Hillary Clinton Pastor Bill Shillad Caught Plagiarizing in New Book

Several reports indicate that the pastor for Hillary Clinton, Rev. Bill Shillady, plagiarized emails that he sent to the former Democrat candidate during the presidential election.

Those emails were collected to create a volume titled, “Strong for a Moment Like This: The Daily Devotions of Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

CNN first posted an email Shillady had sent to Clinton the day after the election. A portion of that email reads:

For the disciples and Christ’s followers in the first century, Good Friday represented the day that everything fell apart. All was lost. The momentum and hope of a man claiming to be the Son of God, the Messiah who was supposed to change everything, had been executed.

Rev. Matthew Deuel noted that the passage seemed to match something he had written in a previous blog post. Tell us what you think:

For the disciples and Christ followers in the first century, Good Friday represented the day that everything fell apart. All was lost. The momentum and hope of a man, claiming to be the Son of God, the Messiah who was supposed to change everything, had been executed.

It’s not difficult to see the similarities, but we ran that entry through the Copyspace plagiarism checker, and a 98% plagiarism assessment was attained.


Clinton’s image appears on the cover of Shillady’s book and she wrote the forward for her former pastor.

Via Fox News Insider:

Hillary Clinton’s pastor plagiarized the work of another minister in part of his new book, according to reports.

“Strong for a Moment Like This: The Daily Devotions of Hillary Rodham Clinton” is based on emails that Rev. Bill Shillady, of the United Methodist Church, sent to Clinton during her presidential campaign and just after her loss to Donald Trump.

But now it’s been revealed that not all of the writings in the book are Shillady’s own.

Other excerpts are clearly lifted from Duell’s work. For instance, Duell wrote:

Death will be shattered. Hope will be restored. Redemption is coming. But first, we must live through the darkness and seeming hopelessness of Friday.

Shillady’s post-election email states:

Death will be shattered. Hope will be restored. But first, we must live through the darkness and seeming hopelessness of Friday.

Shillady made news recently when he claimed Hillary is looking to become a pastor herself, following her devastating loss to Donald Trump.

Perhaps she could provide her own devotion to the pastor about the perils of stealing. She might want to open that speech up to a wider audience.

Chelsea Clinton was recently slapped with her own lawsuit claiming she plagiarized the idea behind her book, “She Persisted.”

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What do you make of Hillary’s pastor plagiarizing his writings to Hillary? Is anything surrounding the Clintons real? Share your thoughts below!

11 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton Pastor Bill Shillad Caught Plagiarizing in New Book”

  1. Did this plagiarizing pastor have to pay Hillary to receive his emails? Or did she charge to come to the book cover photo session? Because it seems a bit out-of-character for her to allow this guy to use her to make a buck.

  2. Hmmmm, Birds of the feather, so I guess you are admitting that trump knew about the illegal contacts with Russia now that 20 of his team, family and contacts had lied about having had contact with Russia most of them many times.

  3. So I guess you will be running a story of the first lady plagiarizing our last great First Lady to condemn the racist attack and murder over the weekend that the president didn’t have the balls to condemn.

  4. The Hildabeast doesn’t have any friends or business associates that are honest so this is no surprise! She is such a criminal old witch & everything she touches is evil.

  5. The entire concept of Hillary Rodham Clinton spending one moment in devotions is incomprehensible. The is a woman who has don thing but seek power over others. Control is her prayer, and she seems to surround herself with people with deeply scarred or damaged morals, beliefs and psyches.
    Look at this last election. Look at her associates. John Podesta, a reported pederast, then the assorted lesbians, the gay man running her campaign, and the cult status she sought among her assorted followers. Judge a person by who they associate with. Bill, a classic abuser and rapist, his friends, like the owner of the lolita express, and you begin to get a flavor of the woman behind the pant suits. This past few weeks he have been told as a nation, HRC is thinking of becoming a preacher (read evangelist,) a TV preacher, buckets of unaccounted for cash=power=frenetic followers.HRC, same story, same cast of characters, just a different chapter. Seems The rev. Dr. Bill has the same morals she does. Steal from another, take the recognition, lie about it and use that example as the reason we are currently speaking of this horror becoming a speaker of God.

  6. So just how uninformed and lacking in knowledge of the entire left’s history, including any “religious figures” among them, would you have to be to be surprised by fraud, theft, plagiarism or outright lies coming from anyone who would associate with the clintons?!

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