Fiorina Takes an Awesome Shot at Bill and Hillary About THIS!


On the 18-year anniversary of Bill Clinton admitting to having a “physical relationship” with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina managed to take the topic of “hormones” effecting the judgement of a female President and turn it into a subtle, yet epic blast.

First, August 17 was truly a day to remember…

Fiorina wondered if the American people, or at least the voters in Iowa, could recall that event when she spoke about how “hormones” might effect her Presidency.

via Fox News Insider:

Stumping in Iowa yesterday, Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina took a jab at Bill Clinton while speaking about whether “hormones” could affect a female president.

Fiorina recalled that she was asked previously about a Dallas executive’s claim that a woman should never serve as president.

Cheryl Rios made headlines by bringing up female hormones, arguing that the Oval Office should be reserved for “a good, strong, honorable man.”

Fiorina pushed back on that thinking while on the Iowa State Fair soapbox, again targeting the Clintons, as she has done throughout her campaign.

“Can we think of a single instance where a man’s judgment could have been clouded by his hormones?” she asked to applause, in an apparent reference to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Watch Fiorina’s stump speech below (this is the entire video, but the hormone joke comes within the first two minutes) …

It was likely not a coincidence that she made the joke and reference on the 18-year anniversary of Clinton’s admission.

Fiorina didn’t bring the hormone subject out of  left field. A few months ago, a member of the media actually asked her if hormones would prevent her from being a good president. A question you won’t see posed to Hillary anytime soon.

Her response at the time was flawless.

“I think American history is littered with examples of men whose judgment was clouded by their hormones, including in the Oval Office,” she said.

Would the media ever ask Hillary Clinton about hormones effecting presidential judgement, even though she may be the candidate best equipped to answer that question?

Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for over 15 years. His writings have appeared in the Daily Caller, Fox ... More about Rusty Weiss
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