “send her back”. Really, it doesn’t mean what she thinks it means.

  7. She is under attack for not falling in line on the 9/11 Official Story and questioning that “AlQaeda” is a serious enemy according to this petition. “Some people did something” is right, Ilhan Omar has not directly come out on 9/11 Truth, but I’m pretty sure she is the only diehard Truther in Congress now. And her criticism against Barack Obama was brilliant, when she said that we shouldn’t criticize Trump when Obama’s policies were worse. She said that the Democrats love Obama because he is “polished” talker but Obama droned and killed innocent people — and Democrats don’t seem to care. After her criticism of Obama, the Democrats were circling around their wagons to oust her from Congress, but luckily Trump saved her, with this new fight against the “squad”, and turned her into a hero, so now the Democrats can’t touch her for a few days, until this dies down. She is probably one of our few allies in Congress that are politically aligned with 9/11 Truth and against the fake war on terror.

  8. “Oftentimes there are things that you might say might not hold weight for you, but to someone else, the way that we hear and consume information is very different than how the next person might,”

    Omar, does a pair of handcuffs and chains hold enough weight for you? Because, that’s your new accessories, for your new accommodations, called Federal Prison. Don’t forget your rug!

  9. Speaking out against Israel and speaking out against Jews are two very different things.

    Speaking out against Zionist and speaking out against Jews are two very different things.

    One type of speech is anti-Semitic the other isn’t. There is a difference. A big difference.

  10. Joanna Wagner

    Her remarks are not anti-Semitic, they’re anti-Zionist, or the state of Israel. There are many Jews in the world who are disgusted by IDF’s treatment of the Palestinian residents. It’s no secret that donations AIPAC in our elections have a tremendous influence in halls of Congress. Her remarks were purely political in nature, aimed at America’s behavior toward a foreign government.

  11. I also think that it is not anti-semitic to criticise Israel for its policies or actions. People should be allowed to criticise and or support Israel like they would any other country, without being accused of committing the constructed crime of being anti-semitic.

  12. Your account of what was said is heavily shaded against Omar. Her points about Israel were well taken. I support her since you have not made a clear statement about this silly flap. It appears that you are a site dedicated to our criminal, racist president and his propaganda.

  13. Speak truth to power and this is the result. Most MSM networks fanning the flame add to the hysteria. If you look to the many media outlets, and understand who owns and controls them. You can rest assured to have the same reaction towards all issues Palestinian. Why is that?

  14. She is right. Judaism is teaching Jews to lie to the Non-Jew. See a prominent Israeli rabbi teaching the cruelty and the deceptions of Judaism to American Jews :
    And this is why the Jewish owned mainstream media doesn’t tell that Israel willfully attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 sailors during a 2 hour attack when the American flag and life rafts were massacred.
    Leftist Israeli media writes about it however

  15. Nope, she is right. Judaism teaches cruelty, deception and lies. See a prominent Israeli rabbi teaching the foundations of cruelty towards the Non-Jew as well as lying:
    This lying thing is why the Jewish owned mainstream media won’t inform the Non-Jew that Israel willfully attacked the USSLiberty during 2 hours and killed 34 Americans. Leftist Israeli media writes about it though.

  16. Nothing she said is anti Semitic, and no Jew is a Semite, the Palestinians are the Semites, as proven with their DNA. What Israel has done and continues to do is against international law and is a war crime, and everyone just lets them do it? Why? Because of WW2? Give me a break. That country belongs to Palastine, and was never Jewish. What claim does a Jew have to that country? Solomon’s Temple, a building that never existed, built by a King who never lived .

  17. I love it! Muslim refugees are such arrogant fools! They all talk about “taking over” wherever they go (here or the European countries). Yet they don’t have the horsepower to do it. Especially those who fled from where they were. I will admit the discipline they have, from their religion is much harsher than any Christian or Jewish practices I have ever seen, but blind discipline isn’t enough. They have zero power. The have BIG MOUTHS, that would lead you to believe they are magnificent, but in reality they are all hat, no cattle. I laugh at their antics and smile when I think about the rude awakening they are in for.

  18. All 4 are very disrespectful to America and the constitution, they should be impeached along with Pelosi and Schumer you know him the sex teen traffic person schumer took money from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get them out of Washington!

