George Soros Says Trump Won’t Last in Office Until 2020

george soros trump 2020

What does George Soros know that we don’t?

The devilishly liberal billionaire and hedge fund investor told an audience at the Davos World Economic Forum that he expects President Donald Trump will be forced out of office before 2020. This came after Soros tore into the President, calling him a “danger to the world.”

Project much, Georgie? Last I checked, Trump wasn’t being investigated in many European countries for trying to subvert the sovereignty of free nations. But you do you, ol’ George.

According to the Daily Mail, Soros is up to his usual tricks in Davos, hobnobbing with the world’s most powerful CEOs and investors. During a speech, Soros predicted the following:

I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world,’ the billionaire investor said in his speech.

‘But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.’ Soros predicted a Democratic ‘landslide’ in the 2018 elections.

You can see his loathsome comments here:

Soros is a man not to be trusted. He has a well-known history of meddling in our elections. And he’s not at all discreet about this intentions. Following the white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, Soror upped his lobbying efforts in America through his Open Society Policy Center. Last December, political PACs connected to Soros helped fund Democrat Doug Jones’s upset victory over Republican and accused pederast Roy Moore.

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Soros somehow expects Trump will be removed from office before 2020. But what proof of that does he have? Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump’s supposed Russian ties during the campaign is turning out to be a huge farce. We already have documented evidence that higher-ups in the FBI had it out for Trump from the beginning. By the end of Mueller’s investigation, and Congress’s concomitant investigation into FBI corruption, we’ll be sending FBI agents to jail, not Trump.

So what does Soros know that we don’t?

What is Soros planning when he says Trump will be removed from office? Tell us your thoughts below!

57 thoughts on “George Soros Says Trump Won’t Last in Office Until 2020”

  1. George shouldn’t be locked up. He should be killed. When other nations won’t let this piece of dog lawn decor into their nation we do. Kill him and take his ill gotten gain.

  2. He is a total loser whose dreams of his Society is flushing down fast. Trump ran all over him at DAVOS. Trump is fast becoming the world’s Knight in Shining Freedom and Capitalism Armor.

    Soros busy giving money to the EU and trying to keep the refugee program going, people are not taking the bait. Hopefully he, Obama, and all will be in jail.

  3. Soros’ plane should do missing over the ocean with him in it. He thinks his little tight black pants ATIFA army will help? BWAHA…I’m one of over 30 million veterans. We are working on a plan to permanently removing ANTIFA from America. We see them, we will burn them to the ground. We will not allow Soros’ or his fag ANTIFA minions to survive. Best not to wear all black in the near future or you may wind up dead.

  4. In my opinion, George Soros and all those he supports should be arrested and hung for treason. In the very least I hope he is exposed as the Jew Bolshevik he is… a COMMUNIST monster emulating the Jewish Bolsheviks ( CHEKA)responsible for 150+ MILLION tortured and murdered. What should the righteous do with such a man and his legion of TOOLS? Watch: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD (You Tube) and read: THE BAD WAR BY MIKE KING…OR THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY, both banned by Zionist run Amazon, but available elsewhere.

  5. Let me guess the 4 votes against Soros being locked up – Hilary, Bill, Chelsea & Obozo? Dream on you Hungarian piece of trash that your own country doesn’t even like! Hope we all get to witness your hanging party at Gitmo soon you wrinkled up old prune! Hahahaha

  6. Yes he is predicting a landslide victory from the Dimwits, but once they Dimwits are in the majority, they plan to impeach him! Heck, they’ve been trying to impeach him since the day he took office. I don’t believe they will ever find anything against him to warrant impeachment, but it won’t stop them from trying! Personally, I’m praying the Dimwits lose more seats!! We know that if they win, it will be from having enough fraudulent votes…and they know exactly how do that!!!

  7. Soros’ must not know that impeachment is nothing more than the civilian equivalent of being charged. The trial itself takes place in the Senate. And that requires a 2/3rd’s vote (67 Senators) to remove a president. It ain’t going to happen. No Senate will change dramatically from one election to another. Plus, when people see their take-home pay increased along with bonuses many companies are giving out, they won’t vote in the Democrats and see them for what they are; communists scumbags.

  8. He is not talking about removing Trump from office by 2020. The article even quotes him as saying the Trump Administration. 2018 is the mid term elections where he hopes Democrats will gain enough seats to balance or stop the Trump Train. Headlines like this only make us look like the tail is wagging the dog. Under current conspiracy when it is clear it is not.

  9. The snake calling someone else slimy! Isn’t that something. I hope everyone got a good laugh. So Trump made the world unsafe and yet that bastard Soros is the villain of the world. Yes Georgie the world is unsafe – FOR EVIL CROOKS LIKE YOU! And I hope I am alive and you don’t die (as much as it pains me to say that) until you are arrested and HUNG!

  10. Why this piece of excrement is allowed to walk free on this planet is beyond belief. Investigate George Soros for his subversion and if he has broken laws, put him on trial and if convicted put him away for a very long time! There becomes a point in life to where money and power have no bearing to be against the law. Uphold the laws and put these subversives away indefinitely!!!

  11. He’s running out of countries that he can go to. Russia wants his head, he can’t go to the UK, Malasia wants him hung and so on. Yet Oboob accepted the evil bastard in our WH. As they say lie down with dogs get up with feas.

