House Expands Hillary Clinton Email Probe – Will Question FBI Director’s Chief of Staff

house hillary email probe

Why hasn’t Hillary Clinton been prosecuted for sending and disseminating highly classified materials on a home email server? We’re about to get answers, as Clinton faces serious legal issues.

The FBI chief of staff and senior counselor to Director Christopher Wray will meet with the House Oversight Committee on Thursday. And Republicans on the Committee are ready to demand real answers.

The House Oversight Committee, through a spokesperson, has confirmed Jim Rybicki will testify as part of their investigation into Obama’s Department of Justice probe into Clinton’s illegally operated private home email server. That initial investigation led to former FBI Director James Comey quickly announcing, in the heat of the 2016 presidential race, there would be no criminal charges filed against the former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee, despite overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing.

This joint investigation was announced by the House Oversight and Judiciary committees in December. The goals of the investigation have been announced by Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), and they are intent on exploring just how much of a role various FBI and Justice Department officials played in the Hillary Clinton probes.

As The Washington Examiner reports,

In a letter to department leadership, they requested interviews with Rybicki, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer who traded anti-Trump text messages with another FBI agent who had also been assigned to special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

McCabe was the first FBI insider to be questioned, having been grilled just before the Christmas holiday. He has announced his plans to retire in early 2018.

The most shocking development we have learned after the 2016 election is how members of the Deep State, including top FBI officials, were using their official capacities to assist Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. These agents are charged with protecting America’s national security interests and are supposed to be nonpartisan, but these investigations have shown that even the FBI is not immune from partisanship. Considering what we know now, it’s amazing that Donald Trump was still able to pull off a victory.

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Individuals have been charged and imprisoned for far less than what Hillary Clinton has been accused of. The information on her server was accessed by foreign governments, and that included details of agents actively in harm’s way. There is no excuse for how Hillary handled national security while selling access to the Obama Administration through Clinton Foundation donations. And it’s time for serious legal consequences.

This is a breaking news story. We will have more details as they become available.

39 thoughts on “House Expands Hillary Clinton Email Probe – Will Question FBI Director’s Chief of Staff”

  1. We are told repeatedly that a US Presidential election cannot be rigged. But it appears that the DNC, Clinton Campaign, FBI, Justice Department, FISC, Obama White House, the AGITPROP MEDIA (and perhaps the CIA and NSA) went to considerable lengths, including violating the law, to try to rig this election. And that makes this the greatest scandal in American history, if true. It involves nothing less than subverting the Democratic Republic itself and its constitutional order.

  2. Her and her cronies all need to be put in the big house. To much under handed went on during Obama’s time and needs to be taken care of. The Clinton’s have got off the hook way to long.. Time to pay.

  3. Just let me know IF the witch is ever actually convicted and sentenced, I want to see her in an orange “pantsuit!” And Ovomit also. And Holder. And Comey. And Waters, among others. But, I shall not be holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

  4. I hope that Gowdy gets to make her testify under oath and finally get to the bottom of this crap. She has been let off the hook far to many times and I hope she is starting to think that she just might be in deep doo doo. As for Sessions, he really needs to get serious about his position and go after the Clinton Foundation!

  5. I just wished they had used the same intensity, passion and vitriol they are using on President Trump and the Russian collusion story, with the same passion and hatred while investigating Hillary Clinton’s corruption and massive crimes. They just swept it under the carpet in hopes that Americans would forget. I always try an ask a question. Who would’ve benefited from Trump and Russia collusion? Certainly not Donald Trump. But, had they been thorough in their investigation into Hillary crimes and corruption, I don’t see what he’d get from it. We all knew there were multiple investigation attached to Hillary’s name, it actually boggled some people’s mind that she even thought about running with all that baggage, crimes and corruption that was attached to her name and the Democrats didn’t blink or thought she was too corrupt to be President, and yet, without blinking an eye, they moved forward with her as their candidate. But, if we had an honest media who was interested in exposing their corruption, then maybe Trump might’ve benefited from it but they didn’t, since they openly refused to cover stories on her multiple investigation. But, taking him out equation would’ve benefited both Hillary and Obama. Two things I ask myself when I start to research something. Number one, follow the money and where it leads and two who benefited and had the motivation in its conclusion. They had a lot riding on Hillary’s win. They weren’t eager or in a hurry to hide Obama’s corruption, the DOJ, NSA and FBI. They thought they had the time with Hillary in the White House who could make it go away for good 8 years later. It never dawned on them that she would lose.

