HOW Fake is Fake News? The Media Published Over 500,000 Stories About Russia Collusion

Now that we know the Trump-Russia “collusion” story the media has been obsessed with for two years was all a hoax, exactly how many stories did they put out about it? Over a HALF MILLION!

Axios reports that, Since May 2017, 533,074 web articles have been published about Russia and Trump/Mueller,” which in turn has generated “245 million interactions — including likes, comments and shares — on Twitter and Facebook.” These findings were determined by Axios by compiling data from social-media analytics company NewsWhip.

Think about it. The same liberal mainstream media that constantly mocks conservative news as not credible or unreliable, has now published over 500,000 stories that have generated nearly 250 million social media interactions and they STILL think we should take them seriously?

The mainstream media has proven themselves to be the biggest conspiracy theorists out there.

How About TV Time?

It gets worse, though.

According to the Media Research Center, major media gave 2,284 minutes of coverage to the Russia probe.

“From January 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day) through March 21, 2019 (the last night before special counsel Robert Mueller sent his report to the Attorney General), the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts produced a combined 2,284 minutes of “collusion” coverage, most of it (1,909 minutes) following Mueller’s appointment on May 17, 2017,” MRC reports (emphasis theirs).

“That’s an average of roughly three minutes a night, every night, for an astonishing 791 days — a level of coverage normally associated only with a major war or a presidential election,” MRC notes.

Astonishing indeed. Shameful, too.

The Fake News Media Won’t Stop!

As if that wasn’t bad enough, fake news outlets like CNN are STILL CAMPED OUT outside Robert Mueller’s office. As The Political Insider reported Monday:

CNN’s Evan Pérez said Mueller was spotted dressing down at the office,” reports The Week. “On Thursday, CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz noted that Mueller didn’t leave for lunch as he usually does.”

Heavy stuff, indeed.

“And on Friday, it seemed Mueller didn’t even show up — the biggest special counsel news of the day until the Department of Justice confirmed Mueller had wrapped his report completely,” The Week notes.

Hopefully, they will discover if Mueller ate lunch in his office or maybe what color his underwear is? What is his favorite movie? How does he like his steak cooked?

When will these reporters go away? IT’S OVER!

This is a new low for the media from which they might never recover. Conservative news is needed more than ever to inform readers based on fact and not partisan witch hunts.

And who knows what the next media Trump witch hunt will be. Stay tuned to The Political Insider for the facts and only the FACTS.

27 thoughts on “HOW Fake is Fake News? The Media Published Over 500,000 Stories About Russia Collusion”

  1. I feel your pain!! Unfortunately, I live in Illinois…The Home of Obama [He brought Chicago Politics to America to run [RUIN] our country]…I’m always embarrassed to admit I’m from Illi-NOISE !! ….Illinois Just let JESSIE SMOLLET OFF!!! SOOOOO SAD!!!

  2. We choose to run specifically because of the loony left and their policies. Someone has to keep them in check. Just look at what has happened to my once great state of California. All Democrats, all liberals, all negative. Someone has to stop them.

  3. If you want to know how Donald J. Trump won the election, leftist, just look at your corner and see who you brought in to counter him. Hilary Clinton? Really?

  4. What is amazing is; What GOD has revealed constantly over the last three years! For every wheelbarrow of manure the LIVID Left slings on our vast FIELDS, God turns it into a bountiful harvest! Mulish ( Dem symbol0 Muellers report should convince every patriotic, PRO-American citizen that not a single, Left Liberal should ever hold office again! Including the Donkephants! IE: Rino’s! Keep them OUT of Politics! It would create a “weight loss” in Washington and our gargantuan, bloated, Government like we have never seen in our history! The Left is RABID and will never be SANE again! The Bible reads God’s message of: When evil gets so rampant, without morals principles, decency integrity and honor, HE will “turn them over to a reprobate mind”! It’s never been so evident as it is now! They’ve been (sic) “REPROBATED”!!

  5. He likes his steak, stake; Well-done! While WE get; Charcoaled, cinderized, pulverized, sky-highs, down-sized and desensatized ( four “sics”) like he does EVERYTHING concerning anyone who has conservative principles! His history, involvement with nefarious characters, stealth movements and sneaky actions full of subterfuge! Instead of using his alleged legal SENSE, and finalize his OWN expertise, he failed to, BIG time! Leaving the Republican DOJ to be attacked by the still INSANE Left Liberals! HE can escape with his “feathered nest” still cozily intact! While WE feel an icy draft in our REARS where the tail “feathers” were plucked OUT! Other than THAT…….!

  6. I believe that one of the msm tonight announced that the libo-dumbos are contemplating investigating the investigators that started all this investigation BS after which more investigations will be dreamed up.
    Arrrrgggghhh how much more of this crap will the voting public that still have at least two cells functioning in their brains put up with this constant probing of conservative anal passages.

  7. I heard that the libo-dumbos are thinking of investigating the investigators which will probably lead to more investigations. Arrrrggghhh when will the voting public with at least two working brain cells wake up.