  12. Soros tried hard to use his ill-gotten money to destroy America through Obama. That failed. We are damaged but not destroyed. Then he tried to use Hillary and that was a huge fail. Soros needs to be banned from America like any other terrorist. He’s as evil as he is ugly. And that’s saying a lot.

  13. Hunt down Soros’ sons and kill them. You only need a scoped .308 or 30/06 from a half mile away. When they make an outdoor public speech, boom! Heads gone. Or we could just wait until he and his idiot supporters try, like they are now, a coup to overthrow Trump. Then the 100 million armed citizens can take to the streets. If that happens, I see an Obama or Hillary bumper sticker or yard sign, they’re gone, because they support this trash.

  14. Yest but unfortunately he has two sons that have been trained in to take over his evil ways. Those are the ones we need to look at for future disasters created in the world.

  15. With the rotten reputation this man has world wide, that prediction should be looke at as a threat by the authorities. This man and his two sons should all be wearing ankle bracelets so the authorities world wide know his wearabouts at all times. I welcome the ground he has coming to him.

  16. George shouldn’t be locked up. He should be killed. When other nations won’t let this piece of dog lawn decor into their nation we do. Kill him and take his ill gotten gain.

  17. He is a total loser whose dreams of his Society is flushing down fast. Trump ran all over him at DAVOS. Trump is fast becoming the world’s Knight in Shining Freedom and Capitalism Armor.

    Soros busy giving money to the EU and trying to keep the refugee program going, people are not taking the bait. Hopefully he, Obama, and all will be in jail.

  18. Soros’ plane should do missing over the ocean with him in it. He thinks his little tight black pants ATIFA army will help? BWAHA…I’m one of over 30 million veterans. We are working on a plan to permanently removing ANTIFA from America. We see them, we will burn them to the ground. We will not allow Soros’ or his fag ANTIFA minions to survive. Best not to wear all black in the near future or you may wind up dead.

  19. In my opinion, George Soros and all those he supports should be arrested and hung for treason. In the very least I hope he is exposed as the Jew Bolshevik he is… a COMMUNIST monster emulating the Jewish Bolsheviks ( CHEKA)responsible for 150+ MILLION tortured and murdered. What should the righteous do with such a man and his legion of TOOLS? Watch: THE GREATEST STORY NEVER TOLD (You Tube) and read: THE BAD WAR BY MIKE KING…OR THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY, both banned by Zionist run Amazon, but available elsewhere.

  20. Let me guess the 4 votes against Soros being locked up – Hilary, Bill, Chelsea & Obozo? Dream on you Hungarian piece of trash that your own country doesn’t even like! Hope we all get to witness your hanging party at Gitmo soon you wrinkled up old prune! Hahahaha

  21. He is not talking about removing Trump from office by 2020. The article even quotes him as saying the Trump Administration. 2018 is the mid term elections where he hopes Democrats will gain enough seats to balance or stop the Trump Train. Headlines like this only make us look like the tail is wagging the dog. Under current conspiracy when it is clear it is not.

    1. Soros’ must not know that impeachment is nothing more than the civilian equivalent of being charged. The trial itself takes place in the Senate. And that requires a 2/3rd’s vote (67 Senators) to remove a president. It ain’t going to happen. No Senate will change dramatically from one election to another. Plus, when people see their take-home pay increased along with bonuses many companies are giving out, they won’t vote in the Democrats and see them for what they are; communists scumbags.

    2. Yes he is predicting a landslide victory from the Dimwits, but once they Dimwits are in the majority, they plan to impeach him! Heck, they’ve been trying to impeach him since the day he took office. I don’t believe they will ever find anything against him to warrant impeachment, but it won’t stop them from trying! Personally, I’m praying the Dimwits lose more seats!! We know that if they win, it will be from having enough fraudulent votes…and they know exactly how do that!!!

  22. The snake calling someone else slimy! Isn’t that something. I hope everyone got a good laugh. So Trump made the world unsafe and yet that bastard Soros is the villain of the world. Yes Georgie the world is unsafe – FOR EVIL CROOKS LIKE YOU! And I hope I am alive and you don’t die (as much as it pains me to say that) until you are arrested and HUNG!

  23. Why this piece of excrement is allowed to walk free on this planet is beyond belief. Investigate George Soros for his subversion and if he has broken laws, put him on trial and if convicted put him away for a very long time! There becomes a point in life to where money and power have no bearing to be against the law. Uphold the laws and put these subversives away indefinitely!!!

  24. Soros tried hard to use his ill-gotten money to destroy America through Obama. That failed. We are damaged but not destroyed. Then he tried to use Hillary and that was a huge fail. Soros needs to be banned from America like any other terrorist. He’s as evil as he is ugly. And that’s saying a lot.

    1. He’s running out of countries that he can go to. Russia wants his head, he can’t go to the UK, Malasia wants him hung and so on. Yet Oboob accepted the evil bastard in our WH. As they say lie down with dogs get up with feas.

      1. Hunt down Soros’ sons and kill them. You only need a scoped .308 or 30/06 from a half mile away. When they make an outdoor public speech, boom! Heads gone. Or we could just wait until he and his idiot supporters try, like they are now, a coup to overthrow Trump. Then the 100 million armed citizens can take to the streets. If that happens, I see an Obama or Hillary bumper sticker or yard sign, they’re gone, because they support this trash.

  25. With the rotten reputation this man has world wide, that prediction should be looke at as a threat by the authorities. This man and his two sons should all be wearing ankle bracelets so the authorities world wide know his wearabouts at all times. I welcome the ground he has coming to him.

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