ICE Official Has to Explain to Democrat Mazie Hirono What ‘Illegal’ Means

Nathalie Asher, acting head of ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations, had to explain what the term ‘illegal’ means to Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) at a congressional hearing earlier this week.

“I’d like you to clarify for me they who constitutes the illegally present population in our country,” Hirono asked.

Asher’s response will leave you shaking your head simply based on the fact that something so basic needs to be explained to a United States senator.

“I’m not quite sure I follow the question ma’am,” a befuddled Asher states. “Individuals who are here unlawfully … are considered in an illegal status as it relates to immigration law.”

You … you mean to tell us that people here unlawfully are … Illegal?! What a concept!

Asher, during her opening statements, added that ICE needs funding to safely deal with these unlawful or illegal people.

Our nation continues to experience an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis on our southern border,” she advised. “Without the necessary funding and legislative changes, the integrity of our immigration system will continue to be undermined.”

Not to mention the ‘funding and legislation’ is being governed by people who don’t know what ‘illegal’ means.

Asher went on to explain that illegals bringing children with them are skipping out on court appearances after release, a legal requirement within 20 days of detention.

That’s why they bring the kids with them, whether they are an actual family or not.

Border Patrol chief Carla Provost emphasized, “They have received the message loud and clear: Bring a child, you will be released.”

Crazy Mazie

One could forgive Mazie for not knowing what ‘illegal’ means since every member of her party and the mainstream media have stopped using the term when it comes to immigration. Perhaps she simply forgot.

Remarkably, however, this isn’t the first time Hirono had been confused about easily understandable concepts when it comes to illegal immigration.

Last year she had to be corrected by another ICE officials when she claimed that immigration law was something President Trump simply decreed.

Illegal immigrants “have broken a law only as deemed so by [President Donald Trump],” Hirono claimed.

“No ma’am,” Matthew Albence, recently tapped by the President to head ICE responded. He then explained that it is the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, codified under Title 8 of the U.S. Code, that deems them as illegal.

Hirono responded with an all-time understatement, saying “I’m confused.”

118 thoughts on “ICE Official Has to Explain to Democrat Mazie Hirono What ‘Illegal’ Means”

  1. There never was an original one. Leftists are born with methane between their ears, that’s why when they talk it’s nothing but flatulence (BULLSHIT)!

  2. I could while away the hours
    Conferrin’ with the flowers
    Consultin’ with the rain
    And my head, I’d be scratchin’
    While my thoughts were busy hatchin’
    If I only had a brain

  3. She is more stupid than confused. She is a typical liberal puppet….don’t need to know what anything means, just do what Nancy and the rest holding the puppet strings tell her to do. “Just put your X in this box Dearie, and you will be well paid:.

  4. This is the same congress woman that read a nasty letter in bill Barr. Oh some wrote it for her she is Discusting and disgraceful. Also stupid. How could anyone vote for her. I’m at a loss to think I’m paying her with my tax dollars. Someone Nancy tells to vote no wow ?

  5. Why does it seem the Democrats have a bunch of mindless boobs running around in office. Can we make it so that the democrat party has to have a federal license to breed? Its a down right shame that we have so mentally handicapped running the house of representatives.

  6. You Hawaiian Democrats–you have managed to elect a democrat more stupid than Maxine Waters. I did not think that possible but you did it! Apparently double digit IQ’s are popular with Democrats. Way to go Mazie!

  7. How stupid are democrats? Damn, any and everyone should already know that answer, so it should have never been asked. Really shows how stupid she is.

  8. They know exactly what the definition of “illegal” means, they’re just playing stupid in order to further their agenda of getting as many non-citizens as possible into the country. They need a new voting base, because apparently there’s a max exodus of the ones who finally realized they were being used for votes, but never getting any of the pie-in-the-sky goodies they’d been promised, year after year after year.

  9. This is absolutely one of the stupidest women of the Communist Democratic Party. In addition to the Thee Stooges they have several other women that aren’t just slow, they are ignorant. Thanks Demos for having showcased these fools to the world.

  10. The majority of the whole human race is becoming brain dead. It is not just this country but all over the world. We are evolving back to primates with very little intelligence. I have been seeing the process for the past 40 years where humans just keep evolving to being more stupid.