  9. The left still can’t accept that crooked Hillary got beat. Now they refuse to believe the person they praised for being a honorable and honest man. The left sided media is abusing freedom of the press whit their hate and lies. Haters got to hate. I would love to see a complete 2 year investigation into Hillary, Lynch, and Obama. My guess is we would see a lot of arrests and convictions.

  10. Most–if not ALL–of those “retiring before the next election” were NOT Conservatives. They were do-nothing Republican RINOs who flat-out LIED ro get re-elected, by promising to repeal Obamacare, get needed immigration reform passed, etc. and then proceeded to do NOTHING for the past 2+ years. They KNOW that nobody is going to believe them if they tell those same lies NEXT TIME (fool me once . . . ) and so they are “retiring” to avoid an ignominious defeat which they richly DESERVE for having TOTALLY WASTED the opportunity we gave them to fix a lot of things by electing a President who actually loves this country and its people, and giving them BOTH houses of Congress under Republican majority control. NOW the conniving COMMUCRATS have control of the House because the USELESS, GUTLESS Republicans sat on their WORTHLESS fannies and frittered away TWO YEARS of opportunity to actually DO something positive for this country, and now the conniving Commucrats are launching yet MORE bogus investigations into FALSE CHARGES against Pres. Trump, so you just know NOTHING will get done, unless Pres. Trump can do it by executive order without having try to get the USELESS career politician HACKS in Congress (of both parties) to actually do their jobs!

  11. Seems democrats are disappointed that our President is not guilty of collusion. They want a President who breaks laws. Guess that’s why they wanted Hillary.

  12. Shouldn’t any organization that publishes false or deliberately misleading and unverified speculations that aren’t identified as such be harshly penalized-a million fine to social security or a medical research charity; or home for veterans or the aged?

    Five such violations in a year would triple the fine per incident. Ten in a year would result in a ten fold increase.

  13. They DEFINITELY should not be allowed to continue spewing LIES, Commucrat Party propaganda, and venomous and BASELESS attacks on our President out over the airwaves 24/7, for the EXPRESS purpose of deceiving the public! They have actually IGNORED major breaking news stories so they could continue their non-stop hatred and attacks on Pres. Trump! These despicable HACKS are nothing but the propaganda arm of the LIARS in the Commucrat Party, and NOTHING they say should be believed without verifying it elsewhere.

  14. I read that President Trump said that mueller is/was an honorable man….I hope this is not the beginning of ‘let’s let bygones be bygones…blah…blah…blah…”
    The President should NEVER forgive and forget what these filthy fascists have done for over 2 years…he should have 400 FBI agents and process 25,000 subpoenas and investigate every last one of those vile verminous ‘crats…

  15. The one GOOD thing to come out of this entire BOGUS “Russian collusion” BS was that the part the media played for the past 2+ YEARS in BEATING this dead horse and spreading this BLATANT “Russian collusion” LIE that the President was not only GUILTY, but all but CONVICTED has been dragged out into the spotlight for EVERYBODY to see! Anybody who didn’t “get it” before, should now understand what LYING, Commucrat-complicit VERMIN 98% of the media are. There they are in all their corrupt, Leftist-BIASED glory, exposed, with their LYING naked faces hanging out for all to see! These propaganda HACKS are nothing but the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They are absolutely USELESS as sources of actual news, because you can’t trust ANYTHING they say. They should be held in UTTER contempt, because they are UTTERLY CONTEMPTIBLE.

  16. You mean this tenet?“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” That is attributed to Joseph Goebbels

  17. I am reminded by a line someone said in the movie ” 13 Days” It was the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. The actor said ” Bring on the mid terms”

    Well it is not the mid terms but it will be the election of 2020 ” SO BRING ON THE PRESIDENT ELECTION”


  18. The very definition of PSYCHOSIS>
    Media propagandists pushing the Russia Hoax should be forcibly hospitalized in strait jackets for their own protection.

  19. I thought I would feel happy once the Mueller report was released – but – all I feel is worn out….Can’t believe I’ve listened to 2+ years of liberal lies day & night on & on & on & on & on & on & on & ON AND ON!!!!!!!! I’m worn out!!!!!! I don’t know why any conservative would want to run for office [That may explain why so many conservatives choose to retire before the last election] God Bless Donald Trump [Heaven Sent!!!!!! Thank You Jesus!!!]

  20. I think they are trying to follow the Alinsky tenet that “say something often enough and it is taken as truth”. Only this time it is backfiring, because the more they beat this dead horse, the more people get bored with them and just tune off. Can anyone say, “Boy who cried wolf – over and over and over again”?

  21. WOW! Democrats and mainstream media CANNOT continue to talk about how Trump influenced any election! They are the ones caught with their pants down! All negative, all the time directed against ONE man!

    President Trump should be put back into office in 2020 by unanimous consent by ALL American people. Then, and only then, will he be truly vindicated for the hatchet job that Americans have witnessed!

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