New Video Shows Bush-Hating Professor Calling for Terrorism

Fresno State Barbara Bush

Following the death of Barbara Bush, a Fresno State English professor named Randa Jarrar was quick to tweet out that Barbara Bush was an “amazing racist” who raised a “war criminal.” In response to the immense backlash she faced, she dismissed the critics contacting her employer, claiming to have tenure. She also claimed to have a six-figure salary.

Fresno State Barbara Bush

Fresno State Barbara Bush

She also decided to attempt to “troll” those putting her on blast for the comments by posting a phone number on her Twitter account, which she claimed was her own personal number. In reality, it was the number of a mental health hotline, which was shut down for two days as a result. In my opinion, that’s much worse than any comments she made.

Her shield of tenure apparently isn’t quite as strong as advertised, as she’s since-shuttered her social media accounts, with her (now private) Twitter saying that she’s on leave from the university.

The newly unearthed video shows that this is hardly the only public display of Jarrar’s insanity in recent times. In the video, showing her speaking as part of a panel discussion, she expressed support for radicals of the 60s. “The resistance fighters in the 60s and 70s. They didn’t kill anyone but they scared the sh– out of people. They would hijack the plane and say ‘we are not going to hurt anyone on this plane but we are going to f—ing hijack this plane.’” She then says “Why is Spencer’s (?) house still standing. I don’t understand. It needs to be like, fucking broken into. People need to fucking throw grenades into it. I don’t give a fuck.” Presumably, she was speaking of the white supremacist Richard Spencer, but it’s unclear.

On the literary side, Jarrar said, “a person hones their writer’s voice by telling people to shut the f— up when they annoy them. You know, call them out for their inappropriate and spilling out masculinity. Make fun of them in front of other people, that were at an event.”

She then differed from the prevailing liberal narrative and encouraged her comrades to purchase guns. All for the wrong reasons, of course. “The other side is doing some stupid s—. I’m going to do some stupid s—. I’m tired of being the bigger person – literally am, usually.” She continued, explaining that she was “tired of the left being, like f—ing stupid and being like ‘No, we have to, like, be gentle.” In her view, “No, don’t be f—ing gentle.” And for her part, “I don’t give a f–k. I’m buying guns.”

How elegant!

View the trainwreck for yourself below:

Do you think she should be fired? Let us know in the comments section below!

By Matt
Matt is the co-founder of Unbiased America and a freelance writer specializing in economics and politics. He’s been published ... More about Matt
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