  11. Sad to say, but she makes AOC look a little stupid. With questions that Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) asks you have to wonder, does she need help to dress herself?

  12. Actually being “born here” is NOT a true legal status. Anchor babies are NOT legal, even under the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, or the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. The parents are NOT under the jurisdiction of the United States, that is why they are supposed to be deported, so the children are also illegals until they reach the age of adulthood, at which time they can apply for citizenship due to where they were born.

  13. all, I’m from hawaii better known as the banana republic. she is locally know here as lazie mazie or crazie mazie. she is missing common sense and the brains to be our representative. she’s a waste of our taxpayer $ and have no use here in this state. what loser!

  14. Her declining mental condition is probably caused by her being in the 4th stage of libtardism. It is usually presented itself with loss of logical reasoning, heightened self impression of being a hero, spurious indignation for the truth, and bad breath.

  15. I do not think Mazie Hirono is being dumb about the definition of ‘illegal’ Maxie Hirono is a Democrat. Democrats do not feel the laws of the country should be enforced. Hence Mazie and her Fellow Democrats do not find anything illegal, as long as the illegality improves the fortunes of their party. Another example is House Rep Democrat Jerry Nadler – he wants our AG to break the law by releasing the entire Mueller report simple because the Party’s base wants it. Best to Dump the Dems in 2020.

  16. If such ignorant (stupid?) people as Crazy Mazie and others of her ilk are the supposed ‘lawmakers/leaders’ of our gov’t then we are in deep kakka. This woman doesn’t have a clue!! And that should scare hell out of everybody!

  17. A question for crazy mazie hirono, when you return to your home in Hawaii and you find a family living in your home eating your food, drinking your wine, wearing your cloths, watching you cable, etc., etc. do you call them unregistered guests or home invaders.
    When people enter our country illegally or overstay a visa they are not undocumented guests they are illegal aliens who have broken the law and must be removed from our country not given room, food, medial coverage, a drivers license and a job.

  18. Send every illegal not otherwise deported to Hawaii until this clown is no longer in office. The illegals will then be confined to Hawaii since they can’t physically walk to or climb over or under a fence to get to the mainland. Provide no increased federal assistance to Hawaii and let them deal with the influx of illegals.

  19. did you here, the DUMO’S want to give free pot.along with free health care, free college. So you don’t have to wonder if they are stoned when you talk to them. The doubt will be removed if they are stoned

  20. If not understandinmg the meaning of “illegal” or “unlawful” confuses a US Senator, I worry about the future.. Can she really be that uneducated?

  21. NAH!!!!
    Slick Willie used that line to confused his Wench, Hillary!
    He had her convinced that Monica’s little blue dress with
    his love juice IS to be contemplated ONLY depending on
    the meaning of IS!!!!!
    Slick Willie’s Wench bought it and dismissed the dress!
    WHAT A GUY!!!!!

  22. It is all um….very…..uh….complicated – to a DemocRAT.

    The truth is very simple – When someone is doing something illegal, that person is breaking the law.

  23. HIRONO
    is invited to my uncle Guido’s Italian Butcher Shop in Astoria, NY
    where she can purchase a pound of brains!!!!

    HAWAII! She must make you all so proud!!!!!

    Have her swim home after she passes that Green Deal
    and there are no planes to get her to her island!
    The Tiger Sharks that inhabit the waters around her
    island won’t even eat her for fear of contamination!

  24. The Senator is just parroting what Schumer and the party leaders are telling them. They’d rather toe the party line than think for themselves to do what’s right by our country.

  25. It is sad that an elected representative of the people can not understand the concept of illegal or unlawful. Congress has the Constitutional responsibility for establishing a pathway to naturalization and citizenship for immigrants who obey the laws, follow the rules and apply for citizenship. That means that Congress also has the responsibility for establishing those rules and controlling the flow of immigrants who are allowed to enter our country. They must prevent those who would commit violence or other criminal activity against American citizens. They must prevent the spread of disease from entering the country. Of course someone may have to explain to this Senator what criminal activity is. What we have to ask is: when is Congress going to get off its collective backside and do its job?

  26. An amusing thought: imagine if Maizie and congressman Hank Johnson (of Guam capsizing fame) were to produce offspring! Ready made democrat congress member!

