Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera: Trump Has To Stop Attacking Election Results

Geraldo To Trump On Attacking Election Results: ‘Enough Is Enough Now’

On Monday, Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera said that President Donald Trump must stop attacking the presidential election results because it could hurt Republican Senate candidates in Georgia’s upcoming runoff elections.  

That state’s special elections will determine whether Republicans or Democrats control the Senate.

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Geraldo: ‘The Stakes Are So Very High. They Are Astronomical’

“If people lose faith in Georgia’s electoral system and not show up, then they will be gifting Democrats control of the United States Senate,” Rivera said.

“The stakes are so very high,” he continued. “They are astronomical.”

Rivera wondered why GOP senators weren’t giving the Republican Senate candidates in Georgia more support.

Geraldo said, “You know, as a person who has been accused of giving the president too much of the benefit of the doubt, I can’t imagine why the Republican senators aren’t rallying around the Georgia Republicans – the secretary of state and the governor there – and saying that, ‘The system in Georgia will work. You got to vote. Everything is at stake here.'”

Geraldo To Trump: ‘Enough Is Enough Now’

“Rather than attacking the system, not only in Georgia but nationwide, undermines faith in the system, discourages people,” Rivera insisted.

The Fox News personality stressed that he believed President Trump has been handling the election results badly as of late.

“I think that the president is on the wrong course here,” Rivera said. “I think he has got to take a real gut check between now and Saturday.”

“With all due respect, and you know I love the guy, but enough is enough now,” Geraldo stressed.

RELATED: In Georgia Senate Runoffs, GOP Now Boosts Mail-In Voting

Rivera Believes Republicans Must Rally In Georgia

Rivera warned that Trump’s current behavior could lead to a “devastating loss” for the GOP.

“This is the job he has now as the head of the GOP, as the commander-in-chief of the country – he’s gotta rally the voters in Georgia,” Rivera said.

“Control of the Senate is in the balance now, and if he allows his personal, you know, annoyance with the secretary of state and Governor Kemp to rule, then I think it’s going to be a devastating loss for the Republican Party,” Rivera finished.

is a professional writer and editor with over 15 years of experience in conservative media and Republican politics. He ... More about John Hanson
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