Hillary Clinton Loved Moment Pelosi Shred SOTU Speech – Showed Trump Is ‘Untethered From Reality’

It clearly makes Clinton's blood boil that Trump is still in the White House, so it comes as no surprise that she publicly praises anyone who disrespects him.

Pelosi Hillary Clinton

Failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton showed last night that she’s still just as bitter about losing to Donald Trump as she ever was when she praised House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ripping up his State of the Union speech last month.

While appearing on “Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen,” Clinton claimed that Pelosi ripping up the speech showed that Trump is “untethered from reality.”

Clinton said this after being asked by a caller, “What do you think of all the backlash Nancy Pelosi got after ripping up the president’s State of the Union?”

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“You know, I thought she was making a very strong point in demonstrating that so much of what he said was untethered from reality and just plain factually wrong,” Clinton said. “And, you know, sometimes it is the only way to get attention because otherwise his speech, which was filled with so many errors, would have just been taken on face value.”

“And I think because she visibly did that, which then went viral across the Internet, people said wait a minute, maybe we better take another look. So I thought it was an interesting and effective gesture,” she continued.

Frankly, Clinton is the last person who should be calling anyone else “untethered from reality,” as she has spent the last three years living in a fantasy world in which she actually won the 2016 election and it was just unfairly stolen from her by Trump.

Nothing about Pelosi ripping up the State of the Union is worthy of praise. It was a bitter, classless move made by someone who has let her hatred for Trump consume her to the point where she has no respect left for the office of the presidency.

It clearly makes Clinton’s blood boil that Trump is still in the White House, so it comes as no surprise that she publicly praises anyone who disrespects him. Clinton is nothing more than a sore loser desperately trying to take down the man who beat her fair and square.

This piece originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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