  19. Before US government rescued Omar Ilhan’s entire family, gave them asylum in safe USA, clothed,fed them good food, and educated Omar Ilhan in US Unuversity to the present day of her being a honorable Congress woman, Ilhan should never forget that that she was a Somalian refugee in Africa who used to be raped twice a day. How can she forget her illustrious past so soon?

  20. OAC is a totally stupid and ignorant person. She does not understand Economics or Constitution. She is controlled by her chief of Staff, an Indian person named Saikat Chakraborty. Saikat was a terrorst cadre of Naxalites, a dangerous, banned, and violent offshoot of Communist Party Of India

  21. DUNG & disgusting Christian/American Pigs! … First of all, Christians and Americans…are not pigs. Second…these women are Muslims…not Christians.

    If you really believe this…then I challenge you to open a few History books, and learning the entire truth about Christianity, The United States, and the differences between them and Islam.

    Western Civilization is founded on the tenets of the teachings from Jesus Christ, who taught us to care for each other.. It is because of devout Christians that America has come close to eradicating mass starvation and disease. Our Navy keeps the shipping lanes safe from Muslim pirates…so that the majority of third world countries can receive food, water and needed medicines, which are sent because of the kindness that most of Americans have in them…to help others.

    No other country on Earth gives away their wealth, in order to help others, like we do. Christians and Americans are not pigs… we are the most generous people on the planet.

  22. She shouldn’t apologize; she’s an asshole and proud of it. Rather than expect her to change, we should just do what’s necessary to be rid of her. Vote her out of office (improbable) or make sure we win in 2020, then put a muzzle on her. Keeping her in the minority party will be just fine.

  23. Since when did anti semitism become anti American? Nope UN Acceptable!!! I am siock and tired of all this garbage that jews spew like this. USS LIBERTY 911 5 dancing israelis Fighting their wars Censorship Gun Control FAKE LYING MEDIA Bullshit banking etc etc etc etc etc etc.

  24. One of the main reasons MSM is loosing credibility and audience is its continual denial that zionist interests and lobbies control all of it, whilst more and more people are waking up to this evident and obvious reality.

  25. Omar and her three buddies are the enemy within. They don’t hide the fact they hate this Country and want to turn it into a Socialist Utopia/Muslim Caliphate. That is kind of like bringing back 8 tracks, I don’t see how it will work. Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses and took away from one’s loyalty to the collective. In Islam your entire life and being is dedicated to the Faith. Either way these four are dedicated to destroying our nation and reforming it as they see fit.

  26. Omar & sister Kotex are exactly what you’d expect to see when you raise a camels tail! DUNG & disgusting Christian/American Pigs! Typical SOCIALISTS like Piglosi!!

  27. She & the rest of her crew need to be kicked out of the offices they hold for their anti American rhetoric. They are against EVERYTHING that this country has held dear! They do not love this country nor the American people. They are anti Semitic. Three are Muslim. They have no business holding office!

  28. OAC and the other three demand respect but hey have no respect. They do not respect the Constitution or their oath of office. They do not respect the rule of law when it gets in their way. They do not respect the Speaker of the House or the President. They do not respect the American flag. In fact they do not respect America or the American people. Is there anything they do respect?

  29. This comment was from another article on the Washington Examiner about Pelosi holding off impeachment procedures. It seems to have found its way to this page.

    Is there perhaps an unknown reason that Speaker Pelosi has been downplaying and avoiding an impeachment motion? Does she know what she will unleash if she caves to the progressive radicals? I am inclined to believe that she understands that in the “push and give” between President Trump and herself, there is a “red line” that she dare not cross or “fire and brimstone” will rain down upon her!

  30. I am sorry, but I do not believe a word that spills from that woman’s mouth as she tries to defend herself against her anti-Semitic remarks. Democrats in Congress are the great enablers of anti-Semitism and bigotry against an identifiable group – Jews!

    America is teetering on the brink of anarchy, and it is the lack of accountability on the part of Democrats in Congress to reprimand these women that is going to push it over the edge.

  31. David Boldock

    America being a relatively young country is still in it’s infancy stage and are showing the world just how thick they are in not being able to eliminate this foul mouthed mendacious excuse for a human being.

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