GOP Rep. Carl Says Biden Needs Cognitive Test: ‘Biden Is Not Running His Office Up Here’

Republican Rep. Carl Calls Says Biden Needs Mental Cognitive Test: ‘Biden Is Not Running His Office Up Here’

On Wednesday, Republican Congressman Jerry Carl said that there is good reason for Americans to be concerned about the mental state and ability of President Joe Biden.

Rep. Carl is not the only Republican to express this.

GOP Congressman Ronny Jackson, a former White House physician for Obama and Trump, has basically said the same thing, along with 14 other GOP Congressmen.

Carl’s remarks were made during an interview on Mobile, Alabama’ radio’s FM Talk 106.5.

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Rep. Carl On Biden: ‘We Want Him To Take A Simple Cognitive Test’

“[Ronny Jackson] was the physician for three different presidents, so he is pretty knowledgable,” Carl said.

Carl said he worried about mental “decay.”

“I was talking to him, and we were just looking at the decay of Biden in office and what’s going on with Biden,” Carl said. “And the only way the American people can find out what is going on — because Biden is not running his office up here.”

Carl continued, “He’s got all the lobbyists and bureaucrats up here running it and putting these deals together for him.”

“We want him to take a simple cognitive test,” Carl explained. “You know, I’ve got my staff checking to see if I can take one. If I can judge him by his, I’ll let people judge me by mine. I think that’s fair.”

“There’s a huge decline going on with him right now,” Carl said of Biden.

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Carl Says Biden ‘Best Thing’ To Happen To GOP In A Long Time

Carl also said having in Biden as president does Republicans a favor when comparing his party’s policies with the Democrats.

“I hope we keep Biden in office,” Carl exclaimed. “I want Biden to stay in office. He’s one of the best things to happen to the Republican Party in a long time.”

“He’s our best salesman,” Carl added.

Coincidentally, Ronny Jackson tweeted on Wednesday, “When I was President Trump’s White House physician, the media ATTACKED him because they falsely claimed the cognitive exam he ACED was ‘too easy.”

“Well, if it’s SO EASY like the media said, why won’t Biden take the same test and release the results?” Jackson wrote.

“Cognitively impaired!” he finished.


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