  6. What really bothers me is our government showing their hand to these criminals! Giving them an extraordinary amount of time to put their heads together and cover every loophole, every base, every issue and every question that might possibly be asked. They have had enough time to have had screenwriters from Hollywood to write an entire script for them!!! Why are we warning them about what is about to happen instead of taking them by surprise???? This bothers me tremendously! It makes me wonder how serious our government-DOJ, and others are about sending these horrible criminals to prison!! C’mon, the American people aren’t stupid. These people belong in prison, as well as Comey and others!! What’s the hold up!! Obama is just as guilty if not more so. Laws apply to him as well and he was clearly behind many of the goings on! Go get em’ all already!!! Each and everyone of them and stop giving them notices, hints, and warnings that you, our Government, are coming for them so that they don’t have more time to make up more lies and cover ups and brazen fake stories!!!


  8. For years the Clinton crime family has flouted the law, going from dead broke to over a billion in net worth without a company or a product!
    What were they selling to make all of that money?

    * If the FBI and DOJ were used to try and affect the outcome of an election, THAT IS A CRIME!
    * If government officials used their position to enrich themselves, THAT IS A CRIME!
    * If government officials expose classified information, THAT IS A CRIME!
    * If a fake dossier was used to investigate a sitting President, THAT IS A CRIME!
    * If State campaign funds were used on a national campaign, THAT IS A CRIME!
    These and other crimes MUST BE INVESTIGATED now.

    1. They were selling Hillary’s influence on the world stage and the International market of corrupt power brokers. Make an appointment and give to our charity money, the more they gave the quicker the meeting would take place. The shut down part of their charity because they had nothing to give in return, she was a private citizen who no longer had power, influence over the federal government and the outcome of any legislation that would pass through congress. We you spent $250,000 to meet with Hillary on purpose unless there was something in it for the donor. She’s not well liked by most people, she bitter, angry, entitled witch who believes she can dictate the terms of her involvement from behind the scenes.

  9. Mrs. F posting: Why do they keep rehashing the obvious? ANSWER: To pay themselves to go through the motions of so called “I really give a d*mn about truth, ethics and that justice be done.” The average U.S. citizen knows Hillary’s *** should have been handed to her long before the 2016 election started. Most of President Trump’s supporters see through the bipartisan hype to drag is out as long as they can to make them look “busy.”

    I wish I had the power to withhold Congress’ and Senates’ pay until they:
    (1) Put hillary, and everyone who protected her and was in on the crimes, in prison,
    (2) Congress and Senate in act the agenda items we voted for via electing Donald Trump President, and
    (3) There is no more threat of a government shutdown. It is shameful that Congress and Senate pull the “government shutdown” STUNT every time the budget deadline comes due. Congress and Senate is bunch of Drama Queens. Grow up; be adults.

    What Congress and Senate have been doing for, almost, forever, is NO way to run a country. If our country were a business it would have self-destructed a long, long time ago. And I know, they know this, it isn’t new, and I know they really just don’t care (and that’s putting it nicely).

  10. people and sites like this have been saying the same thing since the email BS first came out and the Back up beeper pants suit wearing hag is still walking around free.

    I will believe something is being done when I see her indicted or being frog marched out of her mansion in NY in full view of the cameras. Until then its nothing but yet another pipe dream

  11. I think the WHOLE Clinton crime family should be prosecuted under RICO. That is the way most criminal cabals are taken down. Hillary should be sharing a cell with Debbie Wassermann Schultz in a MAX security lockup.

  12. One idiot voted for the Hildabeast not to be locked up, what a loser! Just get it over President Trump & prosecute Hillary, Obozo & all their cronies & take them to Gitmo. Americans are beyond fed up with these NWO globalists & their crimes. LOCK HER UP!!

  13. I think Hillary should run again. We need some humor during the election cycle! Along with her claiming that she carries ” hot-sauce” in her purse in her pursuit to garner the black vote, she can also claim she carries jalapeño peppers for the Hispanic vote, Hoisin Sauce for the Asian vote, Caraway Seeds for the Irish vote, Peperoncino peppers to garner the Italian vote, Kielbasa for the Polish vote, and Cardamom to gain the Norwegian vote.

  14. Unfortunately, she has powerful political friends, who will do whatever is necessary, to keep her, Bill, and Chelsea, from being prosecuted. All three should be tarred, feathered, and marched naked down Pennsylvania Avenue, then ridden out of town on a rail..

  15. Don’t believe that anything will ever happen to her. Democrat Jon Corzine lost 1.5 billion at MF Global and through evidence manipulation and assistance from the Obama DOJ he is a free man to this day.

