Flashback: Biden VP Pick Kamala Harris Blasted Him for Racist Past

Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential pick, Kamala Harris, previously blasted him for his racist past, including his opposition to busing.

Harris Attacks Biden Over Bussing And Supporting Racist Senators

Harris, the Senator from California and the now presumptive Democratic VP nominee, faced Biden during the Democratic primary debates last year, where she lambasted him for his defense of racists within the Senate, and his lack of support for busing schoolkids.

“It was hurtful to hear you talk about the reputations of two United States Senators who built their reputations and careers on the segregation of race in this country. It was not only that, but you also worked with them to oppose bussing,” Harris quizzed Biden. “Do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose bussing in America?”

Biden denied he opposed busing as a whole, but he stood by his criticism of busing directed by the Department of Education.

“There was a failure from states to integrate public schools in America,” Harris shot back.

“I was part of the second class to integrate Berkeley California public schools almost two decades after Brown vs Board of Education,” she added, claiming that “that’s where the federal government must step in,” as “there have been moments in history where the states fail to support the civil rights of all people!”


RELATED: Kamala Harris Torches President Trump: ‘This Man Is Not Fit To Be President’

Completely “Caught Off Guard” By Remarks

This wasn’t an attack expected by Biden himself or his team. His wife, Jill, described Harris’s attack on him as “a punch in the gut.”

“It was personal to her, because of Kamala and Beau’s relationship. She was caught off guard, they both were,” a Biden advisor told Politico in May of this year.

The Trump team was quick to highlight this in a tweet shortly after Harris was announced as Biden’s VP pick. In a video, along with noting her hard-left qualities, they also pointed out this attack by Harris back from the debate.

RELATED: President Trump Blasts Biden For Bizarre Comments About Black Community

Biden Is A Racist!

I’m sure Harris knows that Biden is a racist, even though she did not come out and say it directly. His history of racist gaffes is enormous. He thinks that “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids,” that if you don’t vote for him, “you ain’t black,” and that unlike Latinos, the black community has no diversity of thought!

The only reason she’s accepting his offer, is because she will be the power behind the throne, while Biden totters about talking about how his “hairy legs turn blonde in the sun!”

Mentioned in this article::