The family of a dead cat from Atlanta, Georgia, have received a voter registration in his name for this November’s elections.
Kitties Now Allowed On The Electoral Roll?
Ron Tims, from Atlanta, found a “surprise” in his mail on Wednesday morning. There was a voter registration form addressed for one Cody Tims – the dead family cat who passed away over a decade ago.
“We have a voter registration application for Cody Tims! How did this happen? It’s not reality, he’s a cat and he’s been dead for a long time,” said Carol Tims, Ron’s wife.
A couple was shocked to receive a voter registration form… addressed to their dead cat. We'll share the wild story on Good Day Oregon at 8:45 a.m. pic.twitter.com/3DYVq9S8mH
— FOX 12 Oregon (@fox12oregon) July 10, 2020
“There’s a huge push but if they’re trying to register cats, I’m not sure who else they’re trying to register. I’m not sure if they’re trying to register dogs, mice, snakes,” she added.
The Office for the Secretary of State for Georgia said that the registration didn’t come from them, but was likely from a third party group who used mailing lists to grab names and addresses of qualifying voters.
“Third-party groups all over the country are targeting Georgia to help register qualified individuals,” the Secretary of State’s office said in a statement. “This group makes you wonder what these out-of-town activists are really doing. Make no mistake about it, this office is dedicated to investigating all types of fraud.”
RELATED: Mitt Romney: Mail Voting ‘Works Very, Very Well’ In Utah
Cute As They May Be, Cats Can’t Vote!
While this story may be, if you’ll pardon the pun, a-meow-sing, there is also a serious point to this. We know the left have been trying to make mail-in-voting the norm in this election, in order to keep it for future elections.
If a cute little, DEAD cat is a viable voter, then who else is? Mark my words, the left are doing their damndest to stop President Donald Trump from winning this year.
This whole incident should give everyone “paws” for thought on how secure our elections are. It’s probably no coincidence that the Tims family said that Cody was a DemoCAT!