  16. Amazing! A nation of “sheep” is easy pickings for the most ruthless and immoral political operatives; Bill and Hillary Clinton to ever gain the ultimate seat of power, President of these United States. With a few interludes the “sheep” were again reluctant to challenge the democrats organized destructive power; “Political Correctness” when they were bamboozled into jumping on the “band wagon” for the historical ego driven Barack H. Obama, II; his self announcement that he was the son of a US citizen mother and a foreign citizen father thus making him born with dual citizenship. Constitutional eligibility to stand as candidate for president “–shall be a natural born citizen–“. Historically every president elected to office of president born after 1776 have met this requirement with two exceptions, Chester A. Arthur and Barack H. Obama, II. Arthur’s father did not become a nationalized US citizen till after son Arthur’s birth and Obama has bragged to the world “I am the son of a foreign citizen father”. The legacy of these two immoral/politically/corrupt democrat presidential administrations are thank God finally being brought before “Lady Justice” to answer to “We the People” for their collective 16 years of criminal abuse of the Office of President of these United States. Remember these words before the “wailing and gnashing of teeth” in a misguided attempt to “forgive and forget” their unforgivable collective criminal behavior”; “United we Stand, Divided We Fall”. To paraphrase Obama’s Pastor Reverend Right “The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost.” lee1233

  17. I have wasted a good deal of my life praying that Crooked Hillary and her Crooked Willy will FINALLY be prosecuted for their many, many crimes and felonies against the people of this country as well as the world. I would love to see them both behind bars and Chelsea along with them for dipping into charitable funds to pay for her wedding and apartment.

    If they can catch old whats-his-name (the Ponzi scheme guy…can’t remember his name), why can’t they catch the Clinton Crime Family? Then we will worry about the Obama Crime Syndicate.

  18. People forget that it wasn’t just Hillary. Literally hundreds of people participated in sharing, forwarding, copying, printing, and otherwise mishandling classified materials illegally stored on her server. She’s old – let her plea-bargain for only 10 years if she gives up all of the names of those who participated in knowingly mishandling classified materials.

    1. The Hildabeast already said that she won’t go down alone! You can bet your last dollar that once the heat is applied to try and save her ass she’ll sing like a canary and low and behold all the party’s involved are shaking in their boots. Typical of her loyalty means nothing when it come to try and save her ass.

  19. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! Obama and Hillary had a pact when she lost to him in the 2008 primary. He offered her the job of Sec./State where she could become a “legitimate” player. She would stay on for his first term and then take the next few years grooming herself. She would then,according to plan, run for and win the nomination in 2016 and carry on the “Obama legacy.” Didn’t quite work out, did it? Hillary didn’t care a rap about America or the State Dept. She just can’t accept the fact that the only one who thinks Hillary is great is Hillary. She is a narcissistic Marxist who hitched her wagon to Bubba’s coattails long ago. She knew she couldn’t make it on her own. I think (and prey) she will FINALLY get her orange suit!!!

  20. 9 years and counting. How many more investigations have to be done? The Congress, DOJ, and FBI have all the information and documentation that they need and have had for years. How much more evidence is needed for prosecutions? All of these demos are corrupt and criminals. They should have been put away months if not years ago. Dear Attorney General, can you just have your people use the current evidence, which must fill up an entire room in your building, and get on with the show. How difficult can it be. You could subcontract out the task to Judicial Watch and they would wrap this thing up in 6 months.

  21. since she had no trial…..double jeopardy does not exist has a defense…. If new evidence is found a case can be opened….again….and since was hiding evidence from the FBI and the DOJ she screwed herself…BYE Hillary….better hide in one of those SH!T HOLE countries….

  22. One should not hold their breath in anticipation of Clinton ever get charged or convicted of any crimes committed while she was part of the government. It just won’t happen because the Clinton’s and Israel have to much information on any of those planning on taking her on.

    1. I disagree. Once upon a time… maybe. But I really believe this hatred between R’s and D’s has matured into a real war. Once it was just “we the people” against the US government. Now that there are 3 or 4 factions we may see cracks opening in the protection walls. It depends on what kind of dirt Crooked Hillary has on the FBI & DOJ heads. Remember filegate ? She had FBI info on everyone that was anyone. When or if this all breaks loose it’s going to make #metoo look like a 6 year olds birthday party game.

  23. It is getting pretty obvious that Obama – or whatever the hell his real name is – DOJ was more interested in generating a fake dossier and covering up for Clinton all the way. When this house of cards collapses maybe we will finally see some justice and a lot of people will be getting locked up for their corruption.

  24. “Why hasn’t Hillary Clinton been prosecuted for sending and disseminating highly classified materials on a home email server?”
    …the question SHOULD be…why hasn’t hillary clinton (and barnack oblambo) been prosecuted for deliberately sacrificing 4 American lives…and then lying about the facts…in Benghazi…in order to enhance the ‘election’ prospects of the ineligible muslim…
    …once again the fascistcrats have been successful in camouflaging, and rewriting the REAL narrative of their crimes…

  25. Unless there is indisputable proof that Clinton has been treated exactly as others who have committed similar crimes the very fabric of trust between the American people and our government will be forever shredded.

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