Judge Extends Deadline for Recounting Votes in Heated Florida Races

U.S. District Court Judge Mark Walker, an Obama-appointed judge, has extended the deadline in order to count votes in two heated Florida political races. Once the votes are tallied, Floridians will official know who their next governor and senator will be.

Judge orders extension of Florida recount

The initial election results were found to be close enough to trigger a recount. The recount was supposed to be wrapped up by today (Thursday, November 15th). But now a judge is extending the deadline, providing more time for heavily-Democrat counties to finish counting ballots.

From the Orlando Sentinel:

 A federal court judge on Thursday ruled that thousands of voters whose votes weren’t counted because of issues with their signatures on their mail-in or provisional ballots have two more days to challenge the decision to reject their votes.

The order from U.S. District Court judge Mark Walker came hours before a 3 p.m. deadline for counties to report the results of a machine recount for the U.S. Senate, governor and agriculture commissioner contests, throwing more uncertainty over a process that faces a spate of legal challenges.

The amount of these problematic mail-in ballots is relatively small. From the report: “According to state data presented during a five-hour hearing Wednesday, with 47 of the 67 counties reporting, there were 3,781 ballots rejected for mismatched signatures, including 467 in Orange County.”

Peter Doocy from Fox News reports:

Rick Scott, the Republican who initially won on election day, is appealing the decision, calling it “baseless.”

Why a recount deadline extension hurts Republicans

The judge’s order is unfortunate for both presumed Governor-elect Ron DeSantis and presumed Senator-elect Rick Scott. This deadline extension provides even more time for Democrats to “discover” more votes. As Fox News reporter Doug McKelway tells Bret Baier, Republicans fear the deadline extension will give “more time…for more irregularities to surface.”


Extending the deadline isn’t fair to other Floridians

And just as a general matter, the judge’s decision simply isn’t fair. The greater majority of Floridians cast their ballots the correct way. Making a special exemption for inept voters who can’t follow basic instructions isn’t fair to people can. Nearly every other county in Florida completed its recount in a reasonable amount of time. Why can’t these blue counties get their act together?

25 thoughts on “Judge Extends Deadline for Recounting Votes in Heated Florida Races”

  1. Since it should be totally obvious now that no recount is going to change the results, we all have to wonder just what in the world is going on? Are they hoping for “find” some big box of uncounted ballots hidden away somewhere? Good lord, this one is SO OVER!!!

  2. The current GOP is in the minority. Shamefully, the only way they win many elections is by fraud and
    voter suppression . Ashamed of my former party, now in shambles.

  3. You can lay Broward at the feet of Jeb Bush who appointed whats-her-name as Election Supervisor because it was already a Democrat hotbed. The more I see of Bush’s ineptitude, the happier I am that Donald Trump got rid of Slow Jeb.

    Why not give the time? It isn’t like cheats haven’t had a good month so far to do any cheating that they are going to do. It also is a fact that Palm Beach and Broward are both infinite vote sources when you have crooks like Snipes at the helm of the voting process. It is also the Republican’s fault that they have not FORCED a 24/7 escort of a Republican on the woman. Republicans don’t want to win this election is pretty obvious to me. Republican voters should be out there screaming that either these politicians defend their rights or that they get their fat keisters out of politics. If you have to control the fraud in FL elections to win, you won’t win.

    It is the problem with both candidates that they didn’t get people out to vote more vigorously so that cheating is not possible in a close election. Candidates need to get out there and GET ELECTED by meeting with the people and handing these “political consultants” their walking papers. We need more good candidates and fewer consultants.

  4. The federal judiciary meddling in the election and making ruling contrary to election law dilutes the votes of those who did it right and gives meaning to those votes that are questionable and fraudulent.

  5. Now if the Democrats were ahead there would be no two-day extension, heck there wouldn’t even have been a recount. Something has to change in the world of Politics and laws in this country or this Nation is doomed. Who am I kidding the Democrats don’t adhere to the laws we have. Voting machines overheating oh come on, Ah Ya.

  6. Since I filled out and signed my original voter registratiom my signature has changed. I have macular degeneration and it is difficult to write my name as I used to do. However, I told the poll worker that I missed the line a little but they accepted my ballot and I presume it was counted correctly. But then again, I do not live in FL! And we do not have to show valid I.D..

    1. Federal judges cannot be fired as they are appointed for life. The only way to get rid of a federal judge is to impeach him which is pretty impossible to do. The best way to defeat them is to have their verdict overturned by a higher federal court.

  7. This situation where the Democratic party keeps “discovering” more votes is now becoming a Nationwide concern. The idea of “provisional” ballots is another huge concern. Then, “provisional” ballots with the wrong BIRTHDATE??? Now, I cannot even access my own medical records without knowing my own birth date, yet ballots with wrong information is ALLOWED? WHAT in the HELL is going on here??

  8. I would not worry too much. Dead people, non existent people will not come forward oto confirm their vote. Dems have always relied on the mail in absentee ballot to sway eletions. No way to check ID. As long as the person is active on voter rolls, they can vote. Sounds good, but I could send in my vote as Barack Obama and they have no way of challenging it.

  9. There could be legitimate reasons for non-matching signatures I.E… stroke, arthritis, Trump derangement syndrome etc….. I’ll bet few will challenge it. Something to be mindful of though, If you voted Republican; You might want to make sure they haven’t put YOUR vote in the circular file due to errors or claiming your signature isn’t matching. The judges orders goes for all votes. Don’t think they haven’t filtered out YOUR voice!

  10. “As Fox News reporter Doug McKelway tells Bret Baier, Republicans fear the deadline extension will give “more time…for more irregularities to surface.”

    I don’t understand. You mean those irregularities that Republican state officials have said they have seen no evidence of?

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