George Takei Attacks Shooting Victim Steve Scalise – Gets Destroyed On Twittter

It’s incredible how simply being shot by a deranged leftist has led to the liberal media debating whether or not House Minority Whip Steve Scalise had it coming.

Just check out a disgusting tweet from MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who tried to find some “irony” in the potentially-deadly shooting of Scalise:

Oh boy, where to begin?

The “black lesbian police officer” was also shot by the assailant James Hodgkinson. So is there an irony in the fact that a far-left nutcase shot a black lesbian too? I’m not sure what the irony Reid sees in the first bullet point is supposed to be.

Regardless, the “black lesbian” was part of Scalise’s security personal, which prompted a total of zero objections from Scalise over the course of his career.

OK, so the next bullet says that it’s “ironic” Scalise is receiving care while trying to repeal ObamaCare? I’m going go out on a limb here and say there’s a zero percent chance Scalise purchased health insurance because of the individual mandate, or received any subsidies from ObamaCare for his surgeries.

And he co-sponsored a bill to repeal a ban on semiautomatic weapons? Reid is going to have to be more specific here, because nearly EVERY gun is a semi-automatic.

Bad as Reid’s post was, she wasn’t the only useful idiot trying to politicize the shooting. George Takei of “Star Trek” took the cake for ignorantly excusing Scalise being shot:

The rest of twitter then proceeded to lambaste Takei for that tweet.

Maybe instead of seeing her as a “black lesbian,” we should see her for what she is: a hero.

Her name is Crystal Griner, by the way. And she deserves a ton of praise for not only saving Scalise’s life, but also the lives of many others.

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17 thoughts on “George Takei Attacks Shooting Victim Steve Scalise – Gets Destroyed On Twittter”

  1. I guess playing pretend your whole life makes you think you are smart. Makes you feel like a woman to be with a man. Makes you talk like an ass to smell your own farts. If Scalise allowed this person on his detail doesn’t that negate everything horrible you accuse him of. And does that not leave you being the little monster from outer space. Enjoy your space suit…wacko!

  2. Actually, this article is incorrect in saying that Scalise did not benefit from Obamacare. When Congress (both houses) found out the huge premiums they would have to pay by purchasing insurance through Obamacare on the open market (and esp also for their staff members) they got Obama, through an agency, to declare that Congress is a “small business.” Pretty dishonest. Therefore, they (except a small minority of Senators and Representatives who refused and bought it elsewhere or had a spouse with a plan) are paying only 25% of their premiums..and we, the taxpayers, thanks to this dishonesty, are paying 75% of their premiums.
    That said, I wish the best for Steve Scalise, victim of a liberal.
    And Obamacare is still garbage.

  3. George Takei – what a repulsive, grimacing A$$HOLE. WHY do people use him in commercials? It’s not about him being gay – it’s about him being an idiot! And who is Joy Reid? Never mind – I don’t care. Of course, her life is defended every day by straight, white Republican cops – but again, never mind . . . I guess irony cuts both ways.

  4. George girl, you are just another gay liberal hollywood ck sucker. And a disgrace to all of the slant eye race. Thank you Crystal Griner for your service.

  5. Nothing but RESPECT for Crystal Griner!!! Nothing, no, nada, zero respect for opinions expressed by Joy and George.
    BlueLivesMatter, they put themselves in HARMS WAY every day. Yet they NEVER ask your gender association or political affiliation!!!
    Praise for all LEO, First Responders, Firemen(people), and Military Service Personnel!!!

  6. Why does everything have to be categorized into “us” or “them”? Does it really matter what legislation Mr. Scalise was involved in? Does it really matter if officer Griners sexual orientation is not mainstream? The officer is a hero, plain and simple. Mr. Scalise is gravely injured and holding on. Both are human beings and deserve our respect. What is wrong with you people? Oh, yeah, you’re bleeding heart liberals!

  7. George Takei, you really messed up and unfortunately for you, there is no way back…you crossed way over the line of no return…………now please just go away…..and never return.

  8. I’m against homosexuality ,but I feel she cares more for others then those that constantly condemn them. And putting down a man while he’s fighting for his life, is more than wicked, its evil.

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