  27. If this is Hawaii’s finest, they’re in serious trouble. She’s the worst politician to ever come from the aloha state, wait Obama’s from that state allegedly, never mind.

  28. How can she serve our country and not know what Illegal immigrant ? interesting that the democrats keep electing people who don’t know our laws o lead them to believe everyone else is wrong

  29. How do these people get elected? Come on America please at least read something about the people you elect. Stop blindly voting D or R with no idea of what they are about. Our country is NOT well served.

  30. but she knows everything.she can take a script given to her from the party and she can read it.she has the brains of a thimble.and we wonderr why this country is in trouble.

  31. rangerrebew1947

    She’s another democrat superstar, dumber than a box of rocks. Why, she’s right up there with Hank Johnson who worried Guam would tip over if too many military people got on one side of the island.

  32. Way past time when politicians should undergo some form of psychological and educational tests before deemed fit for office. Seems anyone can walk off the street and if a donor/ sponsor with an agenda, like Justice Democrats fancies their chances, they can be nominated. Similar criteria as the “‘s Got Talent ” shows. But these folk get to run the country.

  33. If they fail do not receive at least 80%, they should be removed PERMANENTLY! They should never be allowed to apply or hold any legislative office.

  34. GOD is not going to help us out of this mess. GOD provided us prophesy which warned us of what is going to happen, and we are seeing it unfold EXACTLY as prophesied! We must pray for GOD to give us the courage and fortitude to endure until the end, because we haven’t seen the worst yet.

  35. Just because there is a law making something illegal doesn’t mean that that law is Constitutional or lawful. Ex: “illegal to carry a gun without a permit” is a direct violation of our second amendment rights. “illegal to go over the speed limit”- speed limits are arbitrary laws that were created for government (state, county, and city) to provide revenue for those governments – when there is no victim, there is no crime! Most DMV laws are also a violation of the Constitution, because you are considered guilty until proven innocent. In the case of illegals, they are violating a law created by congress as established by our forefathers in the Constitution to protect the sovereignty of this nation and it’s legal residents – it is a legal and lawful law!.

  36. It should be followed by a 100 question exam where the questions come directly from the Constitution, the bill of rights, and established law backed by a SCOTUS decision. Those questions need to randomly come from a list of 200 or 300 questions and be administered by an independent non-bias company whose employees must also pass the exam to qualify for employment.

  37. Mazie Hirono IS PROOF that ALL Hawaii elections are RIGGED … in case you don’t know America, Hawaii is a state where your voice doesn’t count period… Hawaii criminal cabal politicians will respond ONLY to vocal local citizens that WE KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU

  38. Just because there is a law making something illegal doesn’t mean that that law is Constitutional or lawful. Ex: “illegal to carry a gun without a permit” is a direct violation of our second amendment rights. “illegal to go over the speed limit”- speed limits are arbitrary laws that were created for government (state, county, and city) to provide revenue for those governments – when there is no victim, there is no crime! Most DMV laws are also a violation of the Constitution, because you are considered guilty until proven innocent.

    In the case of illegals, they are violating a law created by congress as established by our forefathers in the Constitution to protect the sovereignty of this nation and it’s legal residents – it is a legal and lawful law!

  39. The fact is that the voters are even dumber. You might be a leftist if: You can’t understand that there are only two sexes, you can’t understand why he-shes are stronger than real females, you can’t accept that a human fetus is human, that you can’t tell the difference between real news and fake news, you can’t understand that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, that it takes you 6 years to complete an associates degree so you can work at McDonald’s or Walmart………..

  40. That wouldn’t happen. Just because you give someone a fishing rod doesn’t mean they can learn to fish. A leftist has no clue what to do with a brain if they had one!

  41. Why waste a brain on a leftist, all the hot air in their head would kill the brain before it could even be used. Besides, leftist don’t know how to use one if they had one.

  42. You can’t make this sheet up! What the ICE director should have said to bait her was, they’re people, like yourself, who are not Naturalized, or born in the United States. Of course, Hirono would have replied, “I was born here.” Then, the ICE director could retort, “Then you know the definition of illegal.” I would give the senator a few minutes; because, she seems ridiculously slow to comprehend or respond with any measure of an educated answer that has two or more sentence reply.

  43. Have you ever wondered why the number of criminal trespassing illegals has been
    “11 million” (or somtimes “12 million”), for the past 20 years? That number never
    seems to increase, right? The reason for this is simple:
    D,C, has an official Law Library that all the lawyers and Lawmakers utilize for their work. And according to the official, legal definition, it takes “15 million” foreigners from one country to constitute a “foreign invasion.” And, since 98% of all the illegals squatting in the US, enter into the country via Mexico, legally they can all be considered Mexican invaders. It doedn’t matter if some are from Honduras or Guatemala, etc. All those who come accross the Mexica/ US border without a visa, the law says they are Mexican invaders. Since this is true, as long as our elected government employees don’t acknowledge there are more than 11 or 12 million illegals in the US, they can’t legally be required to do any thing about the problem. See what’s going on now?
    Just FYI.

  44. Crazy Mazie is proof that Maui Wowie WILL make you crazy.

    Must be a Demoncraptic idea to legalize cannabis nationally, so
    everyone will be a stoner…

    I can’t wait until an emergency room doc, my attorney, or judge
    bumbles into caring for my needs.

    It’s illegal to reference God in a classroom, but perfectly fine to
    toke ’til your eyes glaze over before you crack a chest, try a case,
    pass legal judgement on people’s lives.

  45. GoldCoffee984

    So, Mazie Hirono’s JD from Georgetown isn’t worth squat if she can’t figure out what ILLEGAL ALIEN means.
    Probably been puffing too much Maui Wowie (Maui Waui), which is known to kill brain cells.

  46. Randolph H. Hemmerle

    Nothing new here with Senator Mazie Hirono, I’ve watched her many times, she’s unconscious and is clueless, yet she calls people names and berates them when she doesn’t even know what is going on. She just follows the Democrats’ plan and modus operandi, resistance and obstruction.

  47. GreenRaindrop296

    I wish she was the only Democrat Senator that thought that way, but we know she’s not. There’s bound to be plenty more like her in Congress as well. God help us all!

  48. All of the false rhetoric coming from the left 24/7 aided and abetted by their complicit buddies, the mainstream media and social outlets….has divided and destroyed our country. It isn’t Trump doing this. These divisive elected officials should know the law and certainly the Constitution and Bill of Rights, but choose instead to ignore them and make a mockery of our legal system. It is the typical far left agenda- identity politics, lawlessness, ignorance and constant lies. It is their way or the highway. Sure sounds like a Communist regime to me.

  49. We can NEVER give this party control of the House and the Senate and the Presidency. They will give this country away! As it seems Obama was doing until President Trump stopped him!

  50. The problem with congressional democrats happened when they were born. The doctor dropped them on their head causing all brain matter to fall out.

  51. You can tell “Crazy Mazie;” however, you cant tell her much. She, similar to William Jefferson Clinton, gets confused on the definition of the word “is!”

  52. Seriously, how do these people get elected! Is she playing dumb like a fox or is she that stupid!? I mean she’s 71 years old! It’s sad Congress wastes so much time and money.

    Here’s how I would have answered…Illegal: contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law. Examples; It’s illegal to park by a fire hydrant. It’s illegal to go over the speed limit. It’s illegal to carry a gun without a permit etc…It’s illegal to enter the country without going through customs!

  53. pelosi…cortez…hirono…waters…harris…jackson-lee…etc., etc., etc., How on earth could ANYONE vote for the dumb-dumb-dumnocrats EVER AGAIN???

  54. There really needs to be an exam in order to run of public office or up for re-election……age and location are just not enough…..500 essay exam needs to be given…anyone that scores below 90% needs to look for some other line of work…

  55. Seriously, how do these people get elected! Is she playing dumb like a fox or is she that stupid!? I mean she’s 71 years old!

    Here’s how I would have answered…It’s illegal to park by a fire hydrant. It’s illegal to go over the speed limit. It’s illegal to carry a gun without a permit etc…It’s illegal to enter the country without going through customs!

  56. Maybe she should resign since she not only does not understand codified laws, but fails to execute them. Her and the Democrats would rather put legal citizens at risk than protect them by embracing criminals. Yes, coming across the border is illegal!

  57. Omg there is this person in our political arena that does not know what illegal means and than blames our president for something passed in 1952 Who and what let here in the gate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will someone educate this person and they are not worthy of their pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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